Teleporting Pets (GoA plz Read)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
This may have been brought up b4 im not sure, havnt noticed a thread on it myself tho so..

Myself and quite a few others i have questioned have noticed and are getting really pissed off with this problem that seems to have affected Pet Classes since last patch (or maybe b4 i was away a while) .. Whereby , Your pet initiates combat with a mob, and then magicly jumps back or forward about 500 range, like it teleports and repeats this manouver within another few seconds..

Now this has gotten me killed so many times i lost count because it isnt a proper lag ghost, its physicaly porting to a further location, so any mobs near it agro the pet, this is extremely bad in task dungeons too, what i want to know is, is this something to do with the Servers (i dunno lag maybe ) or is it a bug , and if it is a bug, can GoA investigate this or find out from mythic when it will be fixed, its not a rare occurance , many people i know are havin it (As our poor necro found at while tryin to kill cloudsong mob) and necros have it the worst due to pet range b4 dropping..

Or does anyone here play U.S and they had the same prob and it got fixed ?

Need some answers >_< , as id rather not play a class thats randomly going to get me killed in PvE all the time thx
Apr 13, 2006
It's been happening on US servers since about patch 1.85 also, royal pain in the ass :/ Had to put up with it while leveling my SM and Cabalist ;e


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
its caused when your pet attacks the mob and they start skipping away from the initial clash position. I found that if you put pet on passive to pull it back to you then click attack it cures the skipping and the pet fights the mob properly.

not a fix but a work around to stop you pulling 100's of mobs per pull.

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