I've decided to put some more hours in at the forge whenever I'm online, to meet the increasing demand for crafted gear thanks to the funny new exploding tradeskills.
So, I've decided to take masterpiece orders on the High End Arcanium stuff. Works as follows:
You have a base price and a remake cost. Base price is for the first attempt, remake cost is for any more attempts I need to make in case the first one is not a masterpiece (very likely). Base costs are between 260g to 370g, depending on the weapon (from bastard sword to great scimitar), remake costs are between 56 and 80g. I'd like to see 1p payment in advance before I start working on the order, to show you really want it and you understand that it can take quite some time and money to actually get a masterpiece. After that 1p, it's up to our luck. You can be a lucky bird like Deedrah who got her MP Partisan for 1p 80g, or you can have serious bad luck and end up paying around 3-4p or even more for it.
What you have to realize is that masterpiece weapons don't just appear like that, but take some time and effort to produce, which is currently payed on US servers with 15x material cost per masterpiece (that's 3p 127g for a sabre). Using the trusty remake-cost pricing system is likely to give you a better price than that, but it can't be promised. If you'd rather pay the 15x material cost, I'm ok with that as well.
Why do I need a masterpiece anyway?
Apart from the fact that it's cooler to drive Ferrari than Fiat, you can put in 4 extra imbue points. A 99% Level 51 16.5 dps weapon has 28 imbue points, a Masterpiece has 32 imbue points. Overcharge that a wee little bit and you have a really nice toy.
On the upside, because I'm such a nice guy, I add a 99% shield of your choice to one handed weapon orders for free, and I'll also enchant the stuff for the usual fluffy 35% bonus for free. Also, if you see my lovely significant other Myste for spellcrafting, I'm sure she'll happily give you a discount after seeing my name engraved on the "made by" plate of the weapon.
Happy saving.
P.S.: I currently have a masterpiece Bastard Sword in stock. Figures for 2p 580g when using the US pricing. Give me a shout if you are willing to pay that, if not I'll pass it on in my guild.
So, I've decided to take masterpiece orders on the High End Arcanium stuff. Works as follows:
You have a base price and a remake cost. Base price is for the first attempt, remake cost is for any more attempts I need to make in case the first one is not a masterpiece (very likely). Base costs are between 260g to 370g, depending on the weapon (from bastard sword to great scimitar), remake costs are between 56 and 80g. I'd like to see 1p payment in advance before I start working on the order, to show you really want it and you understand that it can take quite some time and money to actually get a masterpiece. After that 1p, it's up to our luck. You can be a lucky bird like Deedrah who got her MP Partisan for 1p 80g, or you can have serious bad luck and end up paying around 3-4p or even more for it.
What you have to realize is that masterpiece weapons don't just appear like that, but take some time and effort to produce, which is currently payed on US servers with 15x material cost per masterpiece (that's 3p 127g for a sabre). Using the trusty remake-cost pricing system is likely to give you a better price than that, but it can't be promised. If you'd rather pay the 15x material cost, I'm ok with that as well.
Why do I need a masterpiece anyway?
Apart from the fact that it's cooler to drive Ferrari than Fiat, you can put in 4 extra imbue points. A 99% Level 51 16.5 dps weapon has 28 imbue points, a Masterpiece has 32 imbue points. Overcharge that a wee little bit and you have a really nice toy.
On the upside, because I'm such a nice guy, I add a 99% shield of your choice to one handed weapon orders for free, and I'll also enchant the stuff for the usual fluffy 35% bonus for free. Also, if you see my lovely significant other Myste for spellcrafting, I'm sure she'll happily give you a discount after seeing my name engraved on the "made by" plate of the weapon.
Happy saving.
P.S.: I currently have a masterpiece Bastard Sword in stock. Figures for 2p 580g when using the US pricing. Give me a shout if you are willing to pay that, if not I'll pass it on in my guild.