Teh Seel is... "Struck with Disaster!!"



The day was a normal one, work work...finally leave home and think:

"Ah, my sweet computer i am running to you to launch DAoC in no time at all!"

Get home, throw my jacket somewhere that it decides to land, notice that the computer is on allready since my brother has visited my icefloat. I doubleclick the DAoC icon, press enter and go get something to drink.

I stand by the refriderator and pour the drink, wondering why the good old "dum dum!"-music of Mythic's loco ain't playing. I get back to my computer and the look on my face was something along the lines of :eek7:

Now there's a little box that comes up very rarely that says: "Cannot establish connection to the server."

Now my face turns into a look that is best described as :eek6:

You might wonder where this is leading, hang on, it's a Seel ride afterall.

So there i was, standing stunned with a glass filled with brownish "perk me up" cola, staring at the computer for a good 15 minutes. I swear some crickets chirped, a dustbunny rolled across the floor and the clock made a great old "thump!" every time the seconds ticked away. Then i snapped out of it and decided to step into actionmode.

Check explorer.
No go.
Check all wiring.
All intact and hooked up.
Check wall plug.
In place.


What to do? Who to call?! And my brother walks in.

I ask, in a polite and well behaved, non panic like manner as i placed my hands around his throat:

"What the hell happened to the f*cking interweb thing you goosesucker?!"

And after he threw me around for a good 30 minutes he answered politely back:

"Need to renew the motherf*cking ISP contract!"

So here we get to the point where i am. No net, no DAoC, what to do. Have to admit, i was a bit lost, walking around, looking at some books even. All basics brought together, i decided to explore Real Life(tm). Here's a small list and explanation on what i noticed as i ventured to the vast unknown that had, to my amazement, evolved quite a bit around Teh Icefloat.

"The corner god!"

First i turned towards the thing that was dusting in a corner, known as the TV. I clicked it on and a steady little hum/highpitch tone told me it was actually on and i proceeded to flip the channels as i decended into my TV chair:

Talk Shows- One man tries to be funny in many ways as he talks to actors/singers about how tough the life of the rich and the famous is. They chitchat away on how high the petrol cost is on their Turbo Deluxe Ferrari 500 Indy car, about how the cost of Sweet Delight Tasty Wine has risen through the roof and how they only got 5 million $ last year.

Action Clippors- The world is in danger. One man doesn't give a crap and saves the world by exploding an asteroid, killing an evil mastermind or by hurling his own daughter down a garbage shoot. A lot of explosions, car crashs and over the top kung-fu action fights are the every day scenes we see out there...are they not?

Soap soap, give more soap- Let's take a peek into the "normal" life of teenagers, apartment complex or a famous designer house. Since drama is needed in this modern day theatre a basic scene for a Soap Opera Galore goes something like this:

Blooke: Oh my god Shimmy, i washed my red thongs with your whites!

Shimmy: Oh no!! Not my white shirts and undies! Oh my god, i'll shoot myself!

*Shimmy pulls out a gun*

Blooke: No!! Don't do it Shimmy! There's so much to live for!

Shimmy: Yes, you're right...i'll kill you instead!

*Shimmy shoots Blooke*

Nebucad Nesar: Shimmy! What did you do! Blooke was pregnant for your granddaughters sons highschool friend!

Shimmy: Oh my god no!! No!

*Shimmy shoots himself*

Nebucad Nesar: Shimmy noooo!

*click..next channel*

Comedy Har Har time- Ah, comedy. 30 minute clips of silly people to laugh at. The great "drama" in these is how to hide the fact that Jim shaved his privates from his father. Now Jeff at the same time is wondering how to score with the chick next door, every single week and when he finally does in the grand season finale, Jeff has a "little" problem with his soldier standing in attention. Repeat, change chars, chance comedy name and add romance 'n fluff.

Ok, enough TV. Let's venture into the vast unknown, i need more soda anyway. I hit the streets and then ask what the people are looking when i slam my fist into the pavement once more. I notice a tag on the ground. The letters "PDT" written with black paint. Ok...lame ass tag? Then i notice everyone is doing it, simply taking a magic marker and painting..well..writing whatever they can think of from a headless chicken(spelled HCK) to The world is doomed(spelled RTOUH!). This wouldn't bother me so much but then i noticed the "new wave" of graffitti. There it was, staring back at me like a huge mob with pitchforks and flamey sticks:

(Real page changed to save the man some nasty flames and ridicule)

They are using interwebby addresses in tags. And what did i find on this marvellous page? Pictures of tags he had made with his computer. Teh Seel had seen enough and headed back home to Teh Icefloat where things are more simple.

On the way back to Teh Icefloat i noticed a few things that are the same as in DAoC, almost bringing a tear into my eye and another one in my other eye:

Beggars- People asking for coins...i almost heard the man say "GIF G PLZ!!" as i walked by, tempted to tell the man to go kill green cons and earn the damn G.

Crafters- People banging on metal things on a construction yard, building homes...ah..homes. They would soon be reality in DAoC.

Groups- People running in packs, trying to catch the tram, talking random chittychattydoodah..but it wasn't the same. No FFS, no Ty, no PLZ. I had to shout INC! as i passed one group just to see if they might react..nothing..only a silly look.

I miss that game...


...but! No worries as soon again i could close this silly world behind me and endulse myself into the sweet delight of a fantasy world. But for now, Teh Seel didn't dare venture beyond the next block but some day i shall venture deeper into this thing people call Real Life(tm) and bring you people more interesting things there are out there. They say the truth is out there, and with that kind of a big thing as the World(tm) it just might.

Have fun out there you lucky people with working webby!



So with no webby,did you post all this from your phone? :p

Roo Stercogburn

<Makes note to warn Tohtori's boss he's abusing company property and wasting company time>


P.S. Funny though :D


You should really be a journalist Teh seel!

good stuff :)



"What the hell happened to the f*cking interweb thing you goosesucker?!"


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