TeamArena support??



I was wondering if the Quake 3 community are planning on continuing to ignore Team Arena for CTF? There a feck all servers available, on Barrysworld as well as nearly all of the UK gaming services. I feel ripped off and dissapointed at paying full whack for what is essentially a buggy mod that crashes me due to model errors. I can alleviate the crashing and upgrade but most of the servers dont support the beta patch, and ID dont look like pulling the finger out of their collective arses and releasing an official patch.. What a waste of Money, I shoulda stuck to 3 wave, but I thought that perhaps this was the natural progression.


Welcome to Quake

Better get used to it, ole chap. Although ID develop the finest fps games, they have no concept of looking after their customers. They have a history of games being rushed for premature release dates, resulting in a long, drawn out series of patches to fill in the gaps. Obviously its great that they release these patches for new issues that come to light, but I don't think there was a single reviewer of Quake 3 back in 1999 that didn't say it was 'great, but quite clearly incomplete'. This is still the case as beta versions of updates get dribbled out to the community - never sure whether they should upgrade to the new version or not.
Expect the same kinda thing with Doom3 (or Quake 4 - whatever) - it'll be the dogz nutz, but when it gets released 'just in time or xmas' that means it's been rushed.

My advice - dive straight into RTC Wolfenstein once it gets released. Theres every indication it'll be a well polished product, and should be on the shelves in time for xmas - Doh...



I love TA, can't understand why Barrysworld don't support it.

There are servers for TA on JOLT and NGUK which fill up most nights, me thinks Barrysworld could put up a TA server, and it would do very nicely.

Yes sir....

Cheers, Shire29

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