Suggestions give negative feedback. How come?



I have played DAoC a long time now well since beta.
I see myself as an expirienced player.

I'am a very caring and helpful guy that likes to give decent suggestions to ppl. Some ppl listens and learns about how the game should be played the most effective way, but alot of players don't and reply to you
"Drop it"
"What do you know?"
"No that is not the way it workes" etc etc...

So am thinking is it bad to give suggestion and learn not so skilled players to be more skillful.

Is it irritating or embarrasing to recive a hint or a lesson in how to be more effective when gaming?

How many of you that recently started to play DAoC feel a negative response when getting hints/lessons?

Just a question that runs through my head.



Good question

I agree with you, people don't always like to receive suggestions and obviously there is always the high level person playing their alt that you don't know about.

I guess as well it depends how the advice is given. If it's along the lines of hi guys, you wanna be careful stood there cos that's where the (insert mob name here) top bad guy spawns, then I think most people would gratefully receive it.
If, on the other hand, it's a case of oh n00bs, the (insert mob name here) l33t d00d spawns there and yur gonna die, then most people would be aggrieved I guess ;)

I know what you mean tho, sometimes I do wonder whether or not to say something to someone but if I ever receive advice from someone else, I always politely thank them, even if I know exactly what I'm doing cos I'm playing one of my alts.

Good topic:clap:

Edit: Missed a word out


i wouldnt like to be told how to play the game, even if your intentions are good, i bought the game to play it how i want to, if you told me how to play it then really whats the point in me playing it? its like buying cheat books and walk throughs, whats the point in playing the game if your gonna have one of them infront of you all the time?


P.S. but money is greatly welcomed:m00:

old.Trine Aquavit

Noone likes to be told what to do, but most people are happy to accept advice.

You might be giving all the right information but if you're not careful how you say it can be easy to appear bossy or arrogant.

And make sure to pay attention to what's going on before you offer advice. On a couple of occassions I have been told that I 'need to mez the adds', when that's exactly what I've been trying to do (but failing because of resists, people breaking mez, people peeling mobs off me but then not switching back to main target when they've got aggro). I tend to give such 'advice' short shrift, and I expect others do to.

Of course, even when you're being very softly-softly there are still people who don't want to listen :)



I've had some bad encounters with a few advisors, when i've asked a question, the reply i got was go check out this website...

Yes i've been there and my question was not answered there, and then total silence from the advisor.. twice this has happened, and i think the best way to give help is to be an advisor so people can ask you the questions.

But still i've been given loads of great comments from more experienced player's. And i thank you for that...

If you dont know the answer just say so, i wont think less of you


Originally posted by mili
i wouldnt like to be told how to play the game, even if your intentions are good, i bought the game to play it how i want to, if you told me how to play it then really whats the point in me playing it? its like buying cheat books and walk throughs, whats the point in playing the game if your gonna have one of them infront of you all the time?
P.S. but money is greatly welcomed:m00:

well very true but that was not the point of the post (sorry not flaming) it was a suggestion of advice ie (in char RPG) "you do know that around these parts there is a monster i reckon that he might be coming to this point" means that where your standing is the spawn point of big ugly nasty thing that will squash you to pulp.

hey i would rather live and would take advice from anyone happily what i choose to do with that advice is upto me i can ignore it forget it,

In the case of the above i would run a mile :D

(personel Flame now)
as for your bow i herd that it got debugged :D


I am an advisor on Hib/Pryd, and I'd like to think that I've helped quite a few young eldritches out. The thing is if an enchanter or mentalist asks me questions I'm largely lost, so I do sometimes refer them to websites or to other players.

I don't give advise unless I am asked to non-guildies. Guildies I bug a lot with my advice.


:rolleyes: God you're telling me, he once spent all night telling me how I should spec in void. I wouldn't have minded much except I'm a Hero.....:p

On the subject of advice, I get really, reallly pissed off if I have people who play other classes telling me how to play my class. I have spent many days becoming the Hero I am and don't want a warden for example how to play in a group.

While I was a newbie though, I loved every bit of help I could get. I didn't see it as critiscim but friendly help.

I'd rather have someone tell me to stand somewhere else than a big ass monsters eating me and losing me an hours worth of exp.


When I first started playing this game, about a week after it was launched it was the first time i'd ever played a game like this. I've played D2 which is the closest I've came to playing anything like it. So when I was offered advice I accepted it and took the information on board. Most of it was a great help and i'd like to thank those people but i cant remember there names so instead i'll just say to all of those advisors across the realms and servers keep up the good work, there are people who do listen and will only be to happy to learn something new about the game or there specific class.


Similar to Lianchuta. I'm listed as an advisor and have had all sorts of questions (many not related to my profession). If I can't answer I'll tell them so and suggest they see if there are any high-level players around of their level and try asking them (but don't be too put out if they don't reply as they are playing themselves).

I've lost count of the number of times I've broken off my crafting to show people where the various guilds are, or sat talking someone through how to tradecraft (now thats hardwork !)

If I'm in a group and someone doesn't seem to know what they're doing, then I will suggest the try x or y instead. Outside of a group I'll generally leave people alone unless they specifically ask for help.

Guild chat - non-stop help fests (in both directions)


Re advice

Yep this is what I meant, I don't think Cero meant telling people HOW to play, just passing advice on things like where mobs spawn etc.

I remember once being absolutely infuriated by some level 3 newbie telling me that a highland cleric was not a viable option because the Camelot Vault guide didn't say they were - I mean that's just balls if you excuse my french, because there is no right or wrong way to play Camelot, only each individual's way.
I did have a few words with this extreme irritating ass and wasn't surprised to never see him again in the disguise he was wearing at the time.

The guides are just that, a guide to the way other people have specced their characters. Personally I think there is nothing worse than a set of 20 clones of any particular class all running round being identical.

I love my Highlander cleric and she's got to level 16 without any problems thank you very much ;)


Originally posted by dittytwo

(personel Flame now)
as for your bow i herd that it got debugged :D

i think youve mistaken me for a hunter on migard, or maybe a few hunters on midgard.:m00:


Life lesson number 1:

Never ever give advice unless it is asked for ;)


I remember once being absolutely infuriated by some level 3 newbie telling me that a highland cleric was not a viable option because the Camelot Vault guide didn't say they were

I've had almost exactly the same experience.

I play a Briton Wizard, thats right a Briton!!!

I dont know how many times Ive heard people say that I should be an Avalonian. Fair enough they have better int and yep they are better suited to being a Magic class in general, but I like my Wizard and I'm pretty sure that the fact I have a higher constitution than Avalonian has saved my ass many times.

Back to the subject :

I try to give advice where I can (usually on my jaunts through lowlvlville buffing anything that moves), occasionally I get somebody who seems to resent it, but mostly people thank me and actually ask me more questions.

I 'd rather get flamed by 2 people and have helped 1 person lvl that bit faster than not even have tried at all.


Originally posted by Redox

I try to give advice where I can (usually on my jaunts through lowlvlville buffing anything that moves), occasionally I get somebody who seems to resent it, but mostly people thank me and actually ask me more questions.

I 'd rather get flamed by 2 people and have helped 1 person lvl that bit faster than not even have tried at all.

Aye, its always fun to head down to humberton with a bag full of materials and make anyone who comes near a free weapon of thier choice :)

Or roam around mithra ressing and helping anyone who needs it....although I did get some stick for this the other day, I had been there for over an hour, when I started playing with the forgotten promise, not attacking it, just hiding behind it and stuff.
When some guys goes
"yeah, my lvl 40 alt can do that too"
"What? spend over an hour ressing/helping people in mithra??"
"No, goofing around trying to look good"

Then 5 secs later the guy died :( Shoulda seen the look on my face as I ressed him ;)


Sometimes I give advices in main group chat and sometimes with a /send I think doing it with a /send is best tho.

What really annoys me tho is when I for example play with my scout (lvl 33) and I go down to barrows for example or some other place. I get a group and use my bow (i have full specced bow) and then someone starts complaining and telling me to go into close combat. I tell that my thrust is nowhere near fullspec and i do like 1/4 of the damage i do with the bow with my gladius. My point is don't tell anyone how to play their char especially not when you hardly know anything about the character. If you want to give a friendly advice try using /send.


It's a fine line this, really fine.

As Healer I've had it up to here with comments like "mez the adds" or just "mez" "heal". They are so obvious it's offensive.

I can't deny I've spammed a fair bit of "Don't break mez" though which in all honesty is just as obvious, though if uncareful easily happend.

I try to avoid telling people how to play their class, and keep my given info to mob/area such and advice how to function in the party. As mezzer in heavy BAF area I like to be able to do warmup pulls and train people in what to expect, but sometimes you don't have that chance and have to make sure it will function with MA and mezbreaking from the first pull.

If I absolutely do feel a need to get a stranger to use a class ability I tend to mask the advice/request as something else. "Funny the aggro styles don't seem to be working" :p


I generaly keep quiet on advice unless someone asks for it.

But if I can see a flaw in what someone is doing I offer them a alternative, and do not tell them they are doing it wrong.
Sort of " Why not try < insert solution here> and see how it goes? Never know it may work "

Then walk away, normanly I get a tell saying thanks for the tip.

On being given advice, if a Tank tells me what to do with my runemaster or hunter I listen with one ear and let it go with the other. Unless your of the same class or have alt higher at the same class I will not listen to any advice, because I know what my characters can do. And they do it well.


Well.. I usually think of myself as a person open to them new tricks and big enough ego to not feel bad about listening to someone more experienced than I am. Thinking back on careers of my two skalds, I have twice been seriously pissed at people who were trying to do go about playing the game that obviously just couldn't work and was stupid. In both cases, as a hindsight, I was very very wrong ;))

From the other side of it, giving people unasked advice seems mostly to be an exercise in futility. If they're not searching for the answer, they will not recognize is as a solution to a problem they might not know they have.

Good example: I've been telling people from the very start, every single time they're lost and can't find their bloody way from bloody Vasundheim to bloody Jordheim. There are maps. Honest to god printable maps, readily available on numerous websites. Nah, who needs maps. We rather be lost 90% of the time and bug random people to explain how the hell they started from Galplen to Gna Faste and ended up in bloody Muspelheim. Go figure.



I ask for advice, I welcome advice. I don't presume to know everything there is to know about playing a bard in every possible situation. As a support class, I prefer to be able to provide the kind of support that other members of the group need in any given situation. A lot of them have grouped with bards of a higher level than me, and pass on their observations of good or bad tactics they have noticed. I appreciate all the help and advice I have been given.

I just wish it was easier to find a group these days.


OK, so i'm one of the bad guys :D
If i want someone to do something when they are grouped with me i tend to tell them pretty bluntly.
I'm an experienced player, and i see a lot of higher level players who seem to be completely useless at doing what they are supposed to do. I tell them rejuv clerics not wate mana on smites, i tell the scouts that they shouldn't pull with crit strike, i tell the tanks that they aren't the ones that should be running away fiorst in a fight and that they should be the ones dying to save the rezzers.

And you know what, its all so bloody useless as none of them ever bloody listen :sleeping:


if your in a high risk area dont go anywhere without a friar ;)

I have saved my mates marneus and polemides´arses plenty of time, thanks to the "Friars Boon" its a taunt style nad it hurts bad, I can take aggro of them iwht max 3 hits ;). Now I know you´re gonna say "you cant handle the dmg" and you´re right, but I do have more hp than the almost dead tank, which results in us winning the fight without any loses.......

and about the advice bit, ask away you would have been able to read who to ask in my sig, but some people complained about the size ;) so ask Serashen or Bedwin and if no respons ask any B&Q member if I am online on an alt :)


Originally posted by Bedwin
if your in a high risk area dont go anywhere without a friar ;)

I have saved my mates marneus and polemides´arses plenty of time, thanks to the "Friars Boon" its a taunt style nad it hurts bad, I can take aggro of them iwht max 3 hits ;). Now I know you´re gonna say "you cant handle the dmg" and you´re right, but I do have more hp than the almost dead tank, which results in us winning the fight without any loses.......

and about the advice bit, ask away you would have been able to read who to ask in my sig, but some people complained about the size ;) so ask Serashen or Bedwin and if no respons ask any B&Q member if I am online on an alt :)

I got the same thing with my hunter. And I have also done this trick to save the tank and get agro while the healers heal the tanks, then use a detaunt to move agro back to the tanks.

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