


Im bored at college at the moment.

So lets discuss tactics. !RvR style!

IM an armsman and the only tactic my skills allow is to charge at them screaming. This works sometimes, usually when the guy im charging thinks he can kick my ass which sometimes happens.

Can anyone say any good tactics for charging a caster, or finding a stealther without another stealther on your side.


Easy, stand a fair distance behind your force on your own....and put some robes on (to disguise your armour), stand looking at your peeps and start moving your camera around to check in all directions without turning around.......

keep slapping that f8 button and as soon as something becomes targetted /face and change yer armour back! then the stealther becomes a nice close target for you to locate n kill (/face will only work if they uncovered but f8 will always work) so you may need to run around a bit (and oh, remember to reset the angle of your camera or youll end up running off in a random direction ;)

well thats one way.....youre certainly not guaranteed any success but its gotta beat standing there getting mezzed n nuked hey!




You could try and be sneaky, if you see a couple of ppl or even 1 is better =) try to stand just out of viewing range, and sneak around to the back of them keeping an eye on them just incase they move, when ur at the back of them charge at them screaming and also move around a bit so it makes it harder for them to target you the strafe buttons come in handy there =) by the time they have targeted you and gone on /stick you should have got the person to half health or maybe even dead >=) giving u chance to run away or finish the 2nd person off or get away from an oncoming group. Or alternatively just become an infiltrator =))

Good Luck ^_^

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