What do dentists cost these days? A piece of one of my back teeth has just fallen off! I haven't been to the dentists in years.
Originally posted by S-Gray
Originally posted by xane
The last major toothwork I had done was a crown, as it was the back tooth it was a normal crappy looking one and it cost around £300.
Originally posted by xane
I generally have good teeth, I pay around £18 for a check up that lasts 30 seconds, then they fleece me again charging another £20 to see the hygenist, who previously trained as assitant dental nurse to Dr Szell.
Originally posted by old.Reverend Flatus
I had both my upper front gnashers root-filled and crowned privately and it cost me £1200 of MY English pounds!
Originally posted by Tom.
Sounds like what I've got, its an upper one, next but one to one of them sharp thingies (yeah ok ok). Makes me wince if I drink, so it looks like I'll be using straws for the next few days.
You haven't?? I go to the dentist every half year, no wonder British teeth are in high regard all over the worldOriginally posted by Tom.
I haven't been to the dentists in years.
Originally posted by throdgrain
Methadone and cocaine are completely different things....
Originally posted by Tom
What do dentists cost these days? A piece of one of my back teeth has just fallen off! I haven't been to the dentists in years.