Technical problems



This is seriously annoying me now, anyway..

About a month ago after i installed Imesh my internet started to go a bit buggered, i thought it was the very annoying Gator which managed to get on my pc and almost cripple it. Not even AdAware could do anything about it.

It affected my pc so much that i couldn't connect to anything, cuteftp, kazaa, winmx, SSH client or any type of online webgame. Except MSN Messenger strangely enough, but even this mainly showed me offline and kicked me off every half hour.

So I once i made my backups i reformatted hoping for a fresh start and the ability to update my website at the very least. But again i've still got the same problem even after wiping my friggin hard drive. I'm pretty sure it's nothing to do with my firewall settings as i have had this for years with no probs, and i've tried without my firewall connected.

So i've pinned it down on either freeserve or a hardware problem. Im connecting using a USRobotics internal 56k modem and my ISP is Freeserve hometime for which i've tried the two alternative dial up numbers. I also have a Supraexpress 56e but this has no effect.

I'd be grateful if you could help me :(


well, I use imesh..and no such problems (apart from cydoor cant just delete that as imesh wont work without you need a hacked cydoor file)...mind...I didnt install bonzai git or gator...and adaware worked fine for me :(

so maybe a dodgy telecoms connection ? maybe water got into it in the street ? does the phone line sound ok by crackes/static ?

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