Teh Seel Takes it to Mythic....Odd-style!



Here's a letter that i sent to Mythic...i am most certain it will be burned at sight but, interesting to see if they actually answer :p

Subject: Serious issues in Dark Age of Camelot

Good day.

I'm a member of the Europe DAoC community and i have a few questions concerning some serious bugs that have been in the game since day one. Some of these are minor issues and some on the other hand affect the whole outcome of, say a battle. I'll list them in no particular order since i can not say how the bug-fixing methods go and what major changes to the engine each bug will create.

(-The Death Bug-)

Every time the red line in the bottom right corner(default) goes fully from bright red to dark red, my character falls to the ground dead. This seems like a rather serious matter as it stops my adventures completely. It seems that the red line is more rapidly turning dark whenever i get a message that i have been hit by a monster. Also the numbers displayed on the screen have some relevance to this. I have started several characters and each time i die, i must go over the following procedure:

-Reboot. (The quit option is not working while dead.)


-Delete character. (Since the deathbug does not reach the character selection screen)

-Create new character.

As you see, this is a fairly serious bug and i wish that this is forwarded to the appropriate team.

(-The Windows Key Bug-)

This is rather similar to the deathbug, but not as nearly harmful. Whenever i press the windowskey, the game fall downwards and into a small item on the bottom of my windowsbar. By clicking the item the game comes back on. This, as you might know, does not result in the death of a character, but in some cases it will result in the appearance of the deathbug. Alone it is not a serious issue, but when, for whatever reason, the deathbug occurs at the same time it becomes more annoying.

(Note: I thank you for fixing the windowskey bug from it's earlier state when it crashed the whole game. Still lacking some fine tuning.)

(-The Casting Bug-)

Casting spells is a major part of the game, especially when playing a "caster"-class. But it seems, after casting around 10 spells or so(depending on spell), that the spellcasting stops working. I press the quickbar icons but nothing happens. I wonder why this is happening? Afterall, a caster class should be able to -cast-. This is a rather major issue since i can not play my caster before it is fixed. Whenever i try to kill a purplenamed monster(these are the best source of experience according to my friend), the 10 spells are not enough and it has many times resulted into the deathbug. Ofcourse fixing the casting bug will not help alone since the deathbug will still be there. Also i'd like to mention that whenever close to an enemy, i may only cast one or two spells, making the issue even worse.

(-Experience Bug-)

Whenever i level and the flashy colors fill the screen(a very pretty way of telling this), i am filled with joy and ahppy feelings. Until i kill the next monster. It seems that the same monster that gave me one bubble worth of experience, now only gives me 50% or so. This is irrational to say the least. If i go buy a carton of milk, drink it and on the next day go buy the same carton of milk, it won't be filled halfway. It will be full. Even if this game is in a "fantasy" setting, i wish you would fix this since it really doesn't give anything to the fantasy aspect and is mostly annoying.

I hope that these will help you locate the bugs that have troubled the game since day one, perhaps the other players haven't been as observant as i have, and fix them in the next appropriate patch.

Thank you in advance,

-(first name) "Teh Seel" (lastname)



Expected this but...concerning the original mail...har..

Thank you for contacting Dark Age of Camelot Support. Your email has been received and you should expect a response from the Technical Team within 72 hours.

Oh i hope i do! :p


I expect a support guy at Mythic is going "huh?" right about now. :D

Roo Stercogburn

I recognise some of those 'bugs' from previous Seel ramblings. Still funny to see though and will give GOA a headache :D


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I recognise some of those 'bugs' from previous Seel ramblings. Still funny to see though and will give GOA a headache :D

Aye, it's a "review" to the bugs that -still- are in the game :p

Oh and..Mythic, i went to the lions nest :D


Lol... you have a lot of free time don't you?



Hmmm, heheh, this shall be funny when they reply.. :p


Now that would be interesting of DAOC implemented permadeath :)


Nice email, what's ironic is that although your email was a joke I wouldn't be suprised if Mythic get lots of similar emails where the sender was being deadly serious.

Working in tech support badly sucks :(


Hmm...no reply. (Thanks Lumikki)

So i guess i have to do what the good man suggested:

If you are a European customer, please contact GOA, our European partners, for technical support at http://www.camelot-europe.com/. We cannot answer questions about the European beta as that is handled by a different company.

Righto. I'll do that then.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
We cannot answer questions about the European beta as that is handled by a different company.

we are still in beta?:p


Originally posted by driwen
we are still in beta?:p

Well their not answering so i guess...was gonna ask about it in my mail aswell.


hmm so we are in beta to get joined with US servers later on then?:p

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