Technical Help Needed (link within)



Have you tried a re-installation ? What about checking to see if u have the latest graphics card drivers ? Also check for sources of elctro-magnetic radiation near your PC area (e.g. sub-woofer). Is your PC near a radiator ?

Just some thoughts. Not seen it before myself, so could be talking complete bollocks.


All checked, and ive tried about a dozen different sets of drivers now, none make any difference. I reinstalled when I got 1.60 from the patch servers as well, the problems were there before and after.


In addition to the graphics are you getting lag ? If so, do a complete virus scan (including the "Klez" trojan horse). But no doubt you've done that already...

Try disabling non-essential services from the Process list. Other things to check : msconfigsys, disable MSN messenger, and also close any Microsoft Activesync sessions.

Apart from that its a toughie. You could always write to a Microsoft Professional (ahem) and seek their advice from a system perspective. Perhaps mythic can help with respect to the game.

good luck buddy


I was using 8.1, and only switched to 9 to try and remedy the situation. It had no effect.


I go 2 anoying bugs on mine
GF4 ti4200 64MB,
xp2000+ 512mb pc2700 apacer cas 2

1) sometimes when i zone all textures are screwed up, i get 0.5 fps and loads of latancy reloging fixes it

2) some spots (outside avalon city, dales, ) my framerate just drops to a point that the game is unplayable, but if i log out and back in its ok agian till i leave that area

I tried averything i can think of dx8.1 dx9 old driver new drivers


I keep getting random crashes when running the SI Engine. I've tried just about everything I can think of, and just when I've had it running for a couple of hours and think it's sorted it goes again :(

I have absolutely no problems whatsoever with the Classic Engine, and now just end up logging back in on that after I crash from SI so I can get some uninterrupted play.

System spec:

Geforce 4 TI4600 128 Mb
XP 2000+
1024 Mb PC2700 DDR
Win 2k

DeaD GuRu

just bumping it

i think that gf 2 is getting pretty old to be honest. Could be that their new engine has some probs with them.
Running gf3 here, i so see a verry weird bug also, only on SI
If i play with my sorceror and start casting, i can see reflexions of my casting graphs on the far horizon, lol, does'nt bother me really, but it just seems tat most probs still have to be solved.



The PNY Geforce FX 5800 Ultra gets released soon.

Its £399 and is the answer to ATI's Direct X 9 Radeon 9700.

500MHz core, 128b DDR GPU
500MHz DDR2 mem clock
DirectX9 compliant
AGP 2x, 4x, and 8x compatible
DVI, VGA, S Vid outputs

It's loud, expensive, but its the fastest graphics card on the face of the planet (reaching 16154 3Dmark !!!)



Originally posted by Genesis_of_Ak
The PNY Geforce FX 5800 Ultra gets released soon.

Its £399 and is the answer to ATI's Direct X 9 Radeon 9700.

500MHz core, 128b DDR GPU
500MHz DDR2 mem clock
DirectX9 compliant
AGP 2x, 4x, and 8x compatible
DVI, VGA, S Vid outputs

It's loud, expensive, but its the fastest graphics card on the face of the planet (reaching 16154 3Dmark !!!)

It's less than 10% faster than a 9700PRO (in some tests the radeon is faster, and the radeon scores approx 15500 in 3dmark), it's more expensive, it's noisy as hell (the test card is as noisy as a vacuum cleaner!!!), take two slots (cause its so damn big).. Nvidia screwed up there, the R400 will be here soon from ATI that'll beat the FX by far I'm guessing.. (and I used to ONLY buy nvidia... but not anymore ;))

read a test of it here:

I'd say don't get the FX wait for ATI next chip(R400) or get a radeon9700 when the FX is released, then you could prob. get a radeon 9700 pro for sub 300$ or a radeon 9700 for around 200$, maybe less (abit lower clock speed but same features as the PRO, and still very fast)



Try to look if you got shared irq's with agp and pci card's

make sure youre card has enough free space to cool Yes it cost you a pci slot ( which you not should use any way due to irq share)

look were youre sound card is located it should be irq 5
turn of all sound or ripp it out and test drive , got some strange drawing lagg resolved with this.

go back to basic setup
low water , low update
800 x 600
etc and see if it change's

Something that is very important but think not in youre case is the Power supply

in 3d mode and doac all our cards ati and nvidia will use a lot of power , they are on the top of agp spec's
now not all power supply who say 300w are 300w
feel if it gets really hot , if so get a decent one
and not all mobo's can handle the top agp power drain to wel
normaly youre system gets unstable but facing screen errors is also a commen problem
they solved this on the FX and 9700 card by using a power connector.

In your drivers (nvidia and ati) you can force the card to go
4 x fsaa etc overide all kinds of settings
disable it let the game do the settings.
also in you windows /system32 dir there is a file called : dxdiag.exe run it to see of you can get any extra info
also HERE you can change youre 60hz trouble in dx game's

For all things try 1 thing change it test it , no result turn it back and tweak something else.

good luck

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