Template Maker 3.2 (update item database from Web)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004

Some ToA bonuses only items depending on class dont get loaded into slots on main window, should work now.

Item bonus numbers in drop downs dont starts the list by a negative number, now it starts by zero.

Main window and best fit function suggest for twisted slots (ring and bracer) 2 times the same artifact, from now it is loaded only in left ring and left wrist slot, the artifacts in db version downloaded higher then version 3.0 are alredy OK, if you still have the problem with your own artifacts (or normal ring and bracers from not repeateble quests) set the "one drop" option for that item using the item manager window.

Import from chat.log function if find an item with "All Archery" bonus convert the bonus to Composite Bow.

Import from chat.log function if find an item with "All Melee" bonus will create 5 diferent versions of the same item, Axe, Swords, Hammers, HandToHand and Spear version.

Import from chat.log function if find an item with "All Casting" bonus will create 7 diferent versions of the same item, Skald, Thane, Runemaster, Shaman, Spiritmaster, Bonedancer and Healer version.

Import from chat.log function if item name size over 50 characters causes an error, now the maximun name size is 100.

Import from chat.log function now is possible to download via Web the latest items from central.




Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Nice work again Edo :)

This is getting sickeningly good!


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2004
Verry cool, if many start using this and upload to webby their items then one could get kinda useable database, thou there is a risk that ppl use manual creation and creates loads of fakeitems which ruins the "best fit" engine.
One thing tho im missing is ability to spellcraft manually. As it is now in my shammy template i cant cap everything i want, faar from even, which leaves me with not capped resist when i am trying to get atleast close... Then when i use the AutoSC it just WONT craft in some heat resist, it wants to do 1skill atleast first, 1 meleeresist, which i allready have like 1 or 2 from cap of all so its just a waste of slots, then it wants to put hits on last slot allways. OK with the hits, and i know i dont need much heat resists but i am atm 24 from cap with heat and it still wants to do matter or spirit resist on that 3rd slot where it most often put the last resist. It have made several "good items" but not with the resists i wanna have most, and to change the priority list doesnt work. I tried putting the last skills and the resists i didnt need any more of on "ignore" but it seems i need everything but the resists i want on ignore for it to take them in, which just results in verry low utility on the items...
So plz, give ability to manually not just pick which of the autosced items I want to use, but allso ability to modify them


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Kami said:
Nice work again Edo :)

This is getting sickeningly good!

Yes it seems a big sucess, in less than one day the ammount of new items has reached quote 604 !

Together with the 2300 items present on the database its not bad at all.

The site was updated at 18:00 CET, so if you have already downloaded, then do it again for the fresh stuff.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
H4rrM said:
Verry cool, if many start using this and upload to webby their items then one could get kinda useable database, thou there is a risk that ppl use manual creation and creates loads of fakeitems which ruins the "best fit" engine.
One thing tho im missing is ability to spellcraft manually. As it is now in my shammy template i cant cap everything i want, faar from even, which leaves me with not capped resist when i am trying to get atleast close... Then when i use the AutoSC it just WONT craft in some heat resist, it wants to do 1skill atleast first, 1 meleeresist, which i allready have like 1 or 2 from cap of all so its just a waste of slots, then it wants to put hits on last slot allways. OK with the hits, and i know i dont need much heat resists but i am atm 24 from cap with heat and it still wants to do matter or spirit resist on that 3rd slot where it most often put the last resist. It have made several "good items" but not with the resists i wanna have most, and to change the priority list doesnt work. I tried putting the last skills and the resists i didnt need any more of on "ignore" but it seems i need everything but the resists i want on ignore for it to take them in, which just results in verry low utility on the items...
So plz, give ability to manually not just pick which of the autosced items I want to use, but allso ability to modify them

well harmm it used to be init aswell as launch curent report

but it has being greyed so i think disabled spank edo a few times about that :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
H4rrM said:
Verry cool, if many start using this and upload to webby their items then one could get kinda useable database, thou there is a risk that ppl use manual creation and creates loads of fakeitems which ruins the "best fit" engine.
One thing tho im missing is ability to spellcraft manually. As it is now in my shammy template i cant cap everything i want, faar from even, which leaves me with not capped resist when i am trying to get atleast close... Then when i use the AutoSC it just WONT craft in some heat resist, it wants to do 1skill atleast first, 1 meleeresist, which i allready have like 1 or 2 from cap of all so its just a waste of slots, then it wants to put hits on last slot allways. OK with the hits, and i know i dont need much heat resists but i am atm 24 from cap with heat and it still wants to do matter or spirit resist on that 3rd slot where it most often put the last resist. It have made several "good items" but not with the resists i wanna have most, and to change the priority list doesnt work. I tried putting the last skills and the resists i didnt need any more of on "ignore" but it seems i need everything but the resists i want on ignore for it to take them in, which just results in verry low utility on the items...
So plz, give ability to manually not just pick which of the autosced items I want to use, but allso ability to modify them

All you say is true and yes the AutoSC function still need some "calibration" that I'm working on atm, actually the "best" spellcrafted solution distributed is in order:
*The bonus ammount you missing to reach the cap.
*The bonus priority of the list.
*The overcharge value of the solution.
*The utility value of the item.
*The number of slots filled.

It is not easy to distribute a fixed score between these variables, if I dont find fast the "best match" it could be a setting in the window in the next version.

There are 3 possible solutions atm for you to manually create or modify the items you dont like the AutoSC function suggest you:

1) Let the AutoSC function finish then save the stuff, once back at the main window select the slot you want to modify then press the "ENTER" key.

2) Before pressing the "GO" button chose the "Manual selection" option, when finished you will be able to chose an automatic sc solution by yourself item by item.

3) Create a new item (from the main window it is the menu "Items" -> "New Item") once in the item window chose the "crafted" option in the "From" frame.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
hmm after setting wrong file for chat.log i was unable to update the item information from web or anything else, and after i was unable to change location of chat.log


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
when making new items i can't find 'all magic skills' or 'buff increase'


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
[AB]Shirtan said:
hmm after setting wrong file for chat.log i was unable to update the item information from web or anything else, and after i was unable to change location of chat.log

From main window menu -> "File" -> "Settings". Restart the program.

[AB]Shirtan said:
when making new items i can't find 'all magic skills' or 'buff increase'

'buff increase' = 'xStatIncrease'

'all magic skills' = (depending on wich class will wear the stuff)
*Skald increases Battlesongs.
*Thane increases Stromcalling.
*Runemaster increases Darkness, Supression and Runecarving.
*Shaman increases Mending, Augmentation and Cave Magic.
*Spiritmaster increases Darkness and Supression.
*Bonedancer increases Darkness and Supression.
*Healer increases Mending and Augmentation.

Import from chat log/web create all the versions automaticly, if you create the item by yourself you need chose wich class version is the item for ofc.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Lovely work Edo, looking forward to an Alb/Hib version as well :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Dunno if you are reading this, but there seem to be a problem with adding new items for class specific characters. I can't seem to find usable by savage only on the list.

Care to look at it, or explain to me if I'm doing anything wrong? :)


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