Template bard around lvl 24 - 35



I have a great template now i think.
I am lvl 15 and have all my specc's +4
And my stats are +10 con, 10+ dex, 10+ cha, 10+ emp.
But this is fa40 armor, red con for 15, so i think i can wear it until 22 or something, like it :p
But i wanna know what the best template is for 24 - 35, can any response pls :)

Cymdonic Music
15th Season Bard
<Proud Member of Jupiter>


A few things... u dont need +emp, u dont need +nurture, +regrowth and +music arent that imporatant but help a bit. Might want to concentrate on getting +resists and +hps rather than +skill. Melee resists r good for exping so mobs hit u for less.

As for speccing... keep nurture maxed upto lvl43 and then put the rest into music and regrowth.
Just for info... A popular bard spec is 43 Nurture, 16 Regrowth, 47 Music at lvl50

As for armour... The armourfactor is worked out by 2xlvl = AF. so at lvl20 u would use AF40, at lvl 25 u would use AF50 etc. If ts a higher AF than your lvl needs it no problem either, u will grow into it :)

Hope that helps :)


All bards except the few battle bards follow the same progression usually.

Keep nurture at your level
Put remaining points into regrowth till regrowth 16
Keep putting points into nurture till nurt 43 with rest into music
Full train music till music 47

+regrowth items and sc will reduce the variance of your base heals
+nurture and music dont do anything

Event (BoH)


Here's how I'm speccing my bard. I've reached level 25 so far and it's worked fine. It's a group spec and has pretty much all the necessary things.
It's layed out as Level, Music, Nurture, Regrowth and Blunt

24 16 18 15 1
29 18 23 19 1
34 21 23 26 1
40 27 30 36 1
43 28 33 32 1
45 33 33 33 1
48 37 38 33 1
50 37 43 33 5

It will leave me with all the stuff I need I think. Makes me a better healer than most bards at least, although I'll be getting the nurture songs later, and I don't think to high a mezz is the most important thing. I'll get the second best with this spec anyway. Anyone else's thoughts are welcome :)

I'm not sure about sc stuff yet though. Probably just take hits and power higher as well as some other smaller things.


Originally posted by Event
+nurture and music dont do anything

thats not true.

+nurture give your better buffs, i dont remember how mutz better they get but if you got 33+ nurture it is not worth it to get anymore bonus.

+music helps on your dd dmg, if you got 47 music and is rr4 you will do about 20 extra dmg if you get +11 from items (before resists).

So even thoug it is not true that they dont do anything you still dont need em :D

Personaly i would max nurture and rest in reg until 40 then respec reg and set it to the desied amount and rest in music

edit: i was wrong on the +music


Originally posted by blem

+music helps on your resists when mezzing, but if you get 47 in music as your final spec and you then get to rr4 you will have enuff in music so you dont need any bonus.

IMO this is not the case. Only the level of the spell (against the level of the player 'being mezzed') affects the resists, not your music level.


Pempulla is right afaik, not lvl of music its lvl of spell. And duration of mezz is determinated by enemies body resitsz0rs.

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