Switching from ADSL to CM




I've been extremely happy with adsl from Nildram for 14 months or more now, but as cable is now available from ntl, I'm thinking about switching. Although I'm more than happy with the quality of service from Nildram, cable is cheaper, plus I can get rid of the phone line, as I only got this installed to convert to adsl, so ill save the line rental on this too. So i'll be getting the same amount of bandwith for less money!
I recall people having LOTS of problems with NTL cable modem. Is this still the case? I'd hate to switch just for the lower cost and find that the service is unreliable. I live in the Brighton area if that makes a difference.

Also .......

I have a pace settop box and I beleive this is what they will use to provide me with cable, rather than a seperate box. How do these boxes work tho? I want to be able to use NAT, like my current ADSL router does. If I just went straight from settop box to pc, I guess I have zero firewall protection and would need a software firewall (which I DO NOT WANT!!). If this is the case, can you buy cable modem routers that do the same job as my adsl router? Can I buy one with just a single port and connect my hub to it and continue to connect 3 pc's to the internet connection? Do the cable routers allow you to configure them for NAT?

and another thing ........

NTL say I just need to ring them and they activate it! ....... but surely I would need to know an ip address or two to be able to start using it. Do you get a static ip? Whats the DNS server address? The webby doesnt tell me much.




I've had NTL cable since a month after it was launched, i've never had a problem with it.

For your 2nd question, sorry i dont know much about routers or networks.

Last question: Yes, thats all you do! its plug and play. i dont understand how it works though, i thought the same thing when i installed it.


Question 1 - No idea. You'll have to ask people in your area.

Question 2 - You can buy routers, I have one myself with a built-in 4-port switch. The cable modem itself will not do NAT. One port routers are available, that you could run to your hub.

Question 3 - You receive a semi-dynamic IP, your IP is assigned by DHCP (so no need to configure yourself), and I have no idea what the DNS servers are.


NTL cable is now brill - speed & reliability are great, and they've even partly sorted the piss-poor support line.

NAT is supported by the CM. I had NAT running on WinRoute PRO, until I got me sexy Trend Gatelock X200 - also worth a look ?

Your IP is dynamic, assigned by DHCP, so no need to mess about there. Your clients just need to share the connection on the directly connected machine, via ICS or WinRoute - connections from the client are fine (ping around 20-30 from a client using this method).

DNS for my connections are:


NTL cable is excellent. Make sure you get the mansize 1mb, not the woosy 600k job though. It comes complete with a point-and-laugh-at-ADSL-users kit.


Originally posted by old.Jas
NTL cable is excellent. Make sure you get the mansize 1mb, not the woosy 600k job though. It comes complete with a point-and-laugh-at-ADSL-users kit.

If you're happy with the £50 a month they wanna charge you. NTL are great now they've fixed all my problems though :)


In my experiances with NTL, their service (BroadBand) is top notch. Theres been one day where there was no internet access at all. The other night it went down at about 1am. Apart from these I would recommend NTL to anyone. If only their sales team etc were as good as their BroadBand service.


Yeah that's what I've heard.

NTL broadband is great as long as you don't have any problems with it


M8 i live IN brighton and whiel i have ADSL from Zen 4 of my m8s have NTL cable

Its down like 7 hours a day and when it is up it is bloody slow =/
Admittedly when its not acting up (About 1 hour a day if ur lucky)
It is bloody bloody fast!
85+ d/l speeds but =/


Most ppl I know have no real issues with the network, just the customer service, sales, help, technical ppl at NTL.


Hey Bids, just wondering about the 'Trend Gatelock X200'.......Where you get yours from and how much please ?

I had an email from Trend a while back advertising it but no details on cost or where to buy.


Ordered it on-line at :


Arrived after two days - total cost £154

Been using it for a few months now, and highly recommend it.
Not just the protection from hackers, but the e-mail virus scanner has stopped many infected attachments reaching my machines (regular on-line updates make sure your always current with new hacker/virus threats).


Originally posted by whipped

If you're happy with the £50 a month they wanna charge you. NTL are great now they've fixed all my problems though :)

£50? you goon ;)

Currrently you can upgrade your 600k CM or get a CM with 1mb for the measly price of £35pm

It is warned that this is an offer until end of 2002 but by the number of customers who have upgraded I doubt it will go back up...

check out www.nthellworld.com for a url that will allow you to upgrade over the web...

As for the question, check the url above and see what others in your area are saying, I know that ntl: service can be flaky in some areas. In my area I have had very little trouble.


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