Temporary Twrs/Keeps anyone?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
I have an idea, might not be a great one but hey, have a read and see what you think.

I was pondering the constant battle we seem to be having between the campers of bridges/keeps and the FG roaming and the !v1 guys.

We are able to repair keeps/twrs, what I was thinking how about they introduce some sort of ‘Temporary’ constructable twrs/mini keeps which can be built in cert parts of the RVR zones, but maybe with a restriction on how many people can occupy it at any one time.

It would be a nice way for a zerg to be able to move to NME rvr zone, basically set up camp and play a little, ofc I would want to see maybe a restriction on each realm only being able to build temporary mini keeps say to two at most else we would have 300 alb ones all over the place.

I would imagine these keeps would be repairable, but say would have a maximum lifespan of only 24 hrs with no guards.

What do you guys think?




Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Personally i think system was fine with towers before they made it possible to raze them :(

Now its a case of Zerg=Win which is sad tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
What I was thinking about with this was to try and get the zerg to move about a bit, atm they just dont move at all unless we have IRVR somewhere, I was hoping move movement would mean more solo action and FG about and ofc more zerg vs zergs fights.

I'm not a big fan either of twr raising, tho I must admit I did it loads myself when it was first introduced.

Tho somtimes it felt a bit bad, watching a FG try and RVR by taking a twr and 'a' solo player bascially being able to stop them, that was ofc before you could repair raised twrs.


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