Teamkilling for planes



Started to notice this in the last day or so as the FF servers have got popular. There are some players, it seems, who can't let you get a plane and fly off in it. If they can't kill you before you get in the plane, they'll shoot you down on takeoff.

Is there nothing that can be done about this? I don't know what the state of play with the BF server setup at the moment is, but especially now we're paying for this service, I'd have thought people wouldn't have bothered to teamkill...



Agreed :(

Was silly this afternoon (Sunday)... mostly down to one culprit Blaster who would kill anyone that was closer to a plane than him. Surely we need to find a way to report and ban people like him as they do destroy a good game.

=FUK= Mendez

Who're the public admins for the BF servers?
FF really does bring out the idiots.


Starman and I are the liaisons for this game- at the moment we have no admins because of issues with rcon that are being resolved.

Personally I haven't seen any deliberate TK'ing, but thats not to say it doesn't happen. Anyone who I catch TK'ing with be warned, then kicked and if necessary banned - we will not tolerate this behaviour on BW servers.

If anyone see this sort of behaviour, please feel free to come and grab me from #bwadmins (I idle there most days - page me if I'm slow to respond) and I'll come deal with it.

As soon as the rcon issues are resolved (waiting for a patch from EA) an admin team will be appointed and made public knowledge.



I've not seen anything like this (although I think I was actually on the server whilst it was happening). Its a problem none the less :/

What's more annoying is the fact that most of these peeps can't fly for shit and mostly crash on take off, or simply fly around doing sweet fa.
It definatly seems the teams are the problems, not the actual maps (as some other peeps have said in other posts)


Yep, there's nothing more annoying than getting shot in the back by some cunt as you run for a plane, only to see him hop in and stack it into a tree trying to take off.

And yes, it was Blaster and BIn.HUP UK (or something) doing it earlier.


isnt that what #bwadmins are for? (Trusting your talkin about BW Servers).

Just report the person to an Admin and he will be warned, if he does it again he will lose his Subscription..?


Aswell as TK'ing for planes -- there are the people who just sit at the spawn spot waiting for planes and doing nothing else ----- if there isnt a plane then go and do something else useful !

I like flying as much as the next guy, but I know I'm not much cop at it so I try to let the good pilots have planes mostly and only take one if I see a "spare" with no one else nr ----- and if there are no planes I head off and find other things to do --- like getting killed loads of times which seems to be something I;m good at ;)


Happened to me twice tonight (Sunday), and once getting into a Tank!!!

And I thought subscriptions had got rid of Lamers.

If you see someone doing it please report them to #BWAdmins.

When I was in a plane the bastard was shooting it till it caught fire, and then letting it blow up, so he didn't even get a TK against his name, and I couldn't see who it was.

I think the only way to tell would be to have a 'short arm inspection', 'cos the guy doing this obviously has a very small penis.


Yeah, this happened to me twice last night, got in a plane only to have some idiot TK me as I took off. Second time it happened I managed to jump out before it blew and shot him back, shouldn't have gone down to that level tho :(


Can't we get the public FF servers to have the BF option too? That way anyone teamkilling will die themselves and hence not get the plane/tank. I think it's a necessary move on pubs altho league games need it off!


But that'd punish accidental tk's too, and punish the team as a whole as it'll cost 2 tickets in stead of 1.

Personally, I just think that once rcon is sorted out, the admins should take care of people who TK on purpose.


I think so, though that does rely on having bodies on the server. Mirror damage does give any TKers a fright, but anything like that just punishes the whole time twice for the idiot.

Do we have any admins yet, or is it still just the liasions?


What is it about the planes that attracts all the dickheads? it's not like they are fantstically more fun than the rest of the game or anything... I think playing on Barrysworld you are less likely to see this kind of behaviour, but of course there is always one.

I myself got deliberately run over by some fucktard team mate the other day which although mildly amusing as a one off incident goes to show the lengths some will go to in their desperation to grab that plane :)

Would be nice if EA could sort out the rcon patch though coz im fairly sure once it starts costing people money through bans this type of behaviour will become increasingly rare (on Barrysworld at least)


I was playing on a mirror damage server recently (I really have no idea why). Nothing is more annoying than some moron running in front of your speeding jeep.:eek:


ahh I was running in a straight line in a wide open space, was savaged from behind :) quite deliberate on his part the little shit!


Originally posted by lojik
ahh I was running in a straight line in a wide open space, was savaged from behind :) quite deliberate on his part the little shit!

Ah - there's nothing like being savaged from behind - except perhaps, not being!!! :)


And since I'm a moron and hit post before finishing my sentence I'll now spam a second post in quick succcession :)

Admin list is prepared - just waiting for EA to sort out their life. Nat has made a break through on the rcon front recently and it may now be useable for other admins - I'll follow this up tonight when I'm not at a customer's site.

Hopefully we can get some moron police on these servers pretty damn sharpish - and by moron police i mean people to police the morons and not more stupid people like me!


PS: I agree on all comments made re. mirror dmg so far - its not really a solution and may well leave driverless vehicles to carry on careering through a group of friendlies after the first one accidental hit vapourises its driver.


Forgot to mention, after those two "its-my-plane" TK's I was running for another plane when I noticed bullet impacts on it, turned expecting another TK'er and one- shot him cold with my Rifle, turns out he was actually on the other team anyway, just a useless shot :)

On Iwo Jima the allies managed to beach the Carrier well within in range of a Browning HMG, I was having mucho fun popping off all the pilots running along the deck and destroying planes as they sat there or started taking off, they must have been very angry thinking it was a TK'er.


He he. I was on that carrier when you started that, cama. :) I started some sarcastic comments to my team pointing out that you were MGing people on deck but nothing happened.

I managed to come up behind you and started shooting just as you'd abandoned the MG. Can't remember who killed who though. :/


Originally posted by Nozzer
Yep, there's nothing more annoying than getting shot in the back by some cunt as you run for a plane, only to see him hop in and stack it into a tree trying to take off.

And yes, it was Blaster and BIn.HUP UK (or something) doing it earlier.

Its =-BNP-= UK

Those two are very lame and frequent the servers quite a lot.

P.S does anyone know how kick voting works? I can initiate a vote but nobody knows how to vote yes or no ;)


Actually there is nothing funnier than watching someone trying to get into your full planes, and being dragged straight off the end of the air carriers :> Especially when your on the nme carrier :D :D

Or maybe I'm just lame :D

oh, btw crashing into a tree, spanking round it and squishing the nme troops is great :D


Admins won't really help this cos every time someone gets teamkilled they will expect an admin to kick the culprit, intentional or not!

Perhaps public servers are better off FF off and keep FF for league servers?


Scooba Da Bass

There's a difference between accidental TKing, and the idiots with scores of -20.


Would have been nice to have the RTCW kick option to build up warnings against players in game then punt them after so many votes.

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