TG FFA raid take 2 29/6 17:00 CET



As the topic implies it's time to take TG on again. Last raid being a blast I would again like to thank everyone that showed up. But I must also make it clear that any questioning of rules and whining displayed on last raid will not be tolerated in the future. I let it pass this time because it was the first raid and I didnt want to come off as to harsh. Add that I posted the rules very late and there's plenty of reason why people wouldnt know the rules.

The thing's that was especially questioned was what you can roll for. You can only roll for a item for the char at the start of the raid stated. You can also only roll for a item you can use now not something you can respec to next patch. Meaning I dont want to see people rolling for every 2h weapon dropping in the raid just cus you can respec to it in the future.

The system we are currently using has one mayor flaw and that is all the loot that does not get claimed. Im working on a solution for this at the time but I will never ever let classes that cant properly use the item in question lotto for it. So no idea pushing to lotto the thane sword as a axe using berserker just for the sake of getting loot saaug :p The solution would involve a lotto after a exact number of raids but I have'nt fixed all the details.

Another thing that was'nt aknowledged at the raid was that you can only lotto for a item yourself. You cant tell your friend what to lotto for then log. It does'nt work that way. I let it slide this first time for reasons mentioned above but this will not happen again.

Considering choice of mobs, I think if we get a equal number as last raid we should try kvasir before the skellies. But im open for discussion on that matter.

The rules again:

* You have to be level 50 in order to roll for loot

* In order to take part in the lotto, you have to remain for it - ie you can't log during the raid if you expect to take part of the lotto

* When lottoing, the raid leader (normally me, but might differ at times) will decide which classes are allowed to lotto for an item if it's not class specific; no amount of moaning will change this

* When lottoing, /random 100 will be used select the lucky winner

* If you participate on a raid up till the lotto and don't win anything, you will be allowed to add +10 to your roll on the next raid (and so on until you actually win something); the modifiers will be noted down in an Excel DB by the raid leaders

* If you have to log early, or go LD, the raid leader might add a +5 modifier for your rolls on the next raid; note that this is up to the discretion of the raid leader

* You may roll for alts, IF 1) your alt is also level 50 and 2) you notify the raid leader prior to entering Sidi that you intend to roll for this character; note that you may not roll for drops for your present class if you elect to do this

* Follow the raid leader's directives at all times - if you can't abide by what he tells you, you shouldn't come

* You may not sell loot you win by lottoing - if you find that you don't actually need an item you've won, return it to the raid leader. If you opt to sell it you will be banned from future raids.

* You may only win one drop per raid session - think about what you want before lottoing

* You may only lotto for an item your character is specced for - in other words your S/S paladin may not lotto for a twohander "for the looks" or any other reason (not that likely since were mid, but the point remains valid)

* Make sure that you're in the CG - attendance lists are made based on who's in it

* Do not use anon - if you're found to be on anon you won't be accredited a modifier for future raids

The first thread on the subject has some nice Q and A:

Again if there's any question's regarding the raid feel free to ask them here or PM me on Fetstryk ingame.


Originally posted by shanks
(...) 2) you notify the raid leader prior to entering Sidi that you intend to roll for this character (...)

Grobo know he just be dumb troll, but how you find entrance to dat Sidi in Midgard?


methinks Shanks raided Path/Yussef's PvE Whorehouse :D


thought it was TG raid?

Sidi left right and center here :)


WEEE you did make it sunday m8 , thx a ton and I'll be there if at all possible ;)


I will be there again got +10 with random now so i hope i win somthing this time ;)


Btw, the raid tuesday was not my raid, it was arranged by a friend without me having any controll of it whatsover, hence no modifiers can be given from it since I kept no attendance records and there was no rules whatsoever used from this rulebook. Just to clarify so noone will come around tomorrow claiming rights for modifiers they havent earned.


Killed everything but the king/queen. Thank's everyone who came, see you all next week (date to be set).


I had to go when half raid was done and missed loot :(


Thanx for the good show Shanks, best TG raid i've been on :)

too bad i had to log ;(


well after 4 hours sleep and work, little bit better time and faster :) next time.
6 hours in cave isnt best entertaiment i can image at 23.00cet ;)
but it was ok, as usual nice chitchat going.


I was out drinking friday, came home at 5 o'clock in the morning.
I went out drinking saturday, came home 3 o'clock sunday afternoon.

I was totally smashed, yet I still joined on the TG raid and it was great fun, worth the effort of trying to stay awake.... And! I won a nice circlet! Great, goo! :)


I hadnt slept for 26 hours when the raid started so stop you bellyacheing. :p

Some credit goes out to Moriad for helping me build a MA group at both raids, everything that puts some weight of my shoulders helps. Also thanks to Firfin and Christine pulling on this one.

As for next raid, we might aswell make it weekly with 17:00 CET raids every sunday. Think it was a good time, late enough for drunks to be sober enough to stick and early enough for the working man's monday not to get screwed.

As for raid times, TG raids take time, if you think it take's to much time that's up to you. Im not forcing you down there for 6 hours am I. Try and be constructive if you think it's moving to slow, best way to do that is to volunteer as a puller since it's mostly that person who decideds tempo.

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