Teh Seel talks to GOA Customer Service On the Phoyn.



*ring ring*

*ring ring*


GOA: 'ello? Jaque Custard 'ere!

Seel: Yes, umm, hello. I have a small problem with Dark Age of Camelot.

GOA: What iz iit?

Seel: Well when i log into the ga

GOA: Noy noy! What iz tis Dork Uuzo of Gimmelot?

Seel: Dark Age of Camelot.

GOA: Ooooh! Sory. My bad.

Seel: Quite allright.

GOA: Soy, what iz le problym?

Seel: The what?

GOA: Le problym!

Seel: Oh -the problem-...

GOA: Oui!

Seel: Well, when i log into the game it seems that all my chars are gone.

GOA: Oui..?

Seel: All my chars are gone...

GOA: Oui, oui...le problym iz?

Seel: That all my chars are gone!!

GOA: Hold on a minyte.

Seel: ...sigh..fine...

*chirpy wait a moment music*

GOA: 'ello?`

Seel: Yes?

GOA: Just chekiing, le myment.

Seel: ...

*more chirpy music*

GOA: 'ello?

Seel: Still here.

GOA: Gyyd.

Seel: Look...

*Even more chirpy music*

Seel: Argh!

GOA: 'ello? Le Poop 'ere.

Seel: ...who?

GOA: Le Poop. Vincent Le Poop.

Seel: You sound like the guy i just talked to...

GOA: Noy noy! I am Rubert Le Poop.

Seel: You mean Vincent?

GOA: e's on a holyday.

Seel: Wha...i...what?!

GOA: What iz le problym?

Seel: Look. All my characters have been deleted. Fix it!

GOA: What iz yur accyynt?

Seel: My account? *Seel tells the details*

GOA: Oui..let me jyst...and...aaah!

Seel: What?

GOA: All yur charicters 'ave been deleted.

Seel: I know....

GOA: Soy...le problym iz?

Seel: That is the PROBLYM!

GOA: Le what?

Seel: Problem!!!

GOA: And it iz?



It iz I LeClerc, I am disguized as a goa emploji
Liston very carefully, I vill say sis only once....


i dont know where to get new phones if thats what you asking beacuse well..... at the end of the convo i would of attack the phone aswell



Funny in an "OMG but its true!" kind of a way.


pisses me off... ask for someone that can have a decent talk with U, instead of the french pigs!

wankers imo

edit: How to get a french fag to NOT putting you on hold;

Telephone guy: 'Ello c'est Jaque bla bla bla

You : Bonjour, GIVF me a Fu**ing english talking frog!!! and don't put me on hold U bloody snail-eating fag!!!



Originally posted by Cyradix
It iz I LeClerc, I am disguized as a goa emploji
Liston very carefully, I vill say sis only once....



part of me is hoping this is just made up

but the other part has a dark feeling....


Originally posted by greenfingers
pisses me off... ask for someone that can have a decent talk with U, instead of the french pigs!

wankers imo

edit: How to get a french fag to NOT putting you on hold;

Telephone guy: 'Ello c'est Jaque bla bla bla

You : Bonjour, GIVF me a Fu**ing english talking frog!!! and don't put me on hold U bloody snail-eating fag!!!


Should we laugh or cry ?

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