Subtle hinting to archers: Ta mythic


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Has anybody else noticed recently from the Sojourner master level line and the proposed new abilities that the archer's main "improvements" have tended to gear towards... self preservation somewhat? The vast majority of new major archer abilities involve helping the archer run away. No matter which way they present it.... a aoe snare, a non-resisted stun.... All it adds up to in the end is that the archer will get a chance to escape... And that's all they are for. To ensure that the archer doesnt try anything like hurting the enemy, there is a no-attacking-allowed timer on the abilities (except the hunter one, though the enemy can still move towards them and attack).

As a scout, seeing this is somewhat disheartening.. What are Mythic trying to tell the dedicated archers in this game, that their only real chance in combat is to run away, therefore they should give us several ways in which to do it? A single "run away" ability would be great, but now each of the archer classes are stuck with about 3 or 4 ways... Why couldnt we have been given extra utility in terms of actually hurting people, then there wouldn't be a need for such an impressive array of escape-artists tactics. Its all very well being able to run away but I'm pretty sure that archers would like to see something new which DOESN'T involve yet more ways to avoid having to fight, but actually lets us do something negative to an enemy.

This sort of thing, an ability to run away, hardly assists archers in terms of trying to find groups if nothing else. Mythic just seem to have given up on the idea that they can do anything else... Just attack from far away until the enemy is near them, then run away... It doesn't achieve anything.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
un the upside you get DET and some other funky abilities which let you take out say a caster and then use the abilities to escape.
Looks like archers are being geared towards hit and run.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
hehe thats what i thought archers were for anyway :p

(in fact all stealthers :p )


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ATM archers are BB killers or food for assasin zergs.
and assisins travel in large packs it seems :p


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Looks like there taking the game away from the assassins, and giving it to the archers, which is perfectly fine.

from the look of the new RA`s it seems the only assassin that can truely assassinate someone is the SB with there teleport then PA ability which to me sounds great for taking out that annoying caster at the back of a group or ganking that damn cabby/sorc dot`n/mezzing everyone at keeps.

sure the infil one sounds good also although it wont allow the same sort of offense the SB on can be used for.

picture this. you at a keep, you have SL up and you see 2-3 assassins waiting at the access point. up above them is a caster who is causing havok with your group/zerg/what evah. you use your ability, teleport right infront of the caster PA/CD/wtfpwn then leggit it from the persueing zerg.

All the infil one allows you to do is get there and PA. the problem for them will be getting there. Once there they have no problem getting away though.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, what else would you expect from a class that wears pantiehose :eek7:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Whats happening with TS?

I see its passive, and the values seem like a radius. Have they just given archers Dectect Hidden/See Hidden?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jaem- said:
Whats happening with TS?

I see its passive, and the values seem like a radius. Have they just given archers Dectect Hidden/See Hidden?

Looks like True Sight I is similar to detect hidden, TS III is similar to see hidden and TS II is somewhere in between.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
yay - i'm gonna hafta lvl my hunter now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Wij said:
yay - i'm gonna hafta lvl my hunter now :)

Yay everyone reroll to the new FOTM and do all those ML's again! :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I doubt my ranger will run away with this new physical defence RA. A passive +26% melee resists? AND we have IP?? Ooh-kaaaaay :eek7: Archers can make tank quality with stuff like that, assuming it's what you want to do... the only complication is that elemental weapons will need avoidance of magic to resist, but that's ok, we get that too :p Incidentally, archers are the only classes to get both types of passive resists. IP 1 and Purge 1 for 5pts each is pretty nice too.

As far as archers go, we got a bunch of freebies and some really sweet RA's to pick from imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Auriel said:
I doubt my ranger will run away with this new physical defence RA. A passive +26% melee resists? AND we have IP?? Ooh-kaaaaay :eek7: Archers can make tank quality with stuff like that, assuming it's what you want to do... the only complication is that elemental weapons will need avoidance of magic to resist, but that's ok, we get that too :p Incidentally, archers are the only classes to get both types of passive resists. IP 1 and Purge 1 for 5pts each is pretty nice too.

As far as archers go, we got a bunch of freebies and some really sweet RA's to pick from imho.

IP isnt instawin anymore though :) look at the new stages of IP... Its useable more often but not as effective.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
an 80% heal is still nice, sure its a slight nerf, but nothing that bad, 80% can still turn the tide in a fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Healer McHeal said:
an 80% heal is still nice, sure its a slight nerf, but nothing that bad, 80% can still turn the tide in a fight.

yes but look at how expensive it is now :p and if you still have to get first aid 2 then you are looking at a serious points investment, pretty much everything up to rr5.... or more i cant remember atm :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
having played a scout to 38 i think that archers are in need of some kind of boost, moving the RA (think its volley?) to specline will help, also the new scout RA will help a little bit as a last resort "leg it!" tactic, scouts where never group characters, with the toa Sojourner group breating thing we do have bonuses, but we are still essentially solo characters. i think that the new RA system will just enhance us a bit, which in my opinion is long overdue, even if its only self presevation.

in my opinion albions new unique ra's are fairly poop in general when compared to some of the other realm's unique ra's. some are good but most seem a tad boring, hopefully on small recast timers.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
IP on hybrids and ofc also archers now=3+6+14=23 in new frontiers patch 5+10+15=30 ;)

So its cheaper now...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Dracus said:
IP on hybrids and ofc also archers now=3+6+14=23 in new frontiers patch 5+10+15=30 ;)

So its cheaper now...


yea thou ip2 in frontiers its kinda nice 15points, 50% and on 10 min reuse timer.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
anyone thinking of going (or changing to) 50 bow for volley on 15 sec reuse timer?(as well as Penetrating Arrow 3)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Staying 45 bow on Huntress
Staying 36 bow on Scout.

Rather not gimp other stuff for a 15sec load time GTAE shot tbh.

Doubt I'd get chance to shoot it if I don't stealth while loading a shot :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
This thread just proves that nomatter how Mythic tries to improve a class some people will whine about it ;/


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Jaem- said:
Staying 45 bow on Huntress
Staying 36 bow on Scout.

Rather not gimp other stuff for a 15sec load time GTAE shot tbh.

Doubt I'd get chance to shoot it if I don't stealth while loading a shot :p

Its not a 15 second load time, its 15 second re-use timer.

Not suprised u quit playing scout with 36 bow u want shot yourself.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Dukat said:
anyone thinking of going (or changing to) 50 bow for volley on 15 sec reuse timer?(as well as Penetrating Arrow 3)

I will be keeping my 50 bow spec Dukat. once Braggart bow is up to level 10 u can have a nice little leeching ability with volley.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Calaen said:
Its not a 15 second load time, its 15 second re-use timer.

Not suprised u quit playing scout with 36 bow u want shot yourself.

My mistake there, thanks for pointing it out :)

But don't try to guess why, the reason I quit playing it was after 2 weeks of asking people for help with 2 quests 2 arts, I think I had 1 person wanting to come along and help, more of matter of realm helpfullness, then spec issues.

36bow hits roughly same dmg as the huntress (with a .5spd diff on bow spds ofc)

Price for having "average" bow dmg, means I don't miss 24/7 with my sword, making me more average in more lines then going max bow, this makes me more group friendly as I'm more of a lite tank in groups. And missing all the time when forced into melee, which on my huntress, 80% of the time I'm in melee cause I get jumped by the assasin alts that plague all realms.

Shouldn't be a law on how to spec to how I play tbh, so get a clue, not everyone plays standard templates, all doing the same boring things.

My whine is over, back to the topic of the thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Jaem- said:
Staying 45 bow on Huntress
Staying 36 bow on Scout.

Rather not gimp other stuff for a 15sec load time GTAE shot tbh.

Doubt I'd get chance to shoot it if I don't stealth while loading a shot :p

with 45 bow u will get a new ability called sure shotm it gives u chance not been interrupted by melee, range or magic dmg. means that a caster w/o either nearsight (all elds got it, else i dont think u meat a runie or caba with nearsight due to been in sup (yea pbt rox in RvR... not) and in matter line) or amnsia (only on sorc).
means that u can crit shot, normal shot and finish of with RF :) and the caster got 0% chance to win that fight.

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Lejemorder said:
with 45 bow u will get a new ability called sure shotm it gives u chance not been interrupted by melee, range or magic dmg. means that a caster w/o either nearsight (all elds got it, else i dont think u meat a runie or caba with nearsight due to been in sup (yea pbt rox in RvR... not) and in matter line) or amnsia (only on sorc).
means that u can crit shot, normal shot and finish of with RF :) and the caster got 0% chance to win that fight.

I think you need to read it again.
it only stops interupt from missile/magic, does half damage and cannot be used in combination with other archer 'tricks'.

your logic behind the mage 0% chance to win is seriously flawed too, how about if they quickcast stun or mezzfor example, or run out of range.
All this does is give archers another option for what was before often a no-win situation for us.

And unless they fix the general bow problems we have it will just be icing on a cake that is already stale.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Lejemorder said:
with 45 bow u will get a new ability called sure shotm it gives u chance not been interrupted by melee, range or magic dmg. means that a caster w/o either nearsight (all elds got it, else i dont think u meat a runie or caba with nearsight due to been in sup (yea pbt rox in RvR... not) and in matter line) or amnsia (only on sorc).
means that u can crit shot, normal shot and finish of with RF :) and the caster got 0% chance to win that fight.

fyi majority of runies spec at least 11 supp for first nearsight :p

and 6s pbt is quite handy in rvr :p

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