Tepok's mines



Ok any of you fun people out there in albion wish to join me at tepoks mines at 6pm gmt if those geesha warriors are there and clear the dungeon from them please come.We need A LOT of albs preferably lv50 since you got nothing to lose,but all welcome to come and have fun.

Just be warned its very very very crazy:)

old.Gombur Glodson

thats not the way to do it, you'll ned up getting wipedout again.
you need to start looking for clues and put the puzzles together


How would that clear it?i went there last night with 2 lv50s it was so funny,i wonder hard the centre is:rolleyes:

old.Gombur Glodson

there was a purple worm queen with 30-50 small worms in the deep.
so zerging is not the answer. you need to put the pieces together


This sort of event is pretty encouraging. I wonder if the peeps on the American servers are starting to get a bit jealous...especially when we are up to date on the patches.


lol nice fight at yarleys (easy one)
are tepoks mines cleared ?


I very much doubt it,last night in the early hours around 1 am it wasn't.It had 50 or so grey-oranges at lv50:eek6: in the first room.


go for it matt......

Get your gold ready to buy back the con tho.


Today i did something terible.....

Well... there are some new guards at Snowdonia staion... One of them Sergent Haran Twisted-Arm asked me to ask Lieutenant Andorin to redeploy the guards who where stationed W of snowdonia station to Snowdonia station in case of an attack from the geercha... Well as i rushed there i fell and hit my head.. and gave the order to move the guards at snowdonia station to the crest to the West... doing the oposite of what i was asked..

And it cant be changed.. the order is allready given... and we can only sit and watch to see what my mistake will have for imapakt on the future of this event...


[btw one keyword was [helping] wich is the same as saying "task" so i asked kemor to fix it, and he changed it to aid instead.]


you idiot :p

edit: it proves that armsmen are stupid :p a wise paladin wouldnt make that mistake (excluding me)


rofl Velo...how the heck did you manage to screw that one up...



well.... i read it as redeploy the men to the crest and not redeploy the men at the crest... :/


I saw a load of guards stranded infront of snowdonia station around 10 with sergeant byron was that them?


Quote from main page:

...in the Black Mountains...
"- Sergeant, the troops are now in position near Snowdonia station. We received no new reports of invading forces since the Geersha attack on the Tepok mines and the ones inside seem to be staying inside. Saw nothing out there but regular goblins for the last couple of days. It seems that the goblins are in deep trouble as well, they do not seem to enjoy the Geershas presence more than we do."
"- Fine. I am not sure our redeployment on this hill is that good, but according to the information I received, it is the best way to do it. As for the goblins, they are not really our main concern for now. Any more information from the troops sent in the mines to clear the threat ?"
"- Only scarce reports Sergeant. I think they are still trying to get deeper into the mines. The Geershas are quite organised in there, from what I heard, and our forces are having trouble going deep enough to really make the attack matter. I think we are in for a long one."
"- You are probably right. I called for more troops from Camelot just in case. Cornwall seems secured now, but we may need help here in the north if things get worse. Resume to your duties and send two patrols on the south and west hills. Dismissed."
"- Yes sir."

It's all Velo's fault!


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
I saw a load of guards stranded infront of snowdonia station around 10 with sergeant byron was that them?

yes its them.. and they should be at Snowdonia station...

Aurelius LH


Well having read the newest Friday news from GOA - oops..... think we might have gone about this in a harder way than we needed to.... to quote :

The " strangers " campaign :

I use the Friday grab bag to give you some information concerning the campaign. As you probably noticed, things happened fast on all servers last Wednesday. Various witnesses reported that key objectives in the three realms were attacked by Geershas simultaneously (mines, etc…). Various analyses tend to lead to the creation of outposts a bit everywhere in preparation for a more massive coming invasion…

Exceptionally, we will now reveal you some of the "behind the mirror" information, at least technically, in order for you to get a better view on what is going on during evening such as the one we had on last Wednesday. Do not wait for role-playing revelations, this is not the subject today, we will just take the Albion example and see what happened.

It's not a secret anymore ; an army of Geershas appeared in Cornwall last Wednesday. The army then moved to its objective, the Yarley's farm. This force, while quite impressive, was destroyed on all servers, but this was not where the key events where happening for the evening. Meanwhile, little groups of 4 to 8 Geershas moved toward Tepok's mines, their real and far objective, which they would reach in about an hour (real time of course).

In order to stop their attempt to take control of the mines, players could just block enough Geershas on their path, a group or two of high level players would have been enough.

However, if the Geershas crossed in peace, they could regroup and organise themselves, then take control of the mines and make them hell. A hell that, when you see the challenge of the place, was not always cleared right away. :

This is the interesting part, the results really varied from one server to another. In one case, the enemy diversion failed : players noticed the main threat and not on Geersha reached Tepok, which left the goblins quite happy since they could keep their control of the area.

On three other servers, the Mines, once invaded, were violently pacified during the evening, while on two others ; the Albion forces only claimed the place on Thursday evening. Three servers are still having problems with their mines as we speak.

As you can guess, we were perfectly aware of the challenge we offered you : at no point, we thought that all the servers, players, would react identically to the threat. The numbers, the organisation and the mobilisation are quite different from one server to another and we took these elements into consideration in our designs for the logical next steps of the event.

Be assured that no event "failed" on this day because monsters did not all got exterminated a couple seconds after they spawned. We are just taking into account what happened on each server in order to offer you the correct follow-up : as you can guess, the Geersha will react differently if they are the masters of Tepok or not, if they can think of something of course…


pity you cant have full control of guards like with the snow donia ones coz i would post them at the guardtower near tepoks.

pity :(


[a dwarf runs in]

Eh did any of you take any pictures ?
Oh and please make sure you clear out that place, no one knows what might happen in the other realms if you fail :eek:

[Dwarf runs home again, after laughing at Gombur]

Herbal Remedy

we had same thing on albion excal zerg is the answer 160 people in tepoks all lvl 45-50 most lvl 50 we went in we zerged the crap out of it killed all the named purple mobs no more geershas :) ... for now anyway we did get wiped once tho but we where a tad unorganised :p

Herbal Remedy

oh one thing the spawn is erm mental when u tackle the worm and named


Tepok is cleared

Now we can sleep better again.. Tepok is now cleared of all it's evil..

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