Teh Seel takes a peep at...*shockhorrorterror*...DAoC.



Well i've been playing around this funny place of hairy mids, tincan albs and greenpeae hibs for a good while. Measured in years my gaming experiene is yes. A little bit of Yoda to keep your mouth from drying. Now i've taken a look at things before, like Mobs Academy of Stupid Routines and made suggestions to things like Beachball, new emotes like /scratch and /relief. Now i think it's time to take another look at things in no particular order.


The infamous new /level command. Now i don't know about the ratscallions scavenging this land, but i personally like to know my class. I've been playing my shadow for 13 levels now and i -still- have a lot to learn about not getting ganked with it. If i was dropped to level 20 i'd be sure to tke on some odd mobs/players and get my tittybiscuits handed back to me on a silver or a plat. It's a personal choice really but i like to learn the class and perhaps gain a bit more odd gold, items and such from friendly players on the way. I never had a level 19 player that didn't have enough gold to buy the needed equipment since, atleast in midgard, people actually do help without even asking. I've seen though, countless number, of players who say they don't have the money for an armor or whatnot. Also killing greens to make them greens is something i like. It's like crafting for money and stressfree since even if i get an add of 4 greens, i still come out dancing the chacha. So what am i saying? Nothing really, just that i would personally level by work then level by command. Just for the fun/profit factors.

We ride the horses or the horses ride us?

It would be all the same if our chars would run a bit faster from point A to point B and carry the horse and not the other way around since it's a run from point A to point B. What if people could control the horses in a limited fashion? Ride where they want on the roads. The roads afterall are there to give direction. So what if in a crossroad, intersection or whatever the medieval fancy word for a fork in the road is, you could choose the way. Go left or right. No more horseroute travelhazzle stuff. Ofcourse for the new players the horses would run from point A to point B to help them find there. Just curious of these "trained" horses we are supposed to have. They seem more like carrion pigeons damnit.

Within these walls is a grave danger that ...pfft..it's just a hole in the ground.

Jeff: Hey let's go adventure in the Vendo Caverns!

Tonder: How's that different from the Cursed tomb?

Jeff: Well..the mobs are higher..

Tonder: And?

Jeff: The..umm..mobs look different...

Tonder: ...and?

Jeff: That's about it. It's a bit rounder?

That little conversation kinda made my point allready on this but, let's talk about it anyway shall we? We have these evil holes in the ground, inhabited by evil creatures that don't leave the evil holes in the ground. Ever. Not even for a picnic. And their named different. Like Spindelhalla. Which is ofcourse inhabited by arachnid creatures. The Cursed tomb, inhabited by...yeehaa...skeletons and other undead. Then the Vendo caverns who have a steady population of..*drumroll*...vendo! The bothering part about it all is that they look depressignly same. Apart from lightining and the shade of the gray in the stone, it seems that the same bloody Interior Designer made these caverns. Is the culture of upright spiders really that similar to that of a grumpy teddybear? Some upgrades to their habitaats would be more then appreciated. They don't even have sleeping places...that has to be a union violation...

More stuff, if i have the time/energy, to come :p


Yes , I do believe Mythic needs a large hot-beef injection of creativeity in the shape of some new graphic designers with some new ideas.
Sometime ago they changed the water -beetles, for no apparent rhyme or reason, just someone decided that they needed a new look, (I actually miss the old water beetles) well whoopee, how about dragging the guy out who did that and giving him another project.
Please Mythic, surely it would take just 1 week, 1 guy to change the mobs look, it's just a skin FFS!
Make every one different, I bet many DAOC'ers would do it for free.


I like what they've done with Streaming Wisps (not sure if all wisps are the same, only seen Streaming). Hopefully with the introduction of ToA we'll see more skin changes. It's depressing enough killing the same looking mobs for one level, let alone all 50!


Jeff: gengi likes us.

Tonder: Well duh..who doesn't?

Jeff: Glacier Giants.

Tonder: Well sure but...

Jeff: Tomtes, dragons, albs, hibs...

Tonder: Ofcourse but...

Jeff: Werewolves, willows, pooks...

Tonder: ...you done?

Jeff: And your mom. Yes.

Tonder: Good.


oh, I didn't see you have your custom title already.

"Odd" suits you though.... :D

Repent Reloaded

imo, just looking around at the games out and the new MMORPG's that come out soon, DAoC is looking "very" dated, even ToA isnt upto scratch, the landscape is nice but then u got low rez shitty toons running around, it looks stupid. imo they do a redo the game char's gfx to a high enough standard to look good, instead of doin amazin lands with crappy toons in, just doesnt look right.

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