Techy rant / help needed



Firstly as this is a tech-based problem, my system specs:

Motherboard : ABIT KT-7
Processor : AMD ThunderBird 1.1GHz (OC'd to 1.3 when the weather is cool)
RAM : 512mb SDRAM
Graphics : ChainTech 64MB GeForce 2 Ultra
Gfx Drivers : nVidia detonator

My problem is this, as many have probably moaned about before: framerate.

I have a nice big 21" monitor and so from day 1 I have been playing comfortably at 1600*1200. There are however, numerous problems which I have been happy to live with and ignore thus far, that are really starting to cause me a lot of stress now that I'm RvRing and generally trying to use the time available to me effectively in PvE.

1) Zoning : as anyone in my guild and many that are not will tell you, it takes me AGES to zone. I can be sat there between the game freezing to load, and being able to move again, for anything between 30 seconds and a full minute. That doesn't sound like much, but in-game that's a long time. Not only this, but when I enter Camelot (the same goes for Jordheim, as I play mid on prydwen) my framerate dies COMPLETELY (<1fps) for a minute or so, making it impossible to move around or to interact with others. After this period though, my framerate is fine, and I can go anywhere, cast spells and generally do what I want, all at about 40fps or more.

2) RvR : I've seen lots of videos of people RvRing (tx tiggy) and for the most part I've been amazed at how playable their framerates are even with 20+ other players on screen at once. For me, any scene with upwards of 5 players in it drags my framerate right down to the stage where casting becomes difficult if not impossible due to control lag. People don't animate, they warp and jerk around the environment. I have /effects none set btw.

Now, it doesn't take a computer whizz to look at the resolution I'm playing in, and come to the conclusion that that's the problem. HOWEVER, life is not that simple. This was my first guess, and I immedietly went right down to 800*600, aiming to work my way up to find a balance between performance and eye candy. What I found was that my performance in 800*600, with all the graphics options on my card set to 'fast' in various tweak programs, is no different at all to running in 1600*1200 with everything set on 'quality'. My framerate is still pathetic when I've just loaded the game, entered a detailed area, or when other players are on the screen. Come on, even games like Operation Flashpoint (notorious framerate whore) run smoothly at resolutions such as this.

Does my problem lie somewhere else? Is the DAoC engine simply the worst example of 3D programming in the world, ever? Somebody pleeeeeeease tell me you can help!


Hrm, I was thinking it might be swap speed... what sort of hard drive you got?

But you have half a gig of ram so it shouldn't need to do that much swapping (my laptop has the same problems with zoning and camelot, goes reeaaaaaaally slow)

I find things slow down after a while in camelot, that's the memory leak in the graphics engine, nowt you can do about that... but that's a more gradual over-time thing. The freezing at the start in camelot sounds like it loading textures - is your hard drive going mental at this point?


I have a delta fan on my CPU for the overclocking, so any chance of me hearing my HD thrashing is slaughtered. ATM I'm just running a single 17GB seagate drive, with 4GB free. God bless the man who told me to increase the FSB on my mobo from 100mhz to 133, thus pumping 50v through my 46gb IBM drive, which is now serving only as a paperweight.


Hey WF.

Hmmm... well better cover all the bases.

  • DirectX 8.1 installed?
  • Got the Via 4-in-1 drivers installed?
  • All BIOS settings looking right? (AGP 4x enabled if poss. etc)

Also, like Fingoniel said, swapping might be your issue, so check that.

Can't really think of anything else. Your motherboard is similar to mine (KT7-RAID) and I had no major problems with that or with my old GeForce2 MX so I don't know what else to suggest.


  • yep
  • yep, but will check this again as this was a problem a long time ago and it cant hurt to check
  • yep

I'm not quite sure how to 'check' the swapping issue though :-/


Tried checking that u don't have V Sync on and also change ur drivers? Try different ones that is?


from experience i've found that vsync is actually a good thing to have on - your displayed FPS may be limited to 60 (using half-life as an example here) whereas it will go up to 100 without vsync, but it will be far smoother and more playable. I'm currently downloading about half a dozen different driver versions, having tried three or four already though, I'm not too hopeful.

Madonion Slicer

Mate, you are running at 1600x1200, and your expecting High framrates with a GF2, the GF2 Ultra is a good card if not a little dated but i can not see anyway you running at 1600X1200 and get a high fps.

Can i suggest you knock it down to 1280x1024 this is plent decent and will not strain you card, if you want clearer graphics hit the AA up to 2x but this will hit the FPS hard.

My system is as follows

Shuttle AK31 3.5
Tbird 1333 oced to 10x150 - 1500mhz
512 DDR Crucial CL2
48Gig GXP75 7200rpm
GF3 TI200

and at 1280x1024 i can still get times of low fps when in a mass rvr with alot of spell effect and so on.

I can suggest this if you have a spare bit of cash and you want do something for you system you can pick up a GF3Ti200 for under £80, dont be fooled by the GF4MX, the ti200 blows it out of the water.

Also check this place out for some advise and go to the gamershq alot of help there.


Now, it doesn't take a computer whizz to look at the resolution I'm playing in, and come to the conclusion that that's the problem. HOWEVER, life is not that simple. This was my first guess, and I immedietly went right down to 800*600, aiming to work my way up to find a balance between performance and eye candy. What I found was that my performance in 800*600, with all the graphics options on my card set to 'fast' in various tweak programs, is no different at all to running in 1600*1200 with everything set on 'quality'. My framerate is still pathetic when I've just loaded the game, entered a detailed area, or when other players are on the screen. Come on, even games like Operation Flashpoint (notorious framerate whore) run smoothly at resolutions such as this.

Thing is, I can have 40 pygmy goblins on-screen at once, and have /effects self set, and still get 40+fps. When I'm just running around places like camelot hills, my framerate is fine. I'm willing to accept a performance hit in RvR, but not to the extent that I'm currently seeing (regardless of resolution).


check your OS,

If you arent running WinXP, get rid of the 512 ram. Tho it may not cause any (visible) problems normally, it will slow down any machine running another OS simply because your system has trouble managing 512 MB.

If running Win2K ... there are a number of configurations giving problems on that OS. Strange thing is, othgers do not and run DAoC very well. Tweaking, upgrading, downgrading did not make much difference. It is one of them Microsoft / hardware mysteries. I had to reinstall my system to play the game at a reasonable fr.

And finally, very strange ... check your audio settings :) And yes, I am serious here. Having old or older audio / Eax / A3D or whatever drivers in combination with the DirectX audio settings can cause performance problems in some 3D engines. Why, I do not know.

The 3 things above are among the more strange hardware/performance conflicts one can have so it might be a good idea to check them...just to be sure.


Hehe, an old problem resurfaces here.

I have WinXP Pro sitting here on my desk, but when I first tried to install it, wonder of wonders my machine crashed halfway through the installation process. Now when I look on my hard-drive I find no evidence of the installation, but my CD key is now rejected by my machine as being invalid. Sweet huh?

I am indeed running win2k, and am aware that there are problems with this OS and DAoC. However, I was under the impression that this was limited to 'DAoC will crash after a short period of time' problems, which I managed to resolve by trying various different drivers.

I think I updated my sound card drivers (SB Live Value) about 6 months ago, thx for the heads up on that one though, I'll check it out.


Runs sweet on Win2k here. Just so you know.

Oh yes, and try lowering sound acceleration a couple of notches to basic - may help.

Madonion Slicer

Windows XP - VIA Board and SBLIVE = Many issues, this is worth looking into have read much about these 3 not being the happiest together.


4-in-1's checked and updated, no change
sound acceleration checked, no change
freed up a bit more space on my HD earlier, no change

going through the list at the moment to see what else I can do, gonna try a win2k reinstall later, if i dont get anything there I'll give winXP another try. No luck so far though :(


I have friends who have had slow down on their machine due to sound issues so I'd take a good look at that side if I were you.

I'm running DAoC on a Win98 box (I'm not gonna buy XP with the crappy licensing model :)) and it works just dandy. I believe I have a KT7-Raid with a TB1.9, 512 DDR RAM and A GF2 MX400 and it runs just fine (Obviously not always smooth but I don't expect miracles :)). I play on the second resolution up (Not the bottom the next one). The only thing I will say is that the machine ONLY has DAoC on, my old machine took a turn for the worst and I had to start from scratch. So if you REALLY want to improve your gameplay I'd advise you reformat and start from scratch, always works for me, Windows always slows down after a while, I advise reinstallation on a, somewhat, regular basis.



have had the very same problem on my system (1,3 thunderbird, 512 mb ram, gf2 ultra), and i had w2k as well...

w2k suxx with daoc in my opinion, couldnt get it run proper..

have now swiched to my other harddrive with w98 SE on it (god bless the swich frames for hard-drives :clap: ) and everything is fine!!!


And if all of the above fails, try to update your hdd controller drivers.


I never tried with Win98, but I couldn't get DAoC to run on WinME vanilla installation (updated drivers, directx, etc ofcourse), no matter what.

With Win2K and WinXP, runs just fine. No problems caused by the OS whatsoever.

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