Teh Seel Gold Edition!



I was feeling a bit...well.. sentimental instead of simply mental and decided to find some classic lines that Teh Seel has posted over the time. I know some will say this is utter bollocks but to those who have a boring moment it might be of some entertaining value...might..well..maybe not but it's stuff to read...This is rather OT but sometimes those lovely, amazing, absolutely fabulous moderators leave Teh Seels posts here anyway. They might move this to OT but even if they do, i won't blame them..they do such a great job every day.


So here are a few i collected from the archieves, from the VN board attack times and more recent as well:

"Work is sometimes necessary but only in extreme situations where, for example, The Holy Television has nothing important to teach you or Teh Shrine of Computer has lost it's ability to consult the Spirits of Teh Inturnet."

"I just can't help you if i don't understand you. With lines like "m8 plz hlp w tem they got G w8ing k?" i have to use atleast two dezyphering programs and my little sister to crack the code before i can even start to consider if i can or want to help with the problem. "

"Well, i know that my words usually cause people to cry or try to kill themselves when they try to understand my reasons for posting something that might actually harm the brains of their unborn children."

"I was looking for a level 50 thread about how GOA sucks. I don't have too much cash on me but i think i can make an offer that will satisfy both of us. I am willing to pay as much as 150$ (US) for a good thread with flaming of GOA, profanities, sexual content and a violation to the CoC here in barrysworld. Also any reference on how GOA is sucking eggs or how GOA ruined every fun in games would be nice."

"Soulies fault! Made me happy with blue santa smiley thing :D "

"Thought you people could just go and change the color of the forums and it would fool me hmm? No way! No road! No say? ..ok, going nuts. But onwards men!"

"Yup yup yup yup....Toto, old.tohtori, pain in the backsidius maximus...TEH SEEL is BAXOR!"

"Those are a lovely bunch of teddies when you get to know them."

"I am, the sacrificial seal. Yes, do give Damini some credit, atleast someone TRIED to warn me but alas, TEH Seel has bad hearing because there are so many blizzards on TEH icefloat. Now point me towards the flaming pit of..err..flames so i may jump in and make my apology to the americans. No really, i really really want to apologise to americans for using their stupidity in such a cruel way. Honest! I really do! Well ok...

..i don't. They suck. And more then mommas eggs..mcmuffins the lot..

Oh and Ziera, what's ppl? Some kind of collect call thing?"

"Perhpas even some magic could be implemented, like the Fireproof undies of Jabrylla or the Thong of a Noble Werewolf."

"Because TEH Seel is a Rebel! TEH Seel fights TEH good batla for everyone."

"TEH Seel get everyone at VN to fight everyone! They dun like Bob_the_tomato no more! Civil war! Civic war! Cars in wars! YEI!"

"TEH Seel luvs that idea! Why TEH Seel hasn't done that yet is a mystery... but TEH Seel will adress this critical bug RightNow....meaning soon...in the future...without a DeLorean..."

"TEH Seel got an icefloat that has stealth capabilities like TEH Big Bomber US"

There you go...some classic Seel moments from the time before time. Here's hoping mroe will come like they always do, but in a case where Teh Seel gets clubbed by a whaler and is dramaticly removed from this earth, here's something to tell your grandchildren by a sizzling fireplace.


some one with tailoring skill make a coat of this SEEL allready..


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
I know some will say this is utter bollocks

Actually this is a very good post compared to what I mostly read on these fora.

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