


Something that has been increasingly bothering me over time is the lack of courtesy shown by some players in the tanglers/goblin areas. What i mean is way back when people were levelling their first 50 and there was tangler grps, people came along and if they were lucky there was noone on the tree or maybe noone on the beach so they formed a grp and got on with it. If another came along and there was 2 maybe 3 max there they didnt barge in but either waited for a spot of moved away to xp somewhere else.
Times have sadly changed and level 38-45 is a real pain in the ass now unless u have a sorc/cab alt. What i mean is 6 grps by the tangler tree then 2 or 3 lvl 50 cabs with their infil alts in tow just barge straight in and pull the entire lot isnt really courteous play and totally screws the grps that are there.
One problem yes is the mechanics of the game yes in that there isnt many other places outside df that gives comparable xp and the tanglers areas have reached saturation point.
Now levelling to 50 on my alt isnt a big deal to me and the slow xp isnt what the crux of this post is about. Im merely asking people to take a look round when they come to xp and ask themselves will my actions make a difference to other peoples play.


here here :clap: :clap:

Well said, not a flame just a nice reasoned comment. I agree and have said before that people often don't think about the consquences of their actions.

It will almost certainly change next patch, but the fundamental problem is that of peoples attitudes. Yes some days people get pissed off and do silly things that they regret afterwards (sorry to the pally last night) but you do see the same people comming back time and time again spoiling things for everyone else.

If you are going to do something, try considering how you would like it if someone did the same to you.

But hey, unfortunately I feel that this thread won't change anything. But nice to get stuff off your chest sometimes :)


Everyone at tanglers thinks of the consequences of their actions.

"If I kill these monsters, I will consequently get great experience and lots of cash."



I don't think the antics at Tanglers comes anywhere near the selfish behaviour displayed during the era of the wizard/adviser pathing bug.

Just as that went with patching, so will this.


Originally posted by dakeyras
I don't think the antics at Tanglers comes anywhere near the selfish behaviour displayed during the era of the wizard/adviser pathing bug.

Just as that went with patching, so will this.

I dunno you still get people there that will leech from your kills if you dare to try and kill anything from _their_ advisor camp.

Leave the tanglers - they're crap xp when there's 90000 people trying to kill them :) it's like 10fg of albion running around after 1fg of hibs trying to get their RPs.


Oh, yes, we haven't had a decent tangler thread in a while now, time for another. :) Btw, for the record, I am not one of those inconsiderate Cabalists, I go there very early (and I mean early) mornings, and I PL guildies, not my own alts.


Loads of places with good xp AND good cash ...

Tanglers and trees are like the tombs and dungeons, they bring out the worst in people :p


Hmm, I'm currently trying to lvl my alt a bit with help from a cabalist, logging on at 8 am CET. All is nice then, several cabalists sharing the beach, trees, or aquaduct. Too few people online to form groups, so nobody complaining, except those demanding to be powerlvl'd cause you are playing a cabalist.

Then the groups come, and the same groups that bitch that cabalist take their xp, etc... well, they come in, start pulling from spots that are already easily being cleared by 2 cabalists... and if the cabalist dares to comment....

Thing is, each cabalist at Tanglers has as much right to the xp as the groups. I do believe that if a spot is taken, you should move on to xp elsewhere. So if cabalists are clearing the tanglers spots.. well tough luck for those that came on late...
Right now, tanglers is a free for all.. pull what you can, etc...
I will be sure to do the same with the cabalist if I log on during the afternoon now...
Regards, Glottis


Glottis, it is to be expected, really. The people who refused you groups for 42 levels now wants to get in bed with you, and when you don't let them, they grow angry. So of course they will try to get some of their brethren to usurp your spot on the principle that a majority makes its own rules. It's like the level 49 (or something) minstrel (now in FC, I believe) that told me at level 34, when I asked for a group, "what can you do -- die? rofl!". :rolleyes:

Anyway, I just steer clear of conflicts. If a group shows up, I go away.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Hmm, I'm currently trying to lvl my alt a bit with help from a cabalist, logging on at 8 am CET. All is nice then, several cabalists sharing the beach, trees, or aquaduct. Too few people online to form groups, so nobody complaining, except those demanding to be powerlvl'd cause you are playing a cabalist.

Then the groups come, and the same groups that bitch that cabalist take their xp, etc... well, they come in, start pulling from spots that are already easily being cleared by 2 cabalists... and if the cabalist dares to comment....

Thing is, each cabalist at Tanglers has as much right to the xp as the groups. I do believe that if a spot is taken, you should move on to xp elsewhere. So if cabalists are clearing the tanglers spots.. well tough luck for those that came on late...
Right now, tanglers is a free for all.. pull what you can, etc...
I will be sure to do the same with the cabalist if I log on during the afternoon now...
Regards, Glottis

I wont bitch you if u PL me ;) J/K

some have no thought for others thou, last night a Sorc and a cabby invaded our spot, and when we told them that we were pulling from this spot we just got a "dream on" from the Sorc.

I wont mention thier names here cause it doesn't matter really. Point being, dont leech/invade other groups pulls!!


I have avoided Tanglers and intend to avoid Trees. Got bored senseless with Cad and don't intend to go through the same again.

I have come across players who will just steam in and start pulling from your camp spot whereever you are ...but oddly enough none of them were < 50.

There is a problem on Alb at the moment with level 50's who think that just because they are 50 they have the right to steam in and slaughter all the mobs a group is camping, it is not isolated to Tanglers. I have even had level 50's killstealing ffs.

When you send a pm to enquire as to why they killed the mob you just pulled usual response is 'STFU NOOB'

Alb definetly has a fair percentage of level 50 tossers atm.


Hmm, I would say the lvl range is from lvl 1 to lvl 50 really :)
Luckily, most Alb asses are moving to Hibernia, cause Alb characters miss all the I win buttons :(
Ah well, some that moved to Hibernia are quite nice actually, but still traitors to the cause :p
Regards, Glottis


fo go whine somewhere else pls.. u dont like the camp spot, camp somewhere else



whinge! jus like u used to whinge on camlann when u got PKd....


ps. Gunnerr told me all of that


The awful thing is that these lvl 50s power levelling one character think that xp for one alt/guildmate/rl m8 etc is better for the realm that allowing 1fg of 8 to take their place and help 8 people instead. Pls why can't you powerlevellers use the game properly and make soem new friends by joining your alt along with 7 others and play the game as it is intended to be played. If you have reached level 50 and have run out of any reason to make any new friends and socialise pleasantly with others I would take a long hard look at yourself and your social skills quite frankly.


Originally posted by Gunnerr
fo go whine somewhere else pls.. u dont like the camp spot, camp somewhere else

Yet another intellectual pearl from you Gunerr. I see you havent quite grasped the concept of free speech and the post was geared as an observation not a whine. Have you got that reply as a template?

To the other cabs/sorcs who have took time to post , i quite agree if u r there before others then great, you are right u still have a right to be there as anyone else , it was merely an observation of the ones who go steaming in at a spot already overcamped. Just as bad a group doing it.
If it was a group people would still have a go in the same way, only thing is you are singularly responsible for your conduct where in a grp you arent.

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