TD vs. EM



uuum well where to start... i know the end...TD 0,EM 0....No. of EM players=9 No. of TD players=7...errrm it may be a little inflammatory of me but id call that cheating.........this plus a shit server(ign) means that if we face them again on a good server with controlled player numbers then id say TD would thrash EM.


I'd say you should wait till you have actually played a game



I was not playing, for how long in the game did EM have a 2 player advantage?


Well for atleast the last 15-20 mins of the game (if not more) then EM were playing 9 ppl, TD 8. One of our playerz had connection problems so we had a distinct 2 person disadvantage (TD 7, EM 9 -thought i'd put this in 'cause after all EM have trouble counting), only after a while we managed to call a player in to play for us. BUT, they had the extra player for one hell of a long time. It was [EM]Hec who "Stealthily" joined in and screwed up the player arrangement. Unfortuneately none of our playerz realised we had this disadvantage until 2 mins before the end of the game.

[TD] ruWank


Yes, what an unbelivable farce for a game that turned into.
What are the IGN servers running on, a paper cup and 2 pieces of string?

EM may win the award for the most arrogant and big-headed Tribe out there but can they count is what I want to know?

I think when we say teams of 8, we mean 8, not 9.. and sneeking a ninth player on which went unnoticed for about 10-15 minutes is a rather pathetic act.

Not to forget that we were down to 7 players so showboating your ego and failing to cap with a 2 man advantage isn't my idea of the guaranteed UKTL champions you make yourselves out to be. Especially as TD's attackers fell asleep, and stopped attacking when we came to the conclusion that the lag was to intense to make for a good game.

Perhaps in future we can play you on a server fit to piss on (if you excuse the phrase) and with the right team numbers.

Nothing personal, I just think if you're all going to be arogant you could at least live up to your claim, something which you failed to do.


Stop Press...
Cancel season2 of the UKTL.
Br beats Em 1-0 prooving that EM clearly are the best, totally unbeatable and no one stands a hope in hell of beating them in the UKTL so lets just hand them the trophy and call it a day

Thats sarcasm (just a note to EM players because I thought they might get confused as neither of them can count to 9 yet)


Well, its nice to see that TD got right to the point. I expect however, that if they expended as much energy playing as they do moaning (or at least some of them) - they might well have won the game. Who knows?

EM did *NOT* have 9 players for 15-20 minutes of the game, AT ALL. If you want the truth, then read on. If you want to believe the 'cheating' crap so forcefully put across by Fusion, then you are a fool.

I was on Flag 'D' *all game*. Whilst sitting there, busily reading the various messages, I noticed that a couple of the TD players dropped out of sight. The messages whizzed past, and so on. I thought nothing of it.

Then, one of the TD players says 'Hydra: Join In' a few times, and suddenly, I remember; the server was in Tournament mode - people cannot rejoin their team without admin intervention. So, being an admin on the IGN servers, I thought I'd do the right thing, and bring the guys back into the game.

So, I enter the Admin code, and put Hydra back on the TD team. At the same time, I notice [EM] Hecate sitting there, without a team. I *assume* he is waiting to be let back on, since it was (I'm sure we will ALL agree on this) a very *intense* 45 minutes, so I just changed him onto EM.

I did not realise at that point, that Hecate had in fact not been playing at all during the match. It was, what you may describe as AN ERROR, on my part.

And when did I put Hecate on ? Well, the clock said just over FIVE minutes to go. FIVE, FIVE, FIVE. Not 15, or 20.. utter crap. FIVE. Gettit?

Then, another one of the TD members drops out. I cannot remember the name of the member, but at THAT stage, it gave us a 9-7 advantage, but of course, by this time it was nearly 3 minutes to go.

As for the servers being laggy - yes, sure. There was LAG. It happens, on every server. We agreed, that the next time, we'd play on a WP server. This is not a problem. But, to moan and moan about it, is pathetic. And don't give me any 'but you're all in Ireland' crap - because we ARE NOT. I for one, am sitting here, in Brighton. The LAG is just as infuriating for me, as it is for you, yet did we moan and moan and moan, and eventually declare that you were 'giving up' ? NO - WE JUST CARRIED ON.

What happens in the UKTL if you get hit by bad lag? You bitch and bitch as well ? I've seen old grannies with more fight in them than you - its not impressive at all.

So, there you go. Personally, I enjoyed myself. I apologise for the re-entry of Hecate, but that was 5 mins from the end, and done in a hurry. Fog of War and all that crap. We don't *cheat* - I made a mistake.



And yes, BR did beat us 1-0 on Raindance. For the first 20 mins or so, it was a really, really good match. How many times did Afty run into my mines? lol

However, Voomer (i think) executed a particularly daring move that got him the flag. Nothing we could do. Then, both teams got each other's flag at the same time. Both teams then lost them, before both teams regained them.

IT was then a standoff. Both flag carriers got into heavies, shields, and so on. This is why, CTF isn't such a great idea for games

BR played better. Congrats to them. I'm sure they will agree that the EM they played tonight was FAR different from the EM they played back in 'that' first match

And of course, our entire dedicated defensive team... consisted of ME. Our other core defensive players didn't make it, and believe me when I say that had they of done so, it may well have been a very different outcome (Afty would have had more mines to wade through for a start



There is a difference between a bit of lag, and a server which clearly has difficulties coping with running 2 clients, like that one.

Perhaps you'd like to start up your own league. The 'Tribes lagged' league were all players must have over 400 pings and enough lag to see you updating into the middle of next week.

Yes we moaned Brit, but can you blame us. The server was complete shite and we were forced into a paradox. Do we leave on the grounds that the server is piss-poor and unplayable, or do we stay on because we don't wish to look like corwards.

In the end we chose to stay on, smoking whatever bit of weed was at our possession hoping that time would pass quicker.


A quote from an unknown source "I think that EM should have their own league , The Paddy league , requirements must have 9 players and play in a lag only enviroment".

Not gonna say who it was, that's not nice.
Anyway, BRIT I stink that the TD's were just going nutz because EM for a while have been bragging about being "the best" etc. Plz bare in mind that most of our playerz do not "Bitch like old grannies", just on occasion myself and fellow Fusion get a bit pissy about things =:]

It was a greAt game, very intense but if most of us playing were from the UK why were we playing on an Irish Server? We could have used WP,'s a damn game ffs, so everyone stop dah bitchin' =P


"Yes we moaned Brit, but can you blame us"

-- you took a conscious, independent decision to moan, so of course I can blame you. lol



Well we at BR played EM and i must say we won

But the igne servers are the biggest pile of shit in the world i was timming and im a lpb!!!

i actually got disconected while holding the nme flag

EM will have to play some more bw servers as the games are appling for the opposition on the igne servers


hehe, yes.
May I make a suggestion fro Tribes2? No mines for anyone with the letters 'B' 'R' 'I' 'T' in their name.
I couldnt believe it, I'd kill someone to get to the tower, then either knock you off, or hide from you while blowing up mines, then suddenly Id run round a corner and...boom. Ah well.

If not for the flag switch, it would have been a storming game.

As it stands, I reckon EM are better than before, but the title? We'll see


As for the game, it was possibly the best I have played in for about 20 mins. EM were deffo better, and much improved in terms of organisation, which we were sadly lacking, as our plans had been for 8on8 on Snowblind, the intel department will suffer as a result.



Also, you finished against TD only 2 hours ago, then played us, HOW DO YOU RIGHT AN ESSAY IN THAT AMOUNT OF TIME BRIT?

Do you have 8 fingers on each hand? If so I say that's cheating...




Time for me to have a moan, i think.

The laggy server spoilt it for me, i'd been looking forward to the game all day. The second the match started i ran out to attack and it felt like the game was running at 2fps, which was verging on the unplayable to me.

Fusion was using our isdn and had better, but it was still shite, he gets really pissed if his ping goes over 50, he wanted to quit the games after 5 mins i had to talk him into staying.

i noticed most EM players had nice sub 150ping except one player who had a 40ping.

After 10mins i'd had enough, i stopped attacking went heavy and waited for the time to expire.

- Zach


"Fusion was using our isdn and had better, but it was still shite, he gets really pissed if his ping goes over 50"

There - thats hit the nail right on the head. You guys are from what I can gather, made up of a lot of students, in Wales somewhere? Which means what? you are used to playing on low ping connects (JANET/ISDN or whatever).

So, as soon as you hit 'real world' pings, ie. above 50, some just cannot cope at all.

Apart from Lucifa, *all* of [EM] are on good old fashioned hand cranked modems, so we do infact get lagged as much as you.

In fact, every time Fusion moaned about the lag, I pressed TAB and took a screenie. And every time, the pings for *all* players (apart from Lucifa, who has one seriously jammy connection) were between 150 and 230

Hardly unplayable I think.

Afty : Now you're being Nickist
-- its not my fault you kept walking into the big black explosive things. lol


Well me and fusion are both in jersey in the channel islands.

i was using a dodgy modem, so i wasnt expecting a really good ping and am use to playing with a high ping.

on servers like barrysworld and wireplay i get a perfectly playable connection.

- Zach


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You guys are from what I can gather, made up of a lot of students, in Wales somewhere?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Where are you doing your gathering from today Brit???

As far as I know there are a couple of students but the majority of us have jobs, myself in the IT industry... We're also spread throughout the UK, although I was born in Wales so maybe thats where you got the idea from??? Fusion often uses ISDN but the rest of us are all modem players - no Janet connection in my house, of that I'm sure!!!

So maybe our pings might have been similar and on the occasions you used the tab menu to place yet more of EM on your team the lag may have been comparable for both sides... However, none of us are particularly used to playing on IGN servers and I for one found the ping spikes (at least every two minutes for 10 seconds) very annoying and something we could have done without...

If you guys really don't consider things like this to be a problem then I suggest you try playing on either the BarrysWorld or WirePlay servers as the games are far more enjoyable... You rarely have to worry about confronting an opponent with the fear you'll just end up standing there while they place a mine on your head and wait for you to start moving again...



P.S. Still trying to work out whether being a bunch of Welsh students is worse than eating potatoes and not being able to count to 9


I was under the impression you were (or at lest the majority of you) students in Wales - information I garnered (not gathered this time
) from a previous post by one of your lads on the UBB - I seem to remember the reason why very few of the TD peeps are going to Rapture 99 is *because* they are students in Wales and had no money

As for getting crappy connects from the Channel Islands - I can understand that.

"Still trying to work out whether being a bunch of Welsh students is worse than eating potatoes and not being able to count to 9 "

Just call me Mr.One2Eight



OK I think Brit cleared up the issue of the players numbers here already.

Fact is, as I think most people are mature enough to realise, EM have been having great fun winding people up. So we won a LAN tourney which, oficially, makes us UK champs, but we know as well as you all do exactly how much that means. But it's great slagging fodder nonetheless, and I for one have really enjoyed all the windups and arguments over it.

Certain people in TD seem to have taken it the wrong way, resulting in this sort of ridiculous recrimination.

Every time I looked at the pings of the two teams, TD were on lower pings than EM were, with the exception of a couple of players (most notably Lucifa, our tame LPB :p). Apart from Luci, we're all HPBs on modems, in some cases (like me) having to dial long-distance to Dublin in order to keep a ping below 500. This to a local server only a few hops away... You can imagine what it's like for us on Wireplay!

However, we now also have access to the QameX.Com servers, which should, I hope, provide excellent pings for both Irish and British players. We load-tested them by regging them on the US master, and US players got good connects to them, so UK players should too. Like IGN, EM players have admin, so we'll use these for our home games (EM2 will anyway, Dr. Teeth hasn't made up his mind about EM1's home matches...)

The fact remains though, that last nights matches were both very good games. Both sides in both matches were lagged - it was worse on Raindance for some reason, I found - but TD were the only people who complained bitterly. Fusion is now officially the game's number one muppet in my books - there's always one, isn't there? He lost the nut when his ping slipped over 50 (although my recollection is that he had 0 packetloss when most EM players were on 4 or 5, and Brit was on 8), whined incessantly throughout the game, ended the game not by saying "gg" - which it was - but by accusing us of cheating... And this on top of acting the muppet on servers before. He sets my teeth right on edge, that lad...

I think (hope) we're all friends again with the rest of TD, tho... And as to BR, well played, looking forward to next time!

Mata ne!


I lost 8 packets? Blimey - someone get me DHL's phone number NOW!!!



Err...Shinji, get your facts straight...we r the UK champs now, hehe (WPTL).
Bare in mind that loadz of the yanks use Cable Modems and ASDL lines so a majority of their pings will be rock 'ard.

P.S. Brit being called Welsh is referring us to being *sheep shagger's*, tut tut. Stop writing 'Chronicles' too, u never shut up.


Well I've gotta say that for me the IGN server was shite - I had 700+ ping for sizeable portions of the game which spoilt it a bit for me. It was a good game despite the lag but it'll be much more fun on a better server next week.

[BR] Shrapnel



Last time I checked, EM were going to Rapture. We'll see you there, shall we? And look forward to a return visit to Quakapalooza in Dublin next Hallow'een...

Mata ne!


If you guys are coming to Rapture it's only fair we return the compliment
. Need to round up a few of us though to make it cost-effective, hire a minibus and all prolly

Need to get attendance up a bit for Rapture though, only just broken the 100 mark.


Craig "Wizzo" Fletcher
Multiplay UK

ICQ: 3170276


i did not stealthiy join in. I was only there for the last 5 mins which had no impact on the game whatso-f'ing-ever since you had decided to dig into the flag room with 4-5 shielded heavies. Why?...because the poor poor little lambs had pings over 60...awwww!


"(most notably Lucifa, our tame LPB :p)"

I'm hoping that 'tame' is NOT a typo


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