Teh Seel FAQ -All you wanted to know!



Teh Seel has grown into a somewhat legend by now, not a good kind of legend that saves universes or even a mildly positive legend like sliced bread but still a phenomenon of some sort. Teh Seel has a few hardcore fans and a few fans to keep cool on the allready ocy icefloat and thoe people might want to know what makes Teh Sell tick, tock and look at a clock way too many times a day. So today i was feeling a strange urge to be generous towards this community but since i don't have a lot of cash on my bank account and the amount of cash exceeds only my desire to actually give it away i decided it's time to let the people ask what they want and get an answer straight from the source.

So it's time to meet with Teh Seel and ask anything to everything you've always wanted to know about how Teh Seels mind works, where did the icefloat come from and from which starsystem did Teh Seel come from to entertain and sometimes annoy the people of a round thing people like to call Earth.

So open up your minds, let your souls fly free and fire away with a question and i'll answer with my utmost abilities on how this strange entity works. Do remember that asking: "Is my girlfriend pregnant with another mans baby?" might not get an answer that is true but if this is your wish and query then i shall answer it. Do take into notice, i have limited time on the interweb thing since my homenet is still down for a two week maintanence but those questions that don't get answered today by the Gods of Fuzzball or myself, will be answered tomorrow.

Well, without further adue or some other french word like that..let's get this show on the road:

Caller, you're on the line. Now what is it you wish to know?


Originally posted by Cyradix
ok, explain to me "the icefloat" :D

Teh Icefloat is, as many have noticed, the place of residence for Teh Seel. The location is unknown, mostly because the flat fortress isn't solid but a piece of "ice" floating somewhere in the atlantic. Teh Icefloat is also the interstellar vehicle that was used by Teh Seel to arrive to this world and is therefor equipped with a limited access to the interweb. Most the time Teh Icefloat is in stealth mode to keep away the Orange Beasts that are trying to get rid of Teh Seel and it de-stealths only to broadcast important things to the rest of the world. Also, when in the world of DAoC, that is Teh Seels past-time fun, Teh Icefloat connects to the Box of Many Voices and Colors, the multiversal communication device for Teh Seel and source of uninfinite wisdom. Teh Icefloat isn't an icefloat as the icefloats that are around the world, but since the material it is made of is white, slippery and cold it was nicknamed Teh Icefloat by natives when Teh Seel first arrived.

Hope this answers the majority of the question.

And next caller, you're on the line.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Teh Seel has grown into a somewhat legend by now, not a good kind of legend that saves universes or even a mildly positive legend like sliced bread but still a phenomenon of some sort. Teh Seel has a few hardcore fans and a few fans to keep cool on the allready ocy icefloat and thoe people might want to know what makes Teh Sell tick, tock and look at a clock way too many times a day. So today i was feeling a strange urge to be generous towards this community but since i don't have a lot of cash on my bank account and the amount of cash exceeds only my desire to actually give it away i decided it's time to let the people ask what they want and get an answer straight from the source.

So it's time to meet with Teh Seel and ask anything to everything you've always wanted to know about how Teh Seels mind works, where did the icefloat come from and from which starsystem did Teh Seel come from to entertain and sometimes annoy the people of a round thing people like to call Earth.

So open up your minds, let your souls fly free and fire away with a question and i'll answer with my utmost abilities on how this strange entity works. Do remember that asking: "Is my girlfriend pregnant with another mans baby?" might not get an answer that is true but if this is your wish and query then i shall answer it. Do take into notice, i have limited time on the interweb thing since my homenet is still down for a two week maintanence but those questions that don't get answered today by the Gods of Fuzzball or myself, will be answered tomorrow.

Well, without further adue or some other french word like that..let's get this show on the road:

Caller, you're on the line. Now what is it you wish to know?

Thank you...

i would like to know how the female mind works?

Edit: Btw its not a flame do get paranoid on me...


Re: Re: Teh Seel FAQ -All you wanted to know!

Originally posted by MesS°
Thank you...

i would like to know how the female mind works?

Ah, so fast they arrive. The female mind?

Well Teh Seel has had some experience in this field aswell as others but since Teh Seel is "male" he has some trouble understanding the finepoints in this enigma. I will try to sum up most of the important points in the female mind:

First thing you must know is that the female mind is similar to the male mind, driven only by different goals and reasons. As a male would be driven to save up for a sporty car, the female mind would try to accumulate currency to purchase a pair of shoes.

Secondly, the female mind is always right. Do not even try to fight the female mind with a male mind. If a male states: "The sun is bright." then the female mind starts to humm and whizz while prosessing the statement in the illocigal logiliser. Example follows:

"The sun is bright."

"The sun is in the sky."

"Sky is blue."

"My new shoes are blue."

"Blue isn't a bright color since my shoes are matte."

"I decided to buy these shoes because they look good."

"My mind made the decision."

"My mind is like the sun."

"The sun is like my blue shoes."

"My mind is matte blue and not bright."


As you can see, no matter how "correct" or fair the male minds statement is, it is infact an insult towards the female mind. Now in some cases the female mind does not work against the male mind and tries to infact please the male mind, this is only a camouflage to gain more power, money or shoes. Now all taken into consideration, the female mind works like the preverbial god..."in mysterious ways". This means that no matter how you try to find out and even think you're close to finding out how the female mind works, when you finally realise it, it's allready wrong since the female mind isn't like that anymore.

Hope this brings a bit of light into this dark and mysterious area of the human life.

Next caller, you're on the line with Teh Seel.

Kharok Svark

What are the names of the Gods of Fuzzball ?


Originally posted by Kharok Svark
What are the names of the Gods of Fuzzball ?

A very simple question and thank you for taking interest in them.

They are:





The one who shall remain unnamed by everyone else except Rassi.

There are five Gods of Fuzzball but the fifth God of Fuzzball is a goddess and thus is left out of this group. All of the Gods of Fuzzball bow to this one Goddess and try to serve her with their full omnipotence.


Teh Seel,

With your astounding wisdom and knowledge, you must have seen a fair few things on your travels.

What is your funniest anecdote involving a monkey?


Originally posted by talen_sun
Teh Seel,

With your astounding wisdom and knowledge, you must have seen a fair few things on your travels.

What is your funniest anecdote involving a monkey?

Thank you, thank you for your kind words. The funniest anecdote involving a monkey would have to be what a scottish lumberjack told me when he visited Teh Icefloat in search of the Nessie.

"This place is so cold it could freeze the balls of a brass monkey!"

Evidently the brass monkey comes from a trinket that has the three monkeys on it:

Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil.

And when it gets really cold the scottish are known to say "It's cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey."

I hope, while this is not a best example of an anecdote, that this will answer the question. I'm quite afraid that on my long travels around the multiverse i haven't met that many anecdotes, even if the Gods of Fuzzball tell there are quite a few around.

Oh, just got informed by Rassi...evidently all anecdotes about monkeys have three eyes and are greenish in color.


Originally posted by MesS°
the real question is:

Is Teh seel cheating?

Since the Gods of Fuzzball are unable to answer anything, lazy little things those Furry entities of omnipotence, i have to answer this a day late.

Sometimes you have to cheat to win but most the time, almost 99%, i work with a pure heart and use means of deception and evil to gain something i really really want. Cheator haxor is not the way i like to work. In the games, those alternate realities of our existence, i never cheat. Even something like the infamous DAoX was out of bounds since it was deemed "unlawful".

So the answer is no, teh Seel is not cheating and most certainly is not using some sort of silly 8-ball sham to answer those in need of guidance.


Bah i asked bob.

What is the meaning of life?

Bob says "Without a Doubt"



when asked..

Is Teh seel cheating?

Bob says " Cannot predict now"



I'd like to ask teh Seel how an old, slow, drunken man like me, using a 56k modem connection can totally pwn all the d00ds and be a really l33t player in Planetside?

Thank you,


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