Teh Seel Throws in a Few Thoughts about DAoC.



I thought i'd throw a few thoughts in the air and then bash them with a baseball bat. The mongoose style, bat upside down and swing it left to right. Without any further apoop...

First off, poison prices. Hasn't anyone else noticed the low prices they are sold? I'm not complaining about the prices, i'm just curious about the market values being a little messed up in Midgard. A set of venoms costs only 20c! I mean, this is a total "back off a trolly" market. And no i don't mean that they sell the stuff from the arse of a troll, i mean that they sell it like they just stole it. When you look at arrow prices you notice the difference even better. One dose of venom costs only 1c. 1 copper! And it gives you a nice DoT of 9. Now arrows are..well..their arrows and that's that. The cost ain't that different but the effect certainly is.

Now another thing worth mentioning is the code of conduct between the mobs. I don't know exactly what they are trained at the "Mob University" but i'm guessing that the basic rules are something like:

1. You shall never, in any situation, help another member of your race(this goes especially for you sentient beings there) in battle unless it is a 2 on 1 battle. Even if your aunt, sister or life long friend is getting bashed on the head by one of the adventurers, you shall stand still and look into the distance.

2. Always move from one place to the other. In no way should you move more then 15 feet from where you were born. Unless you have a name. Then it's ok to move longer distances but these too should be done in a back and forth motion.

3. Always carry something in your pocket that is totally irrelevant to your race. As an example, you wolves should consider placing a hammer in some part of your body for the delight of the adventurers. The smaller the creature, the bigger the item. And vise versa. Glacier Giants, always carry a tiny ring with you.

4. You will never, and we here at MU mean NEVER shall run away. Even if facing 20 warriors with great axes, hammers, swords and their pet dragon and your only weapon is that old shoe you found on the beach one sunny day, you will fight. To the death. Unless your opponent runs away first and even then you should make sure they run far enough before returning to the origin of the fight.

Strange people those mobs. Another thing about the world that really made me think is the total and utter lack of criminals. Everybody is just running around, fighting other realms and noone in their right mind could even consider in picking a pocket or killing a merchant for their delicious loot. Only way someone can even -try- to rob someone is to ask for their stuff first. Perhaps there should be another class just for the realm to fit this cap in this perfect society.

Horses. Oh gods above and odins pantiehose...who on earth gave all the kingdoms horses to a few selected people?! I mean, ok, i can understand that in the times of war resources can run low but this is ridicilous. Is there really only 15 tamed horses around? There's a whole group of ponies near Fort Atla in Midgard that could be tamed with ease. They don't seem to be afraid of the people anyway.

And last, but certainly not least, where are the heart dotted underwear?! I want to go on a dragonhunt wearing my mighty wargear and my pink boxers with white hearts on them. If you want to add a roleplay element to the game, add useless but funny stuff to wear. Bunnyslippers, moomoos...anything!



dude you got way to much free time on your hands :p


Sshhhtttt, shut up about the poison part before other classes start complaining ;)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

And last, but certainly not least, where are the heart dotted underwear?! I want to go on a dragonhunt wearing my mighty wargear and my pink boxers with white hearts on them. If you want to add a roleplay element to the game, add useless but funny stuff to wear. Bunnyslippers, moomoos...anything!


i assume this is what u were referring to :

Highlanders get boxer shorts with hearts on them :)


cut n paste - good ole geocities.


That and the thing on Anarchy Online where they hold bikini parties and such :p

Just that i had a warrior there with a huge rifle(heh), full set of marine armor except for the leg parts...where i kept a pair of reddotted, white boxers :D


Yeah yeah.

I think the seel needs to see a shrink.


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