Teh Seel Tells - Problems of a Modern Day Poster.



First off to all the smartiepants(not people with smarties in their pants, that's a whole different story. To people who are so smart they write it on their pants. Honest!), this is not about the problems of those movieposters you see around town. Ok, so they have problems, drugs, abuse, critisism but this thread is not about them and frankly(not forgetting bob) it isn't really a topic worth posting about. No, this is about the problems that the people who post on forums face every day(except sundays, for some reason it's a good day to post). Some problems are so minor that they are better left alone so i'll simply(but with many words) talk about the major problems that torment the modern day poster.

Coming up with something to post about.

Coming up with a subject for a thread can be one tricky business. Ofcourse you could talk about daisies and bunnies but a vast majority of the people who even bother to read the post after they see your name plastered on it, really don't want to read about flowers and some fluffy animals. Well some do but we have a word for those kind of people...liberals. Then again some liberals don't like daisies and bunnies so let's not make any assumptions. If the boards have a set theme, such as a game, fantasy, punkmetalheavyrockgroupie or even daisies and bunnies then writing about that particular subject is the best way to go. Now, not all want to read just statistics of heavymetal-punk-rock-groupie-bands or why setting your stunner on setting 2.6 instead of 2.7 increases your chances against a vormulian granddaddyworm, so we need something different. This is where talking about daisies and bunnies comes along. Now, if you haven't tried(which i'm sure you haven't), don't even try to talk about flowers and creatures of extreme fluff on boards that are about punkheavy-metalgroupie-rockbands. It just doesn't get the welcome it might deserve. So, what should you write about? It depends on the boards, the moderators of those boards and the whole community around those boards. Boards is a boring word by the way, i'll call them "tablings" from now on. So if these tablings are a bit more loose and don't have a ten foot spikey pole up their rectum area, you can talk about swizzlewazzle, hazledozle or even Jeff. If they do have a ten foot Jeff up their "dark place" then you should try and avoid subjects like "Jeff is a cool person." and stay in subjects like "Why is the heavymetal-punkgroupie-rockband called heavymetal-groupiepunk-rockband? It's not right."

All in all, if you can't think of a subject for a thread, a discussion or for the name of your bunny friends call George, try answering someone elses thread. Or just hogtie a friend and play pingpong with his wife. Always fun.

Zoning out.

This isn't that well known and some might go their whole life without even once experiencing this strange phenomenon. Zoning out while writing on tablings isn't dangerous but it sure does make you look stupid. This is how it happens:

You start to write on a tabling.

You write a few words.

You think of soething and don't notice you're staring at the screen when infact you're lost in your thoughts.

Drool follows.

You snap out and realise you've missed teatime and biscuits in the caffeteria and it's half past ten in the afternoon.

At this point there has been atleast 20 answers to the thread you were going to post on and most of them allready said what you were about to say in the first place. Mostly annoying.

Loosing your point.

Sometimes your mind just stops working and this can lead to a serious problem. To those who don't have a mind or just don't think this rarely happens but when they only answer: "google boogle poo" to everything they see or hear, it's not like people are too keen on trying to -fix- this issue. "Google poogle poo" is the calculated, most commonly appearing line of "words" that random keybashing produces. Mostly only "oahsg9u4bjv", or some other random line of numbers and letters appear, but when these random letters form words they usually spell "Google poogle poo". Google, in it's all powerful search engine form has nothing to do with it. It's simply a consequence.

Subject Re-visited.

There it is! Perfect thing to write about! A new game-engine! A new breed of daisies mixed with bunnies! I'll write about it! You bash on the keyboard frantikly and produce a quick and intelligent post about how the new engine of Halfwife 3 -Childsupport is the same that they are using on NASA flights to the moon. Then when you hit SUBMIT NEW THREAD and wait for replies of your outstanding wisdom you notice that someone allready posted about it, just a good quarter of a second before you posted yours. Then come the countless OLD!!1 replies, or the ones in which people tell you about the other thread that was posted before yours and how you should read the tablings before posting such useless donkeypoo. Now this makes you look like a complete fool. There is a solution to this however, actually few ones but most of them involve a flamethrower, satellite tracking and a huge armada of armadillos(armadillos like to work in armadas..go figure, it's in their nature and name.) So i'll just mention the easy way to stop yourself from looking like the idiot from the purple lagoon. Open a new browser, check before you post, then quickly post yours with a snap of the wrist or with the help of your little sister. Might save you a few embarrassing moments infront of the monitor, then again, nothing is a 100% certain..except that the most common vegetable in the third planet of Turmboil is a carrot. There is no other vegetable so it's 100% certain in all aspects of the universe.

So there you go, just a peek into the few problems tablingwriters have in these days. Hope these might help you(probably not) in your upcoming days of posting, in some way or other, and perhaps you, from now on, can avoid painful and annoying moments such as...


Seel is of course the most pro-active executive naval-ponderer the United Nations has ever had.


:) Let me guess Teh Seal is s student ? Too much time hehe


Teh Seel is the mastah!

Edit: Google poogle poo


Originally posted by -Nxs-
:) Let me guess Teh Seal is s student ? Too much time hehe

Actually, a game dev :p

And it doesn't take -that- much time to write afterall.

old.job...i know nothing about sea things...naval issues avoid me all together. Except for the reasons why an icefloat can withstand immense heats and where it's heading but that's just needed information.


No good piece of hokum.
Hogtie the son-of-a-bitch and drag him through the streets.
That'll teach the varmit a thing about posting donkey shit.


Seel you are full of mind (and eye) numbing observations ;P


Tohto, Soulie is a mod now, and Gombear lost his venomous spike. Help restore things.


mirieth, shoo !!!

Seel for teh mod ?? God no. I'd rather have tRog write pink haikus.



It'd be great; instead of simply locking threads he could shut it down Seel Style (tm) with a massively long reply that no one can be bothered to read :D.


or you mindless idiots could drive it into the ground!

providing you can find the gear stick tbh


Originally posted by old.Osy
mirieth, shoo !!!

Seel for teh mod ?? God no. I'd rather have tRog write pink haikus.

Oh, you bastard.


Toto just makes sense, you silly people. You... you.... squares!


Favourite Cheeses of teh Forum, may not then be a good topic for a tabling ?



Originally posted by gengi
Favourite Cheeses of teh Forum, may not then be a good topic for a tabling ?


Try it, it might strike gold in this place. As stated in the post:

So if these tablings are a bit more loose and don't have a ten foot spikey pole up their rectum area, you can talk about swizzlewazzle, hazledozle or even Jeff.

Go for it. :D

Roo Stercogburn

I wouldn't worry Seel, I suspect if you shoved a pole up the asses of many of the peeps that post here you'd dislodge a lot of rusks... ;)

Fun post and some fun replies :D


Roo, to quote one great man from my "youth"..not that old yet... but still this might ring a bell to you as well.

"What me worry?" :p

No worries, no hazzle just the occasional kick in the groin and people tend to understand the world a bit better. :D

The replies are always fun to read, it seems there's as much reason and logic in replies as there are in the original post. Who knows, Seel causes Seel? Scary thought.


I have yet to make a funny tabling or one that anyone even finds remotely interesting.

Maybe this is a vaild style of tabling in itself.

Your thoughts seel?


Originally posted by Rubric
I have yet to make a funny tabling or one that anyone even finds remotely interesting.

Maybe this is a vaild style of tabling in itself.

Your thoughts seel?

Do remember that making a "tabling" of your own is quite some work. You must mean a "post". Post is fun enough word to keep as it is, for time being.

And yes, posting something hat people don't find funny in itself is a valid way to post. This atleast makes the jokes and funny anecdotes you might make very rarely, more amusing.

Everyone surfs the tablings as they please and we can't control what people post, well the mods can but their "special" that way. :D


Ah yes indeed i meant post. You see it was yesterday i read your original post & clearly i did not digest it properly.

Now people can laugh at me again for the wrong reason.



Originally posted by old.Osy
Tohto, Soulie is a mod now, and Gombear lost his venomous spike. Help restore things.

There is only so much one can do. I helped..it think...Gwomby find his spike once but i doubt i'll be able to do it again. And Soulie being a mod..not going there. Might get whacked with a modstick :p

Trust me Rubric, people here are so kind that they surely laugh at you for the right reasons :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Trust me Rubric, people here are so kind that they surely laugh at you for the right reasons :D

Another lovely play on words. You truly are the mastah!

Im going to write a story next see how that goes down. I have a balloon anyone got any lead?

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