taking out mez and stun



do people want mezs and stuns taken out? and if yes, why?

old.Gombur Glodson

do people want buffs and chain armor taken out? and if yes, why?


Strange question, and no to both.

Integral part of the game, taking them out would be like taking swords and shields out...


Originally posted by Spiritwolf
Integral part of the game, taking them out would be like taking

all the magical users out and just having a game with people runing round with swords... not fun and not really balanced...


At the moment there is a problem with an advantage to be had by the person who mezzes first.

I think it is a useful tool. I like the idea you can buy the dispel realm ability to shrug it off it balances things a bit more away from casters.

Also they could make mezz a bit less uber so it had more of a chance of being ignored or possibly change the timer on it due to lvl differences...

Just a few thoughts.

old.Trine Aquavit

I guess the question refers to PvP, because I can't think of any reason why you'd want to take them out of PvE (other than to cause carnage amongst BAF mobs :)). As a healer I'd lose more than half the fun of playing (1/3 healing, 1/3 crowd-control, 1/3 trying to combine the two).

In RvR there are problems with stun and mez (when they stick - never happens for me)


PvP battles are much shorter than PvE, and being stunned for 10 secs is not much fun if you can be killed in a couple of swings


It's no fun at all to be mezzed for 60 seconds in the middle of a battle, knowing all too well that the battle will be over by the time the mez ends, giving you absolutely no chance to influence it. This can unbalance many encounters and reduce them to 'winner is first to mez' encounters.

And the problems with both of these are exacerbated by the 'instant' versions of these spells.

But you can't simply drop these skills from RvR as too many people have invested too much time building characters to use these skills in RvR.

So, I think they probably need to be nerfed for RvR, balanced out by 'fun' enhancements to these classes. Personally I would like to see:

Mez :

reduced in duration (to reflect the pace of PvP)
AE mez resistance based on the number of people in the area of effect


Caster is also mezzed: mez will break on duration, when caster chooses to break it (by moving) or when caster is killed. This would make it more tactical and risky. I think this would be nicely in the spirit of a mezmerise spell.

A DoT effect (to give CC classes a few more RPs)


reduced in duration (to reflect the pace of PvP)
AE stun resistance based on the number of people in the area of effect

A 'blindness' effect, causing your screen to go blank and you to drop target (and prevent retargettting for duration). 'Cause I'm evil I'd also like to see the blindness resulting in a random rotation of your character ;))

'Blindness' is a very effective PvP spell in EQ. It's not much use in PvE (just acts as an attack debuff), but really comes into its own in PvP

Oh, sorry, did you just want me to say 'yes' or 'no' :)


I think the caster also affected by mes is a great idea! Never seen it before either. Being mezzed in RvR when your a pure melee fighter is no fun at all, the mezz rarely has time to break with time because all your team mates are dead and you get raped by 5+ invaders :rolleyes: The addition of the above would make casters think alot more and maybe not mez at all:clap: I also think another good addition would be to have a large neon sign appear above someone who has just cast a mez spell saying "I just mezzed you, Muhahahaha" this would sure as hell cut down on the amount of mezzers on the battlefield :D :D :p


my thoughts are:

- remove stun/aoe-stun from casters, only fighters should be able to use it.

- remove AoE-mez and only use singletarget-mez

- set a timer as immunity and reduce the mez-timer, if u've been mezzed, ur immune for 1-2min

It is a fact, that the one who mez's first has way much advantage - RvR is too much distance-fighting when lots of people are involved, isnt that fun for tanks i.e

just my 2c ;)


I say keep the mez and stun as they are for PvE, no problem there.

Maybe reduce the durations in RvR, and slightly increase the chance to resist. If they can reduce melee damage in RvR by 35%, they can do the same to Mez duration.


I think they should shorten the mezz or atleast not let you sit there like a lemon for a minute with nothing to do. Maybe when you are mezzed you take half the damage you usually do.


Isnt the most obvious option to make ppl harder.......so they can take more hits etc........it would make fights longer and still keep mezz usefull.......


I remember some where on the US boards saying that Mez and Stuns are bugged as in that they work on a different resist or are unresistable than what they should be.
This is going to be fixed though. Also I think they are going to be put on a timer as well. Insta Mez / Stun was found to be way to powerful and so are going to be taken out.
If memory serves me right on this its in testing now in the US .

Mythic did not decide this , it was the players that said it.


mezs can already be resisted, or so i thought because i have resisted mezs/snares a few times. also i reckon if your mezd i think the time should be the same and you cant move but you can swing your weapon so anyone who goes near you can be hit, least that way you get a bit of a chance, but you still cant move from that spot.


In coming patches stunz and mezzes are nerfed so much that healers will be almost useless in RvR. Realm abilities can purge all negative effects on yourself or your group (mezz etc), timers for mezz/stuns and more resistance... What are healer classes gonna do then?

We can't fight on our own cause our dmg add sucks, the only chance we got in beating a same lvl tank is.. you guessed it, mezz and stunz. :)

We can't heal in RvR since the dmg is too high and too fast on players. Group heal is an improvement in coming patches but is it enough?

We can't res people, since when we arrive to the scene the enemy comes charging again and we can't stop them with mezz/stunz of course...

Life as a healer is nice for another month or so... then we'll see...

LvL 50 Healer blah blah blah


i think that they should stay for V mobs but rvr is a lot worse for area stuns,its ruining rvr a lot i reckon ...


u can resist a mez or a root, but ur resists wont improve the chance of resist :(


I think Mythic where planning on making Heal purge a mess in 1.50 but decided not to at the last minute and see how the new realm ability to purge a mess works out first, though you can only purge a mess every 30 minutes or something.

As for healers being useless in RvR that will never happen, yes we may have nothing to do but ress but without ressing taking of a fort ect would be impossible in most cases :)


Mezz and Stun is influenced by your Spirit Resistance. Get a high resistance and the time you spend being stunned/mezzed is reduced. :) (But never 0)

I'm against removing the stun and mezz spells. They'getting nerfed to near uselessness already in the upcoming patch (Which is when Midgard will collapse, since noone wants to play a healer anymore). The range of both stun and mezz is rather sad. If you're stupid enough to move into range, you earned what you got. ;)

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