Teh Seel.



Short and simple topic isn't it?

*puts on some polarbear slippers, penguin bathrobe, lights up a smoke and takes a seat in an overly stuffed chair*

I thought about it long and hard and finally decided on a topic that i was able to tell you about freely and still leave no trace of a doubt that the information would not be true. Namely me. Sure it might seem like i was tooting my own horn, which in itself sounds like a selfish and in a strange way perverse thing to do. Tooting your own horn that is. Sounds kinky hmm? Thought so. Don't wonder how a seal could wear slippers or a bathrobe, i'm not A seal, just Teh Seel. Notice the difference? Two e's, no a. Now some might say that Teh Seel is just a stupid side persona, non grata for most as well, created in some thread long time ago. A pest if you will, spawned from the twisted mind of a very lonely individual who needed an outlet for all the insanity roaming in his head. This may be the way people see Teh Seel. But no, Teh Seel was born like any other rambling oddity of confusion would be born. Outer space, on a cold rock, from a puff of interstellar cloud. A single rock somewhere in the vast and dark space, not big in size and differenting from ice to volcanic ashes in material.

This piece of rock was ice. Flat, small and filled with technological advancements it was one of the more, how to say, -rare- spawnrocks. I guess you could say that Teh Seel was spawned. It is still more like a "poof" *blows smoke* somewhere in space. This rock, or Teh Icefloat as it will be known later on, was just drifting in space and suddenly, with no reason or pre-emptive warning, i landed on it. I don't know where i dropped from, who dropped me or why they thought i should be dropped right there. But there i was. All alone, on Teh Icefloat, drifting in space.


Oh sorry, forgot that you were here as i visited the little seals room. So, where was i... ah yes. Space, the final frontier...bah. What do they know. Space is a rather boring place on the long run. Just stars, planets, moons, nebulas...on and on...it's like Harry Potter...*leans forwards*..it just won't end! Die allready Mr. Potter and begone with your cruel and inhuman torture. *leans back* Yes but there i was, drifting along the rims of time and place. Well, not actually the rim but more like smack right down in the middle of it all. I would spend my days as any other rambling oddity of confusion would. Watching the sun rise sideways from behind planets, talking to the Box of Many Voices and Colours. All the usual stuff i won't go into. Until that one day, a small led indicated that somewhere was a place to land. Earth. Tellus. Blue planet. 3rd rock from the sun even. I set Teh Icefloat on hyper dyper superyummy speed and rode past the multiverse to land in the atlantic with a big splash. And there i was, all links ready and off i went to find a suitable "headquarters" to start my journey from.

That's when i met Jeff and Tonder. Funny fellows, especially Jeff. Tonder is rather, human so he takes things a bit too seriously at times. Anyway, those two guys are sure to introduce themselves some time or another. Properly that is. Hmm? "Why the BWforums" you ask? Well to make a short story even shorter, it was green enough. Don't ask about it and i won't tell you an answer that you will find strange. But now i must dash for a while. I'll just pop in the "shops", take a swim perhaps and continue this lovely little chatter with you folks a bit later.

Roo Stercogburn

Its probably a sign of how the users on these forums are used to Teh Seel's ramblings that he can make these posts and nobody bothers to comment. Its kinda like "Its Tohtori. He does that." with a little shrug at the end.

Still more interesting than yet another whine thread though ;)


Just noticed your forum title...... :rolleyes:


I think, no other word could sum you up more succinctly....



Actually was gonna continue this but it's boring...

I dunno. It's just lacking that...something. Soooo instead, i'm gonna read you a letter from Goomba!

To fluffy white thing,

'ello Seel! Goomba got stuff Seel send. Goomba learn how to bash with new hammer fast. Goomba have fun day yesterday. Goomba go hunt tomte near Audilten and see two by bridge. First Goomba bash one on the head but the tomte not squish. Goomba look at hammer like all good Skullis players do to see what wrong with hammer. While two tomte bash at toe of Goomba, Goomba try again. No good. Hammer broken. Note to Goomba: Not bash hammer on wall before bash hammer on tomte. Now Goomba have porblem. Then Goomba have a candle ontop head. Goomba grab one tomte by the leg and bash other tomte with tomte friend! Har har! Goomba win. Now Goomba go bash whole camp of tomte with tomte. Have a tomte bash tomte nightparty! Seel come to party? Now Goomba must go, new hammer you send here today need test.



I think tohtori would deserve an own forum section, like
Seel's Tavern or
Stuff fo odd people

Classy thing again docta :p

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