Teh Seel Goes On-Topic fozizzle!



This time i decided, since some people tend to dislike the raving lunatic way of typing that is the way, that it's time to do something different. I'm going "Suitclown!" In other words, i'm gonna put on a suit, lick some tush and write a reasonable and coherrant post about Dark Age of Camelot. This will be boring, uninteresting and quite annoying i'm sure but, who knows? Maybe it's something people really, really-really like to read. Go figure. Liberals. Though i personally don't know any liberals who read my posts so i'm not judging. Or maybe i do but they haven't mentioned it and honestly, who would? It's not like you go to a girl at the bar, lean on the counter like a living replica of James Dean and go:



"I'm a liberal."


See? Just doesn't work as it might with a line like:



"I own a ferrari."

"What? Couldn't afford a lamborchini?"

Ok so that doesn't work that well all the time but surely it works better then the one thrown by the imaginary liberal. Now, that out of the way, let's get serious and post some serious issues about Dark Age of Camelot.

*Tu tum tum tu tum*

I find that the classes in this game have yet not reached full balance. This is mostly annoying as it seems that most classes are favoured over others. This should be fixed by removing some spells, affecting weaponspeeds and damages and by adding inate abilities to some classes.

What? Why are you smiling at the post? It's serious like the other ones! ..oh..the drumroll a bit too dramatic at the start? Ok. Let's try to be a bit less dramatic and perhaps that'll work.

Dark Age of Camelot - The problems Within.

What i find to be an interesting problem is the way the community definess a "serious issue". A normal complaint about the game is about the missing wedding NPC, about a minor downing of axe damage or the work it takes to become a master cratfsman. Ok, these might be "serious" issues from a players point ov view but why hasn't anyone started to play the game out of the game? Let me explain. We all know the concept of roleplay, heck, it's a RPG afterall. So why not begin to complain about issues to Mythic and GOA from a characters point of view? Here's an example of a complaint to GOA:

Greeting Mythic.

I am a fairly known fighter for the mighty realm of Midgard. Known as, Gugnar Gugnigson. We here in Haggerfell have a serious issue that rose up in our last battle with the evil forces of Albion. We took our mighty axes and hammers into battle as we do every day but as our mighty hammers struck against the puny Albion plating, we saw that it barely made a dent in their shiny tinheads. This made the Albion forces laugh, giggle and point at us and shout out things we did not understand. Then they bashed our heads in with tiny wooden sticks. We are curious as to why these, before mighty hammers, have now became the rattling sticks of tiny babies? Is the material from which they are made no longer the same? Have the great forges of Valhalla been taken for a yearly repair? We are baffled. We shall fight with our bare hands if we must but surely this problem should be dealt with.

Best regards, Gugnar Gugnigson.

You see what i'm aiming at now? If all the complaints came from the people that inhabit midgard, albion and hibernia instead of the players who control them, they might in their moment of laughter and confusement actually repair something. Just to play along. Also it would give them a bit more of a feeling that they have created something more then just a game. It's just a thought and do feel free to comment on it.

Yes! Oh gods above yes! Teh Seel made a post about stuff in a nonconfusing manner! This is a joyous day and i shall now rejoice by eating a ceremony biscuit. I hope this doesn't become an everyday thing though, might be dangerous if Teh Seel became sane, might cause all other to go -in-sane and Teh Seel don't want people in him. Good day everyone and try not to hurt yourself when playing with industrial powertools.

Roo Stercogburn

lol, good to see the fluffy icefloated one is back, had been wondering where you had got to.

Don't think roleplaying support requests would work for all characters and I know in Eve some of the players are seriously annoyed at CCP roleplaying the problems that occur on the servers (though its also very amusing too).


Check the off-topic roo, there might lie an answer to your question of my absenseness(it's a word!) :p

The mods like to move my things around, kinda hard to find my bed at times but it's their job.

Yeah, it might cause problems but..Mythic might get a kick out of it. Or GOA. Send a letter that has bad english with a french accent:

Sacre bleu!

I am oytreiged by te incompitanse of jyy!

Or something like that :D

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