Suppose: No instas and cast on the move?

  • Thread starter Roo Stercogburn
  • Start date

Roo Stercogburn

Instas are evil. Yes we all know that. They are good when you are using them and bad when your enemies are using them.

Take them away and what do you do to redress the balance? Well, for one, its the only thing you can cast while moving, so to make up for this you make spells castable while charging forward.

How do you stop this in turn becoming overpowered?

Trickier, but here's an idea: have a bank of say 3 spells you can load up for casting while moving and when you've cast all 3 you are reduced to casting standing still. Also, these can't be interupted either but they still take the full cast time to unleash. Perhaps make it only 1 spell that can be slotted for this type of thing? How powerful would something like this be?

Make the time to fill one of these slots about 10 seconds meaning a downtime of 30 seconds if you are reloading these slots.
So suppose Caster A is approaching some enemies. He can stop and cast a spell normally, or keep moving and use up one of his 3 shots of whatever is his bread and butter spellcasting, be it mez, stun or nuke. It also means that a caster on the enemy team can react to the incoming attack without fearing interupt.

So long as each side is actually awake, they are guaranteed to get off one shot before the battle is fully joined.

Have to say the thought of a chanter pbae'ing while running is nasty but it would even out for all 3 realms.

Thoughts? Its purely hypothetical, it will never see the light of day :)


Minstrels already do this kinda, only de-mezz and aoe mezz require you to stand still, all others you can use while moving - nice to be able to mezz while running.


good idea..except the not being able to interrupt..I'm sure casters and seer's will love it..but a melee charging a non interruptable pbaoe char..nahhh I say let em atleast have to buy MoC for that feature.. But my shaman and my healer would love it ;)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

It would be nice, especially for a sorcerer. Even with a bolt range mezz, having to stop to cast is a complete pain in the ass. If I am chasing an enemy group then they are probably out of range by the time I have stopped and cast or if I am engaging an incoming enemy group I am usually insta-mezzed/stunned whilst I come to a stop and prepare to cast.

Ah well, it is nowt but a pretty dream. Mythic will never admit that they were wrong to put insta-CC into the game and they will never remove it so there is no use getting yer hopes up.

I do like insta-debuffs though. They are great for pulling and casting at the same time as a root/nuke. It would be a shame if they went. :)


it would overpower the albs though. As mids and hibs would loose insta cc and gain moving casting and albs wouldnt actually loose much and gain moving casting. So far it doesnt look so weird, but albs can do this at a larger range than mids/hibs can and can quickcast their mezz aswell. So if you remove insta's, remove boltrange mezz +quickcastable mezz from sorc ;).
But as said mythic will never remove insta's :)


leave instas in but allow casting on the move...

make a quickcast-like interface for it though as a lot of people use moving to cancel a spell :)

(but no 30s timer on it ... just allow all spells to be move-casted? maybe bump up the resist rate by 5-10%?)


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
It would be nice, especially for a sorcerer. Even with a bolt range mezz, having to stop to cast is a complete pain in the ass. If I am chasing an enemy group then they are probably out of range by the time I have stopped and cast or if I am engaging an incoming enemy group I am usually insta-mezzed/stunned whilst I come to a stop and prepare to cast.

/face = you instantly stop moving :doh:

Kerram Darktyde

Casting while moving is a very bad idea, Would mean casters would own even more than they do now, you could never get away from casters then.

and uniteruptable is an even bigger no no

and what about the Insta Classes like Champions, Skalds Minstrels. What casting time would you put on them?

Casters do horrible damage to all bar the Uber RR guys and the Hibs during BoaD and at scarry speed and range add they can move while casting and QC on 3 attacks too and they would be no point playing anything else than a caster, Assassins would be able to kill one mage then die to any other in group/area

Would you remove the normal QC? else that is 4 QCs in a row which is enough to wipe out 95% of chars in the game if it is PBAE .

Or a Stun then 3 PBAEs

Moving and casting is effectively an Insta so it would not solve anything.
with the casting time replacing the recycle time on instas..

Would just increase the ammount of effective instas in the game and cripple even more the classess that have the Instas as there + point

No easy way of curing RvR to make everyone happy, Collision detect has some big drawbacks too so is not the answer


I would give up a leg for collision detection the way we had it in UO..pre trammel that is


collision detection wont be put in ever :p. As that means a complete redesigning of the game. Pve needs to looked at then as how can you beat epic mobs, if you cant get near him as only 20 people can get close enough (guess:p). So it wont happen in daoc, maybe in the next mmorpg though:).


In UO colission detection did not prevent peopel from hiting past other peopel , you just couldnt run trugh em , would be cool with actualy line of tanks with archers and mages and such in the back..but it never was like in UO to be was mostly running around madly , because you could not stick or face..and trying to trap the opponent :) Sometimes we had big organized fights,,and it was awesome..but mostly it was running around like mad..or trying to stay close enough to heal or get healed ;)

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