


First off I'm just after oppions (hence not using the name) so keep the flame throwers in check :)

Tanglers today a lvl 18 (scout I think) comes upto us and want's to group.

"Hmmmm lvl18? Here? Guess it's a lost noob"

But no, apparently he's got a lvl 50 main and he knows this is the quickest way to lvl a lvl 18 character.

The question I'm asking myself (other than can you get any more ego into one person) Is why the hell would anyone want to leech of other players and take a spot a usefull character could take (and would need with the usual tangler q's) instead of go have fun with players his own lvl?

Am I just being picky or is this guy the most lazy player ever?


yup you're right and I see it all the time everywhere. The question I want answered is 'how good a scout/infiltrator/whatever will these players be?????'

Powerleveling like that is a mug's game


What annoys me more is classes that are particularly necessary for a mob, demanding a groupspace for their 2nd accounts/friends accounts low lvl alt. Seen a few examples of this at tanglers recently with sorcerers dragging along extra AFK low lvl alts (afair one was a wiz lvl 17) :eek:\


Aye.. I was there. I know who his alt is too......

I was willing to let him coz our group of 7 were going fine but the group I was in was so outraged by the cheek of it that in the end I had to agree with them and tell this guy to sling his hook.

Just coz you have a high level main doesn't give you the god given right to powerlevel an alt. We all have to work hard to get to level x and 4 times as hard to get 4 chars to lvl x



those ppl a plain stupid imo

i powerlevel my alts with a theurgist bot :D
but than i get bored after they reach around 30


Aye, but the difference is you're not pestering other groups to let you in to powerlevel. Imo this is worse than cash begging.


Erm, guys....

No need to get 'angry' at those wanting an easy ride... I pwrlvl my alt also, but if a grp says no, then I'm fine and understands fully... guilds pwr-lvl their members all the time (i hope ;) ) and nothing wrong with that... remember, those with an lvl50 char alrdy have been through all those boring steps of lvl'ing :)

If u don't want a low-lvl in grp then just let him (/her) know that... (politely)

btw. pwr-lvl an infil / scout doesn't make that player a bad one imo... the game is still the same, just with a few other short-cuts... hiding behind tress, not only scouts do that... sneaking around odin's gate or emain, not only infils do that... Soo... Bad player, nope, not imo ;)


Hmmm mised the point. I pwr lvl people some times and our guild does it lots but this person would have leveled nearly (if not faster) in Keltoi or someplace made for thier level.

Getting in a group at tanglers isn't rong cos of them getting pwr leveled it's rong cos they are taking up a spot that someone NEEDS. Someone who can't goto Keltoi cos they are to high.

BTW your group has 7 memebers and it's fine? BS It's fine when 8 are in a group and as many as posable are leveling. It may take you 20 mins more to level but tough shit. Help your fellow players plz.


everybody gets power lvl'd wether it is a lvl 16 grouping with lvl 40's or a lvl 30grouping with lvl 40's or even a lvl 35grouping with 40's . 5 lvl gap = exp cap unless im mistaken hence if anybody is in a group and they are lowest in grp by 5 or more lvl they effectivly being power lvl'd .

asfor main tangkler chars sorc/turg etc etc making a grp with a low lvl friend or alt in it . if u dont wanna join the group dont. you dont have to stay there .

if people cant be assed lvling all the way or dont have the time to the thats uptothem . if u dont want em in ya grp dont invite em ,if they already in a group u join AFTER they already in it . leave the grp . its as simple as that . i dunno for sure but i bet tanglers giove low lvls v good exp . capped exp from a gobbo will suck but when u get 10-20gobbos per pull = a hefty amount of exp caps for the low lvl . hence probably giving him mor exp in a same lvl grp .

but as i said above EVERYbody has been power lvl'd at some stage of there daoc life ."its just that some are mega low some are a cple of lvls to low for the grp"

and yes i do agree if the low lvl is cocky and is cheeky when asking then tell him to sling his hook . if i was in a grp and a friend or guildy wanted toj oin the grp if restof th egrp was ok with it idhave np at all in letting him join . end of the day ALBION grows stronger the faster our lower lvls lvl


na na xtc you didnt see it how it was said

"hi will you power lvl me i have a lvl 50" the point we were making is wtf is having a lvl 50 got to do with pwr lvling i have 2 x lvl 4x + chars on this server and i worked hard to get them there,

i have no problem with power lvling guildies etc etc and i dont have a prob if the grp is fine but when there wer elvl 40 scouts/infils screaming for a grp why grp a lvl 18 ? ok so yes he will get gr8 xp and yes it will be ALOT better than keltoi (he will cap every kill) but whats mr infil/scout going to do.
i also feel the thread is kinda worthless as once it was said no sorry we dont have room for you he was polite and didnt hassle us so imho a bit of a over reaction :)


I was in one of the groups that let that scout in. I was fine with it, didnt have a problem with it as we had 6 peeps and we were owning tanglers. We had 2 wizards, 1 wind theurg, 1 minstrel 1 cleric and a armsman. Any more people in the group was pointless. My exp bar was moving nicely, and i didnt die once.

Normally powerleveling someone who hasn't played the game is dangerous as they miss out on all the things you learn about leveling. But as the scout already has a L50, PL doesnt matter.

The main reason i was ok about it was in 2 hours the scout gained 3 levels. That is such fast exp i would do it for anyone, especially chars that are gimped and have problems getting exp solo. You ever tried getting a group as a scout at lowbie levels, its hard :(

Although one thing i will say doing powerleveling at times when tanglers is crowded is very wrong. Most peeps there are normally sitting LFG for 30-40 mins. I would be angry if a lowbie got a space that i could have had.


Dont Worry boys, those chaining poops end soon =) thank god

And then the tanglers forest belongs to Matter Cabbys, we solo them =)


Originally posted by old.FIN
And then the tanglers forest belongs to Matter Cabbys, we solo them =)

LOL... hehe, so do ice theurgs alrdy ;) 70+ sec root and I pick em one at a time :p


Well, I did ask if a group could exchange me for a low level alt for 1 pull in a tangler group onces...

The group said sure (ok, 3 of the ppl in the group where guildies ;)), the end result was that the alt got useless XP (tanglers are mostly done with +40 ppl, a yellow isnt a 'challange' to the group, e.g. bad xp for lowbie)...

Given that the alt got 0.5 per pull... Which is kinda sucky, imho...

Oohwell... The attitude of some people these days is just scary...


Originally posted by old.FIN
Dont Worry boys, those chaining poops end soon =) thank god

And then the tanglers forest belongs to Matter Cabbys, we solo them =)

yeah baby =)
cant wait till that lvl =)


Exinferis, dont forget the wizard that has grouped with ya in Cata's m8 ;)


Sorcs can also solo tanglers. :p

Also for a level 18 tanglers aren't the fastest place to level, you get capped hard because the tanglers are usually orange to most of the group. For real powerlevelling the group needs to be killing purples.


Thumb rule is reds for a group of 8, orange for a group of 4 and yellows for a group of 2...

Then the lowest person will get good XP...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Thumb rule is reds for a group of 8, orange for a group of 4 and yellows for a group of 2...

Then the lowest person will get good XP...

True true... but that is for small mobs (like Pikeys, Centurions etc)... The idea of tangler pull even at lvl47+ is the grp bonus is WAY (and I do mean WAY) better... But u r right, reds is for grps of 8 ppl (doing small pulls)...

I c many lvl47+ at trees in Lyonesse and they r w8sting their time imo (if they go for xp tho ;) )... get a small grp of 2-4 ppl (at least one rooter / mezzer ) and do large tangler pulls... more fun and also more xp (my friend and I did lvl49 in 10-14 hours at tanglers, just the two of us, so its possible)

g'luck & good hunting... btw dont take my spot at tanglers ;)


But u r right, reds is for grps of 8 ppl (doing small pulls)...

bah gimme a smite cleric or a paladin and ill do reds :p only need 2 ppl :)


i m makin a infiltr (now almost 42) and i can _not_ get any groups unless i make them myseld (which takes long aswell cuz no one wants an inv from a lvl 41 inf)

so i am gonna plvl a theurg to 40 and make them inv my infil cuz i dont see any other way at getting an invite :p

but this is different form inviting a lvl 20- into a tangler group i guess ;x



Well tell you this about powerleveling, my infil hit 37 tonight thx to the help of 2 (lvl 50) riends who grouped me in barrows killing spectral wizzies, vigis, advisors etc ... Without their help i would have to solo yet ANOTHER lvl, wich, to be honest, becomes quite boring after a while. I made 4 bubs mostly soloing the entire day, they provided me with the other 6. A lot of people have helped me to lvl my infil and without their help i would have probably deleted him after lvl 24 because ever since that level i solod most part of every lvl.

Hi looking for group ... no response --> to next spot
Hi LFG ... sorry need a theurgist, bye m8
Hi LFG ... your 36 thats too low (5 minutes later they take the lvl 32 mins for his powersong)
Hi LFG ... sorry saving spot for cleric, bye
Hi LFG ... nah m8 to be honest we really need a tank, not an infil

this is all putting it politely, the arrogance some people display rejecting others is plain frightning at times. Well I have news for all of you arrogant/ignorant people too, when we do meet in emain (my infil will get there alot later then most of you at my lvl now) and Mr arrogant theurgist comes whining to me to find the shadowblade thats killed him a few times well I guess I'll just have to tell him to shuv his stick where the sun won't shine. So yes I enjoy receiving some powerleveling from time to time, it compensates for the lack of "normal" grouping and it keeps me from deleting ly alt.


I just been thinking about all these commments.

Don't get me wrong I don't have a 'firm' opinion on this but I'm interested to know if people who consider abusing a bug in the barrows to get XP to be cheating also consider sitting on your arse getting powerleveled to be cheating?

I like the idea that a group of people get together and are all 'contributing' something to the group's survival. I mean isn't that what the PvE game is supposed to be about?? An adventure with your realm mates?? Where did it become an all out dash for XP?

Of course I sympatise with the experiences of these infiltrators/scouts, but:
1 you chose the character.
2 you get a advantage RvR and there is bound to be some drawback PvE to this.

Finally I say again its not my FIRM belief in these ideas. I just wanted to raise a few arguements and see what my fellow realm mates think.

PS I never refused a infil/scout, I've played both and I think they can offer good mob damage in a group.

Even a friar sometimes has to sit on his backside for 1hour to get a group. I have solod mini dings in the 40s and i don't have a problem with it. So long as I get some drops and a steady supply of yellow cons soloing can be peaceful and rewarding at times :)

Who do you respect more??
The person in a big guild with uber equipment who was powerleveled to 50 or the ones who do it the hard way?

I think people that powerlevel etc. should consider some of these points :)

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