TA Vs PVC - Pre season friendly



2fort - 70-0
well - 40-0
both to TA.

Well TA had 3 new members, of which 2 had never played for TA. While they both played very well they (understandably) didn't latch on to our style of team play (what teamplay? - a TA player). But still, Very well played you two.

The server wasn't the best ever, which is a shame.

2fort started off very well for us, capping about 5 times in 15mins. Our offence then just gave up, as did the PVC side. Pyro city :)
Things started to get spammy, but who cares :)

For Well TA played like normall in defence, but like llamas in offence.
Very well played to the PVC flagroom defence. Near the end we decided to actually play as a team meaning we could cap a few more times.

Well played PVC, hope the BWTFCL match is on better conditions, all the best for the future.

[This message has been edited by Amnion (edited 26 May 2000).]


You might be wondering why this post is here, but its because i've read other reports.

So i thought i'd join in :)


/me points at amnion. . . . . . . . .and points. . . . . . . . . . .and stares
/me has no idea y



Well someones got to post on this forum :)


Yep was a goodish game. I had to use a mate's PC because we had a shortage (i've deleted TFC on my PC at home to concentrate on exams) so people in my street could see me running down in just trainers, pyjama bottoms and a kimono top :p

His PC sucked though, 14" monitor, crap contrast, weird control setup, crap grpahics card and a RHA connection. His keyboard sucked to high heaven as well- very stiff keys and no brand. How he plays on this machine to his standard I don't know (he's a damn good soldier).

I personally gave up on 2fort. I was in attack (when i'm usually in D) and with his control setup I kept blowing myself up. So I just went pyro and the rest of PVC followed suit :)

On well the story was the same except I went sniper so one of the other TA members did :) Was fun taking pot shots at your engie but i'm a shit sniper so... :p Just ask Huckan what happened when we had a sniper war.

I'd really like to play you guys in a proper match, from what I saw though you guys are vulnerable to pyro attacks in the rr :)

Thanks for the game and thank you to Edge for letting us use the SHS server.

"There comes a day when the child must kill his parents, the subject must overthrow the king and man must destroy god. Everyone must learn to follow his own path." Den of Barjack, GUNNM (Yukito Kishiro)
TFC: [PVC]Sidekick[SPAM] | [CTW]Batman | CS: [PVCcs]SiDeKiCk
Email: adriennww@yahoo.com | ICQ: 41819449 | Homepage: Import Gamer

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