Terminator 4


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Any open thread on this? If not, feel free to express opinions. Personally I think I need an 'ending' to the Machine-human war. But I think it's too bad it has to happen in a 4th movie (if it does at tall). T1 was a classic <period>. T2 was better than the first and seen by many as one of the few sequals that surpasses its original. T3 was 'ok', not great, but still good. The plot was a bit /shrug dunno. It didn't completely make sense... Was unclear sometimes, too bad :( Loken made up for a looooooot btw :p Though the fact that the future war now suddenly isn't inevitable... I mean they could have saved themselves the trouble of blowing up Cyberdyne in T2 if the army was just gonne build Skynet anyway. That was wrong imo, I mean where did the army get the resources from to build another skynet anyway? After John succesfully destroyed all remains of Cyberdyne in T2, even the last chip and now , all of a sudden, the army has completed a fully operational Skynet AI, 10 years after the T2 events... Doesn't make much sense to me.
Anyways, not much happened in the T3, except showing the start of the war and, with that, showing that everything they tried to do to stop it, was for nothing at all. I hope T4 will give some more info. It better have a damn good plot indeed. But without Arnie...I'm having doubts about it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
hey lad, you could search for one. :)

It was only on the next page.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
But if its on the 2nd page, its dead.. long live the new T4 thread!

I think if they make a new movie it will be about the war deff. and it will have to have some sorta nice terminator? (the rock maybe?)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
dont know if this been posted yet : http://www.petitiononline.com/t850/
It's a petition for a T3.5 special edition, adding new scenes that should explain more about the story, character development, action scenes as well...
basically to spice up the whole movie and make it worth a lot more


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Is there a petition anywhere to just let it lie.

They fucked up T3, please don't screw it up anymore :\

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