Johnny Bravo
Yes those cracy scientists have been at it again and now invented a deeper shade of black cunningly named Super Black 
And so the question to Game is, can we have a Super Black theme for these forums
SCIENTISTS have created a new black which is blacker than the blackest existing black.
And, unsurprisingly, the British researchers have dubbed their discovery . . . Super Black.
The hi-tech chemical coating is less reflective than any other and is up to 25 times darker.
But it is so expensive only the super rich would be able to have it as a fashion accessory.
A coat made from material covered by Super Black would cost £1MILLION.
Its main use is likely to be in space projects because its unique properties make it perfect for the very low temperatures that go with an absence of atmosphere.
Super Black was developed at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, West London.
Senior research scientist Dr Richard Brown said: “This is very exciting. The benefits are enormous.
“Super Black can withstand very low temperatures without cracking.”
The darkness of black is measured by the amount of light it absorbs.
Super Black retains more than any other and is therefore the least reflective surface on Earth.
Manufacturing it is a complicated process involving chemicals that coat objects in a nickel-phosphorous alloy.
That is then dipped in nitric acid to etch on the Super Black covering. In microscopic close-up, the covering has a pitted honeycomb appearance.
Super Black will be used on super-sensitive optical instruments that work best when all stray light is deflected.
Telescopes, like the Hubble, mounted on satellites and space stations would benefit.
Even Britain’s Highways Agency has inquired about using it on the back of road signs.
And so the question to Game is, can we have a Super Black theme for these forums