Tfc today and clans......



Well , dunno if any of you will be in the slightest bit interested in this but , my clan have had a few problems of late and the main news page on our webby reflects this.
If new or upcoming clans find the time to read from bottom to top on news page you may find some tips what not to do in future and established clans may recognize a few problems familiar to themselves.
Syth's post sum's TFC up for me the way it is today......syth gg m8


There's no doubt m8 that there are some pretty shitty attitudes out there atm and it does get you down after awhile. Just last week we got accused of all kinds of shit by a clan just because we beat them ffs. Wallhacks, mercing, cheating! It is hard to stomach something like that when you have put a lot of time and effort into getting to a level where you can compete - only to be accused of cheating at the end of it.

There are some good things still about the game and some really great clans out there who do care about the game and winning is not the be-all and end-all.

We have had problems also with recruiting players with 'holier than thou' attitudes to tbh, they don't last long. The main reason we are still enjoying the game is because we are a group or friends who all get on very well. It has gone beyond TFC for us. I'm sure one day we will of all had enough and will call it a day. Until that day comes we're just gonna enjoy it and have a laugh.

Sure losing sucks but if you are beaten fair and square by a better clan and you have given as good as you've got then it's GFG and WP.

It would be a great shame to see ND go tits-up because of the attitudes of a few small-minded idiots. Stick with it and just laugh it off - they ain't worth the time or the effort m8.


Its the sad fact that these types of players outweigh the good natured ones by far.
There are too many immature members of the community, who do piss us off, who have this stuck up attitude to life, they wont listen to anyone else. This stupid 'I own you' gubbins does my nut in, I hate it because 9/10 of the time is this urchins who use it, just speak properly please :)
Its too easy from them to cry cheat today, yes we all get frustrated now and again, but even when your still pumped up after a clan match you know whats right and wrong to say, you dont just slag off the opposition.
But I'm very glad Counter-Strike came along when it did because my word it would be ten times worse if we had to put up with all them too, I blame Q3 :D


I'll name one right now.


Altho he's an okish player he takes great joy in pissing people off, eg...holding onto flag etc...etc..


Anyhow, if you want a good game (public that is) head on over to the SCW server. See Tempest's post for details.

There's usually ADMIN on all the time so this acts like a repellant for newbies. If no admin is on, drop into #scw and let ppl know u are going on. I'm sure they'll join you.....


I think as the game is becoming more and more strict in the way you play it more and more people are not going to make the standard most expect, I think this is going to cause arguments about who is lame and who isnt, yeh I'm a culprate to I have a go at someone when they defend backtacking or spawn spamming, maybe because I've been through it myself when I started off, but its not been made clear any where in a ny rules this is good and this is bad so I think its going to be an on going argument between many people .

I think you'l find people who generally hang around on newbie server's fraggin them to bits are most likely these 1337 0wnz j00 type who when come face to face with some hardcore gamers find it hard to accept they arnt the best and again start the winding bitching threads we see here .

Also the game has got to a point where clan play is the only way farward, but is it a good thing it just splitt's up the comunity into small groups who want to find every possible way of beating the next group, don't get me wrong I like being part of my clan and they are good freinds but I know I myself have argued in the past from 1 clan to another then later on a few months down the line met that same person and got on fine .

Also another thing I think affects all this is how important your online reputation is now, I bet 2 years ago it didnt matter but now I can see lots of people taking on this "ph33r me" attitude .

But also another aspect of this is "if we loose our rep will be damaged", so winning a match is so important to the point where they'l find it hard to accept a loss and maybe accuse you of cheating or what ever .

And at the end of the day you've always got that fact that we arnt all the same and some do have other opinions than others so your always going to have some conflicts, shame TFC is so open to this, the day they release a fool proof game will be a day to late

We are after all only human and not every individual will be a perfect example, but they still have to be accomidated for


Its a damn fine speach, and spot on, over at Dtm i had similar problems, the clan skill wise at the time was very good, good ebough to draw with DW on sd_l and draw with MaR overall. Then comes the shit with it, i was annoyed with a few members, but these members were very active, and also very skillfull in what they did. But where was my fun? So i did a simialr post, and i mentioned names, and i quit Dtm. Hence Dtm folding 2 days later :(

I did miss Dtm so we restarted, not as good, but tbh ive had lots of fun recently, and we still quite good :eek:
Not as good as before, but at least we have fun.

Jesta kick the assholes, dont fold plz :) Just kick em, recruit and before long u be having fun again, trust me :p


moon, can i do some training on your server, i need to fight lpb and excellent players to learn. get back to me.


PLease don't have cross subject conversations over forums m8, thats what we have an irc channel for ;)


yeah sorry, i didn't see the server thread.

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