Teh Seel Brings! Another silly(or Seely) thread about ideas.



Hello hello! So nice of you to drop by and hear the fluffy white thing speak again of his ideas that come after long discussions with the Box of Many Voices and Colors. Today i'm feeling a bit more Seelish then usual so i decided to write down some emotes, past times, non-game balance affecting things and all in all...stuff!

So, hold on to your wingnuts 'cause here we go again:

1: Emotes! Emotes! Emmm...oats?

First off i bring you some basic emotes you might like to see, well atleast i'd like to see.

/scratch -No, this is not meant to be scratching the itch in the southern region. It's head you guttermind! Considering something should result in an animation of the char scratching his head.

/crotch -There. Happy now? You got your crotch grabbing Michael Buffbots around since you so much wanted it.

/inc -The character, after pressing this as a hotkey par example, will scream in a bit girlish way, wave his/her arms in the air and run around the spot like the char was a pogo jumping mongoose on fire.

/oop/oom -The character waves his stick/hands a bit, a few zizzles come out and then the char simply states. "Hmm, empty." and sits down.

/ooe -The mighty warrior hufs, pufs, wipes his forehead and sits down from where he continues to fall flat on his back and breathe heavily.

/dancepartner -The player target another player, types /dancepartner, the other gets a screen where reads "Do you wish to dance with Ungerwalt?" Accept or Decline. On Decline, there might be a tiny gesture, wave of the hand or such, to decline. On accept the chars near eachother and dance around for a bit.

And that's for the emotes for the time being, time is a being afterall, tiny, but there. But i am not here to give advice on the universe, i'm here to share ideas. So let's move on to...

2: Past time fun-fun!!

These are things that would bring a "Bite 'o Life" into the world, a few simple animations that people could throw around to boost morale, for poops and giggles or just to annoy the begeesus out of the guildmaster when he tries to explain where the guild is going. Basicly emotes but these are a bit longer in time and not really things you do while waiting for a pop..well...i might but most probably wouldn't. Shame in such...anyway!

/dinner -Anywhere near a table, anywhere a table might be, and most likely in towns, a char could target a table and /dinner. This would result in a , 2 minute animation of the char sitting down and starting to eat and drink. One might even pay 15s for this joy and get a 10 minute buff to endurance(a minimal but still).

/camp -A group animation(typed by the current leader) where the group sets up a fire, sits down, lays their weapons down, cook some food(or a morvalt) and basicly chitchat about their great adventures. This would be around 5 minutes as a whole animation but the gains would be equal. The whole group, depending on the size(bigger the better) would get enhanced stats if they complete the camping. If anyone should get up and leave, they would loose their buffs naturally. The stats would stay for around 10 minutes.

Now ofcourse, eating, drinking...leads to...yes, you got it!

/relief -The char quite literally finds the nearest bush, tree and lets nature take it's course. This would be quite amusing, when in the middle fo a battle, caster shouts "OOM GOTTA PEE!!" and runs to the tree to relief himself. This would be like sitting down, but would give some ..how to say... amusement into the battle situation. Ofcourse there's nothing as scary as getting aggro from the bush you pee in.

3: Beaches...beaches...hmm...get out the partygear!!

Beach isn't a beach without beach skullball! A groupleader(if he has bought a skull, costing ridicilously little..only 5g) can set up a game by typing /skullball on a flat, big enough area. The group, if even in numbers, will move on both sides of the game-area and then it's...game on! Move your char on the area as you normally would, skalds moving faster, fighters hitting harder and such, as the skull hits your character you strike it automaticly to the direction you are facing. If there's a teammate in that direction, it's a pass, if the net is in that direction, it's a strike to score.

Also skulling(bowling with skulls), basketskull and footskull are possible variations.

Well there's not much but there's some ideas from the icefloat again. Teh Seel retreats back to his cold flotation device to discuss more issues with the Box Of Many Voices and Colors and will be back with another issue of: Teh Seel Brings!


lol funny post:)
and some genuinely good ideas :D



Gr8 post yet again!

I'm beginning to become sumwhat of a fan! :D

Keep it up! :D

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