


Ok the guy filming this needs his ass kicking:twak:
But the footage is not bad, I was looking forward to this game, I cant wait now:cool:

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Originally posted by Baritone
Ok the guy filming this needs his ass kicking:twak:
But the footage is not bad, I was looking forward to this game, I cant wait now:cool:

great then you lote can leave, the people that actually like DAoC, and enjoy playing, it in peace.....


This was posted 3 or 4 days ago.

Either flame GOA (like the rest of the forum) or make some contribution to the DAoC comunity.


Thanks for the very kind replys guys:p, I happen to love DaoC and will be playing it for along time to come:)
I had not noticed this had been posted before and thought i would share it with the people that read these boards, Alas it seems some just sit here waiting for a chance to flame someone:uhoh: Oh well, Enjoy your day.


Sorry... It was not ment as a personal flame.

It seems that over the last week or so there have been soo many threads mindlesley flaming GOA (hence the sarcasam in the last post) or completeley off topic (it is DAoC forum after all)

I guess my bitterness just came out.

I will have to punish my self :)


I knew there was good in you, Oh shit, there i go with the Star Wars thing again:p


Originally posted by Elvewen
Sorry... It was not ment as a personal flame.
It seems that over the last week or so there have been soo many threads mindlesley flaming GOA (hence the sarcasam in the last post) or completeley off topic (it is DAoC forum after all)
I guess my bitterness just came out.
I will have to punish my self :)

ditto two


PS sorry!! Elvewen has much better use of language than I have and said it in a nicer way


Downloading it now since I have no idea what this game is like.


I agree with ditto 2. Two many peeps slag the game off and say that SWG (or what ever) will be the new uber game.

Here's my 2c worth:

1. I love DAoC. I love exploring new places, fighting and leveling. Rather than debating the latest uber template or how class X has been nerfed or there are so many bugs.
2. The only reason I'd like to see patches is for new areas to explore. Can't wait for DF.
3. I'm looking forward to the expansion for the new places to explore.
4. I'm getting bored with my main char in Midgard. I love the char, just run out of places to explore. So I've started an alt in Albion. Am loving it. New places to explore (getting the picture?).
5. I'll play my alt again when DF and 43+ epics are in, for something new to do. Or of course, if I fancy playing with my old mates, which will be often.
5. I will play SWG when it comes out. Not because DAoC is crap (it isn't). Not because SWG will be bug free (because it won't be and I'm not bothered). I will play SWG because its a new game to try and new places to explore.

Single player RPGs have some lovely places to explore. Might dabble with Dungeon Seige. But MMORPGs have that fantasic extra dimension; like minded mates to explore with.

Just like in RL, there will be people you don't like. If so simple; don't group with them or tollerate them; as in RL. I have some great mates to explore with. I'm finding new ones with my new alt.

Games will never be perfect. There will always be bugs and balancing issues. It does not mean that these games are crap to play. For me it's about content.

I will never slag off someone elses style of play. As long as they enjoy it and it doesnt hurt anyone else then that's great.

However, if you find you're not enjoying something - don't do it. Doing something you don't like is a waste of life if you can avoid it.

Well that's my first real post to BW. I quite enjoyed getting it off my chest.


Well jamie i really dont understand where all that came from, My post just said This game looks great i cant wait until if comes out", Well something along those lines:)
I myself have played DaoC since November 2001, First on Merlin US, Then i and my guild moved to the Euro version when it went live, It was hard leaving Merlin as we all had characters that were in the 40s and alot of US friends we had to leave behind:(, But now we are in the 40s again and have alot of new friends:)
Ive played alot of these games, EQ i played for two years on the Mith Marr sever and had a had a go at AO and AC too, SWG is run by the same people that made EQ and looks to be a game to look forward to, It comes out in December and by that time i may have tired of Daoc and change games as it will be over a year of play for me with this game.
The bottom line is that i love Daoc and enjoy the company of the people here and will be playing for some time to come, Was just saying how good SWG looks ffs:)


wub woo bari. ignor the dickheads on this forum


HeHe, Baritone I wasn't having a go at you mate.

It's just I'd seen so many threads saying DAoC is crap and game X will be so much better I decided to post a rant. First time I've done it actually. I believe in what I said, but this thread may not have been the best place to post it. Sorry for any upset caused.

Mind you, I enjoyed getting it off my chest. :D

SGW does look great though. Can't wait to have a go. Looking forward to the DAoC expansion too. As I said I just love exploring. I can usually be found looking up at the latest massive mob I've found that I've no hope of killing and just doing a "/y WOW!". ;)

Oh, and I thought the "Dick Head" retort was a witty, intelligent, well thought out and reasoned reply. Well done my friend you do yourself much credit.

Once again Baritone, just a rant against the game X will be so much better than DAoC. Was not personal, and I probably could have picked a better thread to post it in.


He didn't actually say that daoc was crap.. he was just saying that swg looked good. And I'm sorry if I offended you but I'm getting a bit fed up of flame this flame that... seems everyone is flaming everybody for no apparant reason.


yeah it seems some people misunderstood the post Doc, Thanks for the support:clap:


omg, the game looks so sweet!! .. and us non-powerlvling-geekies can actualy play along, thats great :)

and yes, that guy should have his teeth kicked in ;)


Game looks impressive, but DAMN the cameraman sounds like an idiot.

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