Teh Seels Wo"W" thread.



Stop that.

Why are you looking at me like that?!

Ok so it's not a world of warcraft thread! I didn't tell you it would be. It's a Words of "Wisdom" thread. Just a few things i like to say, just a few random quotes that come from the brain. Nothing particulary interesting but again something to pass the time with.

"It's not like the universe is a bad place, it just likes to do a bit of spring cleaning when it blows up a planet or runs someone over with a mactruck."

"If i've learned nothing else, i've learned that poking a sleeping dog in the eye is less dangerous then poking a dog that's awake in the eye."

"It's not that special, it's just different."

"Sticking a metal pin into a socket might not be wise but sticking a metalpin into a sock just looks stupid."

"Don't diss and cuss because you can't discuss."

"Apart from mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays and fridays i really like to go to work and that's only 'cause i get the weekends off."

"If you're going to catch a live granade, use both hands. Atleast you'll die in class."

"Dying might be a bitch but beats the hell out of living with one."

"If i get killed i want to come back as the one who killed me so i can shoot myself."

"You can't make an omelet without having some kind of cooking skills."

"Trust, love and understanding. Three things you need for a relationship."

"Guns, ammo and a bulletproof vest. Three things you need to survive it."

"Ask not what you can do for me but what you can do to do it faster."

"As sure as water is wet, dumb remarks should be outlawed."

"Where there's smoke, there's fire. So why do we spend most our lives trying to find a light?"

"What is the meaning of life? A good question and deserves an answer. Too bad you don't always get what you deserve."

"You know it's time to go when you own a watch."

"Women are like drugs. Most men don't know where to get them."

"Men are like the flu. Real easy to get but nobody wants them."

"If i had a dime for every time i heard a dumb remark, i'd probably live in the USA."

"Words of wisdom are like windows. They are everywhere and everyone stares through them."


I can't help you. I need my straight jacket for myself.


I always liked

'He who laughs last is the idiot who just got the joke'

'Red sky at night shepherds delight, red sky in the morning shepherds house on fire'

'If at first you don't sucede, hire a professional'



"Men without women are like fish without bicycles"

"2+2=5 for large quantities of 2. Please adjust your reality accordingly"

"Every morning the gazelle wakes up and knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Everymorning the lion wakes up and knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It dosent matter if you are a gazelle or if you are a lion, when that sun rises you'd better be running"

"Before you talk shit about someone you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they're violent, you'll be a mile away and have their shoes"

"If eyes are mirrors for the soul, is not the beauty you see in other peoples eyes your own?"
well...not all wo"w" 's are ment to be funny, are they?


we build too many walls and too few bridges.

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