


Please guys, it's not that hard. This isn't a whine thread, but you guys are really making this a bad habit.

Killing tanks.

BAD idea unless you're defending casters.

PLEASE go for healers and casters first, ignore the trolls and firbolgs!!

Some albs know how to do this, but all the rest of you please target those little casters and healers in the back, will make rvring a much more satisfying experience, I assure you



That is of cause unless the firby has a banjo, gotta get the bards out quick.


1) casters
2) bards - no rush cos they will insta/cast mezz anyway
3) healers - no rush cos they will only heal tanks efficiently anyway
4) tanks

Any advances on this?


You need to do Casters and DRuids at the same time. If you ignore the Druid a well played one will keep the caster alive. (Keeping in mind PBT and the little fella running you in circles)


mostly I'll take the casters first then the healers, then the mezzers, but if a caster/etc gets heald the healer gets it, and btw, ALWAYS have some tanks protecting ( with slam pls ) our casters


Bards can heal AND cc. Kill.
Healers ... same, but better. Kill.
Druids can heal and a bit of other stuff. Kill.
Casters in general do damage. Kill.
Tanks .... take to long to kill as long as they are getting healed. Hold them off with cc, then kill last.


to simplify things simply go after all those that wave thier arms about and/or wear a robe/carry a stick :p


i use go straigh for first bard with slam, if u r lucky u can get a slam in before bard wakes up, some r v slow, not often it works but sometimes, then kill anything in a robe, unless ofc a tank is on a alb caster, but heros die quick anyways


Yeah if your group has the drop on them and gets the mezz in first (it does happen occasionally) then some of the enemy tanks will purge and you need to stop them getting to your own casters, if all the others are mezzed and the tanks are free then thats one situration you do want to kill the tanks first. Unless you can break mezz with a stun.


Idealy you want the Light dmg dealers on the main healers, Druid or healer. These classes can take ages to kill with their instas so the pallys job is to prevent it from casting.

Heavy dmg dealers should be on casters initially, a good arms can kill a caster in 3 hits or less just hit sprint before stick.

After youve killed an elf check your casters/healers, who hopefully arnt dead yet. Then its a case of kill from the bottom upwards.
Think to yourself...what dies quickest?

Alot of people miss hunters/rangers. DONT cos they bloody hurt.

If youre a caster and you arnt getting hit just kill from the ground up, lowest HP first.

Light melee tanks = Pallys/minsts
Heavy = Arms/friar/infil
Mercs = Bit of both

No tank should try and kill a warden except infils/mercs. Best left mezzed or blown up by casters.


Originally posted by benedictine
1) casters
2) bards - no rush cos they will insta/cast mezz anyway
3) healers - no rush cos they will only heal tanks efficiently anyway
4) tanks

Any advances on this?

it depends...

IF u got the jump on THEM: u need to drop the bard/s asap with casters at same time or very quickly afterwards. Root tanks after they (group)purge/or mezz(yeh right) wears off.

IF they got the jump on YOU: the bards job has already been done ie u have all been mezzed so all hes doing is biding time to remezz u all. so ALL on the casters. That means our casters AND tanks, take them out the picture. Follow up asap with the bard so those fuckin Heros dont have endless endurance.

IF u cant CATCH the bard go for a healer. One or 2 nukers is the best solution to a bard.

IF u have slam USE it and that means scouts too. All our casters need is a nice slam to put a terminal dent in most tanks hittin on em.

vs Mids things are a bit easier since the healer is also the bard, as it were. the hard part is identifying him... seek & destroy dwarf/norse with small shields making waving motions near the front/middle of the grp.

and Kobold = KILL ;)

IF the enemy is MEZZED: KILL THE ONES WHO ARE STILL MOVING OR WHO PURGED - FIRST. basic but the idea of CC is to stack the odds in your favour. kill the ones causing problems first then the ones with Zzzzz over thier heads... and break mezz with a stun if possible, cleric/mincer or slam.

Oh one other thing, get to know the "ping" sound and graphic of MoC being fired, if your alone on trying to drop that pbaoer its time to find something else to kill and PRONTO :p

And for godsake when u see an Elf/Luri run into the middle of u all while mezzed have ur finger on the sprint key ready for the first cast to break the mezz. pbaoe cant do shit if u dont stand next to it.


lol, in battlegrounds the other day, a couple of albs decided to go for the casters first, and ignore my hero - I killed 2 casters, took an infil down to half health and sent him and another infil running back to APK, before we were zerged by mids. Common misconception is that tanks don't do any damage :rolleyes:


Originally posted by the_chimera
lol, in battlegrounds the other day, a couple of albs decided to go for the casters first, and ignore my hero - I killed 2 casters, took an infil down to half health and sent him and another infil running back to APK, before we were zerged by mids. Common misconception is that tanks don't do any damage :rolleyes:

dumbarse miscoseption is that u/they think they do more damage than casters


Originally posted by ab_fluid

dumbarse miscoseption is that u/they think they do more damage than casters

We don't, but we can take far far more punishment then a caster whilst still doing considerable damage ourselves if a heavy tank :D


Originally posted by ab_fluid

dumbarse miscoseption is that u/they think they do more damage than casters

You are forgetting here, melee resists are capped, magic resists aren't... so yes, these days some tanks do do more damage than casters...


If you do more than 170 dmg then yes, you out-damage me. :p

My baseline DoT does more damage than my spec nuke. :uhoh:



Haha, well *I* outdamage you then Apathy. Nevermind a proper tank :p


Fact is its impossible to give an all-situations rule. There are some obvious basics that should be followed, but in terms of which class to be targetting first I'm afraid there is no catch-all rule to follow. Had someone in group today telling the group they shouldn't have rushed the pbaers, should have let them get mezzed first - this is when we had no sorc :(

Sad thing is some people think they know it all, when the reality is hindsight is often an easy excuse to be an arrogant fool. Way I see it is if people do their best, and follow the basic rules (like not breaking mezz on a tank) then no one should be a wise-ass after the event. Also no one has the right to be abusive to other players at all, regardless of whether they made a mistake or not. Advice and learning yes, spitting-your-dummy-out-cos-you-died and giving people a hard time no.


Re: Re: Tanks...

Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Fact is its impossible to give an all-situations rule. There are some obvious basics that should be followed, but in terms of which class to be targetting first I'm afraid there is no catch-all rule to follow. Had someone in group today telling the group they shouldn't have rushed the pbaers, should have let them get mezzed first - this is when we had no sorc :(

Sad thing is some people think they know it all, when the reality is hindsight is often an easy excuse to be an arrogant fool. Way I see it is if people do their best, and follow the basic rules (like not breaking mezz on a tank) then no one should be a wise-ass after the event. Also no one has the right to be abusive to other players at all, regardless of whether they made a mistake or not. Advice and learning yes, spitting-your-dummy-out-cos-you-died and giving people a hard time no.

I have a general rule:



just my 2c



Trinilim might be loud but he's right :)

Often i've argued with people whether they should be attacking casters or healing classes first, but to be honest, it depends on the situation. I never run around knowing which particular class i will be attacking first. For example, we aren't suppsoed to attack tanks, which is a good general rule, but sometimes the tanks need slamming because they are steadily dropping your groups only healer.

Its all based on assessing that particular skirmish, and then deciding which targets need dropping first.

Practice makes perfect.


dam its different situations:

LA for example, if u want to beat them u need to kill the druid (normally seems to be infernos when i seen them) in the first 15secs of fight, otherwise forget it...

or VGN for ex: if you attack a caster he will run to the 3 pbaoe frying u in seconds unless u unstick fast enough..

i found lately its good to leave pbaoer for a few unless u have slam/pole hybrid:

let sorc aoe amnesia then and take down the druid/warden. Once they are out of the picture u got an elf with 800hp who has busted his/her MoC, alot easier to kill...

but ur general point is right here: dont just f8 and /stick the nearest, if u take 3 seconds to pick your target it makes all the difference

AND ffs when u are mezzed and see 3 elfs charging u pick them up on your attack FAST and tap them as soon as mezz breaks

like Konah says if you hear the zzzing of MoC the get the fuck out of town :p

but otherwise smack them :)

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