Team kill. Stop spammers



is there any chance of having team kill turned on ( ie u can kill your own team) because at the moment spamming is really choking this game, after playing TF1 for ages the difference in skill levels between TF1 and TFC is amazingly wide.
Generally atm TFC success depends not on skill but on how many MIRV grens you have.


I've played on some servers which have team kill on, and I didn't like it (especially 'cause I was playing as a spy). I kept getting killed by my own team, and 1 player (named "Player") killed me 8 times in a row! I wouldn't have minded but I was in the resupply room

Hmmm, not sure if that is relevent, but teamkill just didn't work well for me. I'm sure there are servers out there that are good with teamkill enabled.


[This message has been edited by C4 (edited 11 July 1999).]


That is what i am on about, the current level of play is well poor.
The standard technique for spy spotting is to shoot everyone and se if it bleeds.
There seems to be a lack of willingness to communicate and work as a team.
I reckon that half the players would be better off playing DM and letting the rest carry on.


In my opinion team hurt is only a good idea on clan/passworded servers or listen servers - until you have seen spam on a team hurt server don't ask for it! The are many accounts of team killers playing TFC a favorite of them is to simply respawn chuck MIRV's, kill themselves and other team members in the blast and do it again. I think the record is -120 frags.

Spam is a pain in the ass but team hurt wouldn't fix the problem just make more.

BTW - I know leave servers when No Man's Land starts, the map is made well and does reach it's concept I just don't like that concept

"Be vevvy, vevvy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits"

Elmer Fudd

[This message has been edited by [SLH]Pakman (edited 12 July 1999).]


I am not posting from a viewpoint of ignorance.

I have played TF since the first release for Q1, and have spent alot of time on team kill servers.

The ideal solution would be to reduce the power or range of mirv grens as it is almost always hwguys or demo's that spam.

provided that the server is set up to kick players that kill their own team more than a couple of times in a minute.

Some ppl complain that this can happen by accident, but it should not if you check your targets and use grens wisely.

atm TFC is all about how many grens you have and how fast you can throw them



Who said you were ignorant? Not me, so go sit down and take a prosaic and calm down.

In my opinion there is only one map were spam is a major problem and that is NML - on every other map it can be avoided, after all they can only carry 4 grenades. Again in my op i prefer the occasional spam to the occasional team-killer.

But of course I'm only an ignorant TFC player and not perfect like those who play TF.


just for the record i cant STAND it when people spam! what makes it even worse is that some people in my clan like to get spam-happy when they feel the situation needs it, but for me anything other than 1 MIRV at a time is spamming. Mind u i never play as a demoman or HWguy anyway so I *cant* spam

As for someone posting somewhere that the "spy detection is now al about shooting something and seeing if it bleeds, which gets rid of all the communication skills and teamwork" I wonder how many people on public servers would even REPLY to anything like "please fire in the air as you walk into the basement" sure a lot of public server players would say "why would i go in the basement anyway??"

xDarkchild <Jon>


Right i am xDarkchild's clan mate and i think he is refereing to moi about the spam. I want to clear this up. I dont like spamming i wont do this in a public server. I am not admitting to being a spammer as it is lame. But what i do do however is tactical. Think of it this way. Rock2 starts and it pisses me off no end when *WE* get rushing scouts. So i wait for our scouts to rush off and then i MIRV the entrance to stop the rushing scouts. There is no nme there but is this spam? Also in 2fort i MIRV the area outside of the main / central enemy resupply. This is tactical and keeps the nme inside their resupply keeping the numbers out side able to kill our clan to a minimum. I would not be a good player if i did not do this.
I think spam is not defined as more than one grenade at a time. I feel it is defined as throwing mroe than one grenade hoping to get a kill.
Dark I will continue to *spam*. Why else do you think we haven't let a cap against us on 2fort/rock2 for about 4 games?


[Digital Warfare]


Er I was actually refering to someone else Biggz but thanks for clearing that up anyway lol

xDarkchild <Jon>


>> "Also in 2fort i MIRV the area outside of the main / central enemy resupply."

That is the worst tactic I have ever come across, you should be ashamed.



oh dear!!! ::Brings on the white flag for all to say and waves it around frantically!::


>> "Also in 2fort i MIRV the area outside of the main / central enemy resupply."

Think about it . My teams got the flag coming up the ramp. What do i want to do? Clear that lobby. Also keep the enemy coming out of the main respawn room and also from their other respawn room along the battlements. It is a valid tactic.
I WOULDN'T do this on public servers as it is considered lame. But in a clan match the so called "spam" is allowed. Kill or be killed , so they say.


[Digital Warfare]


Not wanting to start any more feuds..(fivx anyone??) but I see that tactic as basically denying the opponents a right to play the game! Its like locking htem in prematch mode which we ALL know is not a very pleasant experience
Let them come out and fight like men. Or mice. Or badgers.

Mind you, you're not on offence a lot in clan matches anyway Biggz so its no big deal, eh? Just dont start MIRVing our respawns in a fit of confusion!!!

xDarkchild <Jon>


xDarkchild - what feud with FIVX are you referring to? we could have something in common....

I agree with whoever that team kill is only a good idea in clan matches, but even then it makes sentries quite annoying, ever been fragged by your teammates sentry?...

Nice to see ya posting ZED, i didnt think there would be anyone i know on the forum.


hehe, been fragged by my own Sentry many times. Happens when you are re-loading ammo into it and then it tries to shoot an enemy behind you and then your dead! Quite funny actually


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