I havnt logged in today but i belive the Geersha is still holding Tepok, if so then we should do something about it before this event moves on too the next stage...
By the looks of it after the Dragon Hunt not many seems to care, we had the numbers n could have cleared out Tepok nice n easy but only a handful showed any interest at all...
If u dont care about the ongoing event then at least care about the poor ppl that have to do their epics down there (shadow guild if im not wrong)
Im not any good at arrange big hunts (at least i dont think so) so ill suggest we just get the numbers n zerg down Tepok the Geersha did it to us last time so why shouldnt we be able to do the same to them
The best would be if anyone with knowledge of Tepok n experience in big hunts would do the honor of leading us down there
Ill just pick a time n see if enough ppl care about the issue...
Wedneysday 2000 CET (thats 7pm for u ppl a bit west of the mainland
Outside Tepok
They where orange-purple for 50 so 40+ would be pref but anyone who think they can be of any use is welcome
If u like me feels this is a important issue n want to have fun n be part of something epic then plz be there n bring ur friends so we can teach the Geersha who really rule over the Tepok mines
By the looks of it after the Dragon Hunt not many seems to care, we had the numbers n could have cleared out Tepok nice n easy but only a handful showed any interest at all...
If u dont care about the ongoing event then at least care about the poor ppl that have to do their epics down there (shadow guild if im not wrong)
Im not any good at arrange big hunts (at least i dont think so) so ill suggest we just get the numbers n zerg down Tepok the Geersha did it to us last time so why shouldnt we be able to do the same to them
The best would be if anyone with knowledge of Tepok n experience in big hunts would do the honor of leading us down there
Ill just pick a time n see if enough ppl care about the issue...
Wedneysday 2000 CET (thats 7pm for u ppl a bit west of the mainland
Outside Tepok
They where orange-purple for 50 so 40+ would be pref but anyone who think they can be of any use is welcome
If u like me feels this is a important issue n want to have fun n be part of something epic then plz be there n bring ur friends so we can teach the Geersha who really rule over the Tepok mines