Test patch in USA 1.51E & Cleric Smite line nerf



from http://www.camelotherald.com patch 1.51D

- The Cleric Smite line was re-tuned to bring this specific class/skill combination into line with other healers. The primary change was a reduction to the direct damage spells (single target and AE), which were doing the equivalent damage to a nuker direct damage spells. This was inappropriate due to offensive and defensive melee capabilities of the Cleric. The Heavenly Strike line (AE DD) now has had its radius increased to 350 at all levels, however.
from http://www.camelotherald.com patch 1.51E

- Increased damages on Cleric Smite and Holy Anger lines from where they are
now. The previous damages reduced the effectiveness of the class too much in
the mid-levels. Reduced the required spec level of Greater Holy Fury from
level 48 to level 43, which has the effect of lowering its damage to a
comparable L43 damage spell. This is a more timely upgrade to the Holy Fury
line and diffuses the comparisons to nuker DDs (as nuker spec DDs are now
definitively more powerful). Increased timer on Heavenly Visions from 30
seconds to 5 minutes. Other classes with similar area effect sleep spells
(a.k.a. "get-out-of-jail-free" cards) have to wait similar durations to
reuse their instant sleep spells, and suits the original intent of the

I agree high levels of Smite do quite a lot damage, but also has other things that act as counterbalances for smiting (4 sec casting time and low range mainly).
The change I dont like is the 5 minute timer on PB AE mezz. I thing the more useful tools for a Cleric are the basic line Stun and the AE mezz <-- saved lot of lifes ;-)
I only hope this changes do not affect too much my RvR effectiveness, because I like to heal my friends, but also I like the chance to do damage/inflict some kind of thing to enemies.

What do you think about the changes to Cleric in this patch?
Will this affect at Cleric population like are the Friars and Cabalists?

Opinions below please. :)


I do not have much experience with playing cleric/friar, but I do agree that the 1.45 cleric seems a bit unbalanced compared to nukers. I have full confidence in Mythic and the US testplayers and their judgements.

Order of Camelot


i still think cleric is a little too uber, i mean: heal, buff, pbae-mez, stun, aoe-smite, pbae-dd, DD-smite: And they wear chain, no wonder this is albions most popular class. But i agree, nerfing isnt the solution, balancing and buffing weaker classes is.


Tilde to ways to solve such thing either bost all other classes and think are they balanced now?


Just nerf the cleric... Everyone knew abot this nerf...
Eitherways u do ALOT of dmg and u can say... Oh geee i have +1sec casting but i wear chain i have more life and wow 2instants buffs and heal...


if they want to bring it in line with all the other healers make the stun a mezz.. make the 11seconds into 1min+..

ffs.. the smite is next to useless as it stands unless you got it at full/almost full spec... its gonna mean all smite clerics are gonna be totaly useless.. some ppl spec clerics as just armoured wizzards..
changing the PBAE stun (which is pretty shit as it is) to a 5min timer is a joke.. the only use it had (apart from being resisted) is for crowd control when u pull and you dont have a mezzer.. and to make that 5mins?!?



play a friar and come back and say cleric isnt way better...


I see it like this.

Each realm has it's own classes. They differ a bit with spells but each realms has similar spells only mixed around in other classes. So the balance is made with all the classes combined. Now Mythic has started to change individual classes due to the fact that some maybe a bit uber (in my eyes only uber if they don't encounter a class that works well against the other). This shifts the balance and it will only be a matter of time or some other class gets nerfed. (we had berserker, scout, infil, cleric now already... (fill in any other class not mentioned)) For example:

Tanks complain about nukers, nukers get nerfed damage, nukers complain about damage from archers, archers get nerfed, archers complain about the mezz, etc. etc. etc.

It's like a circle, once initiated and it will not stop. I don't expect any balance for a long time.


bah i say nerf nerf nerf tooo many smite clerics about leaving me a friar with evades and combat styles to be left there healing which kinda blows goats especially as my fighting uses zero mana a smite clerics dmg is like " i cant heal i smited my mana away" smart one mate :) NERF THEMMMMMM

Also as the other thread says where arethe smite clerics you ask a smite cleric in PvE why you making a smite cleric he says to be uber in rvr ok understood. Go to emain theres none there so whats the point :) i say nerf em make smite lame kill it its bs it kills groups over zealous smiting etc etc i HATE SMITEEEEEEEEEE :)


[Edit: My mistake I read it wrong :)]



Increased the range of smite???/

Is this 1.51g cause it certainly ain't 1.51e

The only thing that got increased was the pbaoe damage by 33% and the radius of the ranged aoe.


Personal view from reading to many I hate smite posts: You would like a cleric to have ONLY heal and buff ability so that we're absolutly useless out of group? Not to mention getting thru agro to GET to a group...ok, I think the cleric has a bit of over-kill and I agree we should be nerfed but I'm really looking forward to the day your char gets nerfed and you think it's unfair. How well does the shoe fit on the other foot?


Iam not a smite cleric infact i have more in rejuv than smite (35 base smite).

But i have hardly lost any 1 vs 1 situations vs lvl 50 tank classes.

I think you will find it more how u play your character that is important.

You dont need to have the highest lvl smite to be very effective in rvr imo.

Flame away :clap:


I was thinking more along the lines of xping

a good heal cleric is great in RvR...if he knows what he's there for (healing)

a smite cleric if good in RvR as long as his group knows what he's there for (smite)

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