

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
Hello, I used to play on prydwen and am now tempted to come back since other mmo's fail colossaly at pvp/rvr. I was wondering what peak time pvp on the servers is like these days. Oh, and last time I renewed on a trial basis offer thing, prydwen wasnt on the server list?

I head they clustered rvr etc so I'm just curious as to how alive the daoc community is after so long away

Fluffeh Rah / Reia Rose


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
come play on freeshard! the new server is fun as hell yggdrasil (1.65 patch)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
will give it a go :) see if its as good as I remember it, will be playign with the gf so freeshards ideal I guess I just hope its busy enough to be fun :)

is pvp merged throughout all the freeshard servers ? I searched for serverlists and populations and it seems avarage server population is 50 -80 offpeak


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Hey Fluffeh! There was some fun last night on Prydwen/Excal, Hib actually hit 40+ people!

I'm really tempted to stick around after the free 7 days as I enjoyed myself but I do wonder what it will be like when the population goes back to ~10 :(

If GOA were to offer a server transfer I'd be back straight away and move to one of the more populated clusters, I just don't want to have to start from scratch after 4 years playing :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Hey Fluffeh! There was some fun last night on Prydwen/Excal, Hib actually hit 40+ people!

I'm really tempted to stick around after the free 7 days as I enjoyed myself but I do wonder what it will be like when the population goes back to ~10 :(

If GOA were to offer a server transfer I'd be back straight away and move to one of the more populated clusters, I just don't want to have to start from scratch after 4 years playing :(

if i could transfer characters for free i would be straight on avalon. Had offer to play with some people there (not set group, but all good players), however i dont like the idea of doing 1-50 on a character whilst not understanding anything that shows on the screen... least in RvR i dont need to read anything, hence while i happily got there without needing to start again.

That said i probably would need to make hib characters... so what i would like is if they maybe offered people with lvl50's on english cluster a chance to make character(s) on another cluster in any realm that can be /leveled to 50 right away. (even if it only 1 lvl 50, though be nice if could make one for each 50 on english cluster).

Personnally feel this would help to bring english players back, i knwo many that would like this and i would definately renew my main account, and possibly the second account that the misses played in the end.

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