tepoks on gorre!



has anyody else camped tepoks in gorre yet to see what the drops are like . the last 2 nights i must of spent well over 2 hours campoing tepoks . one time was with a lvl 40+ pally and we went deep down to the bottom and killed tepok himself "he was blue to the lvl 40 pally and he woiuld gotganked if not forhealing cos he is a tough mofo"
an last night i camped there for about 1hr 30 mins killing greens "supossadly better drops if they green?"

and the only thig that dropped that we got was i got about 6 trinkets "cats eyes . dipisodes etc etc" not one items of weaponryor clothing or jewelryfell :( , has anybodyhad any drps at all ?

alsosomebody went to catacombs also and seemed to be having the same bad luck .. is thedrop rate to low r did i just get trribley bad luck ?


You were just unlucky I guess.

I was in Tepoks on Gorre briefly the other day, really just wandering the areas I didnt know (hadnt been in tepoks since early 20s) and trying to get some drops.

It didnt take too long to get the first, which as far as I remember was a AF60 leather helm.

The catacombs was a different problem entirely - the level range there went from a few greys to a few low blues for me - ideal for fast killing to find some drops? Not at all - in 45 mins or possibly more all I managed to get was a casters staff.

Next stop was Lyonesse to see had been changed with the pygmy goblins, but thats getting too far from the original point of this thread :)


Nooooo....the suspence, it's KILLING me. Did the gobs get the fire magic as rumored?


I wish I knew what they did, pulling one of the "new" pygmy goblin bombadiers did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

Since I was there solo at the time I couldnt try anything else


I did beat you to Tepok, Catacombs AND lyoness... I kinda died b4 I saw any bombadier :(

I was running past some Tanglers, on a range which I thought was OK, but turned out we ended up (in a team of 2) with 4 goblins (all orange)...


Originally posted by old.¥ØÐÄ
one time was with a lvl 40+ pally and we went deep down to the bottom and killed tepok himself "he was blue to the lvl 40 pally and he woiuld gotganked if not forhealing cos he is a tough mofo"

Would that be Overseer Tepok?

Was there thinking hes only blue, but damn he was hard, im lvl 44 and couldnt solo the bastard, parried loads of my styles etc


hmm I think I might have to go and see if he has any fire resist }:)


Originally posted by old.Icy
I did beat you to Tepok, Catacombs AND lyoness... I kinda died b4 I saw any bombadier :(

Indeed you did, but I managed to get a drop in tepoks, 2 drops in catacombs, and survive long enough to kill a bombadier ;)

I was running past some Tanglers, on a range which I thought was OK, but turned out we ended up (in a team of 2) with 4 goblins (all orange)...

Ah, I didnt fancy the tangler spawns solo, so I went to the easier pygmy goblin spawn :) There only seemed to be 1 bombadier there, easy to solo even for an armsman ;)

Alone in lyonesse was a weird experience, and suiciding to a full spawn of goblins safely knowing there was noone else around for them to rampage into was a laugh :clap: :clap: :clap:

Are these bombadiers just there to break up the monotony or do they mean strategies to camp pygmys must be changed? Thats what I really wanted to find out, but didnt have a chance to


Re: Re: tepoks on gorre!

Originally posted by Exinferis

Would that be Overseer Tepok?

Was there thinking hes only blue, but damn he was hard, im lvl 44 and couldnt solo the bastard, parried loads of my styles etc

yea overseer tepok . i relogged just as you started fighting him .
and luckily for you i was healing cos he was vhard and he seemed tohit you v hard . i used a whole mana pool healing with "with rests to regen" to keep you alive and still nearly lost you ..

btw did you get out alive ok ?

i died trying to get out got chased and tooka wrong turning and ended up in a bad part where they were all purple to me . a place we didnt get to explore cos you had to log .

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