Tartaros Gift


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Anyone got any working alb tactics for this artifact.
We tried to kill it yesterday with 2 fg but we're whiped twice.

We looked at vision of sages, but those tactics didn't help
A 3 man group still summoned the salamander zerg, and a matter cabbie dotting and kiting didn't do it either


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
When we did it, we had about 12 people, with a cabby DOTing and running like hell.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Some of our guild did it with three people, but don't ask me how. I wasn't there, but only heared it in our guildchat during the action. And it took them quite long. :p



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
We did it with about 12.

3 ice wizzies for the salamanders. You need to get him off the pad (we used a cabby pet to pull him). Get him as far away from the pad as possible, tank group jump on him, and wizzes mop up the inc salamanders.

Confuse also works very well on the salamnders, so sorc or mins handy.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 9, 2004
Cathul said:
Some of our guild did it with three people, but don't ask me how. I wasn't there, but only heared it in our guildchat during the action. And it took them quite long. :p


Earthen Theurg, Paladin, Cleric

Paladin pulled Akil from his platform and as far as posible away.
After that each did his job, between pet spamms theurg was in melee too.

We did not use any RA or ML beside FH, if i remember correctly.
No Salamanders for whole fight, only one Siam-He add.

We tryed it a second time later, but got ganked by salamanders this time.
But this time we didnt relog after disbanding from a bigger group and fighted some adds on our way to Akil.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
i had 1fg to take him down

setup was:

Paladin - mob5 - moparry1 - 67 shield
Paladin - mob4 - moparry2 - 66 shield
Minstrel - sos
Friar - dmg
Cleric - bof - instas - spread
Cleric - instas - spread
Mercenary - dmg dealer
Don't remember last one, dmg dealer i think.

everyone runned up to this boss... the Priest, clerics stopped outside platform and all tanks attacked him, twisting healchants etc, salamanders started to pop, vi BOFed and keept hitting boss, (NEVER stop hitting him) don't care about aggro from salamanders, 2 paladins will keep aggro from 20-40 salamanders, orange/yellow cons. what u need imo is 2 pallys with 50 shield specc and mob4+. when he dies, shouldn't take to long, u just use minstrel to sos, remember to waste FHs on pallys ebfore cleric spread/insta heals. if u die, it doesn't matter, u still got the staff. 2-3x BOF should make a big difference ;)

don't waste time in mezz etc, CC wont work on salamanders

3 things to think about...

highshield tanks
fhs before cleric heals
NEVER hit salamanders, they will keep poping

happy Hunting :)

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