Hmmm, nice little Survey i think for you, answer the best you can by selecting 1 / 2 / 3.
One of your Teammates is calling for backup, do you...
1) Immediatly go help him, considering you are running around doing nothing.
2) You have better things to do, than Help a Teammate
3) Go the Long Way Round to help your Teammate, so you can Flank the Enemy.
The Terrorists' have planted the Bomb, you are the only CT left, what do you do?
1) You go in Rambo Style and Die with Honour!
2) You stuff the Terrorists, because you have got a Dear Gun and dont want to lose it.
3) You dont go for the Bomb, but you try and take out as many Terrorists as Possible before it Blows.
The CTs have taken all 4 hostages, and you are a considerable Distance from them to Catch up do you...
1) Kill 3 of the 4 Hostages, so the CTs have to come back and fight you.
2) Sod em.. theres always next time.
3) Chase after them, even if they still rescue them
You are outnumbered 5 to 1, you only have a Pistol, and you have 10hp do you...
1) Attempt to take out all Enemies with your USP Skills!
2) Jump off a Building or something, so you Commit Suicide.
3) Hide and Hope they dont find you.
You see a TMP/Mac10 on the Floor, but also a M4/AK, what do you pickup?
1) You're in no mood to play, so you pickup the M4/AK
2) You're bored of using the M4/AK, and pickup the TMP/Mac10
3) Stick with your Pistol
Hmm... i did this Survey myself, answer the best as you can... and i will see if anymore Questions can be added to it soon
One of your Teammates is calling for backup, do you...
1) Immediatly go help him, considering you are running around doing nothing.
2) You have better things to do, than Help a Teammate
3) Go the Long Way Round to help your Teammate, so you can Flank the Enemy.
The Terrorists' have planted the Bomb, you are the only CT left, what do you do?
1) You go in Rambo Style and Die with Honour!
2) You stuff the Terrorists, because you have got a Dear Gun and dont want to lose it.
3) You dont go for the Bomb, but you try and take out as many Terrorists as Possible before it Blows.
The CTs have taken all 4 hostages, and you are a considerable Distance from them to Catch up do you...
1) Kill 3 of the 4 Hostages, so the CTs have to come back and fight you.
2) Sod em.. theres always next time.
3) Chase after them, even if they still rescue them
You are outnumbered 5 to 1, you only have a Pistol, and you have 10hp do you...
1) Attempt to take out all Enemies with your USP Skills!
2) Jump off a Building or something, so you Commit Suicide.
3) Hide and Hope they dont find you.
You see a TMP/Mac10 on the Floor, but also a M4/AK, what do you pickup?
1) You're in no mood to play, so you pickup the M4/AK
2) You're bored of using the M4/AK, and pickup the TMP/Mac10
3) Stick with your Pistol
Hmm... i did this Survey myself, answer the best as you can... and i will see if anymore Questions can be added to it soon