


Just making sure I aint the only 1 who cant renew my sub on goa webbie.

You wud think they wud make this top priority the money grabbing freaks!


I cant either, weird cause im on auto-renew, they say theres a problem, its a Visa payment card so no probs there. Oh well, time to play sommit else :)


I got the same problem with auto-renew.

All I can think is that maybe the details are specific to my VISA card, which could now have expired - only explaination I can think of anyway - but as the card was replaced a long time ago I would have thought this would have cropped up by now!

Hey ho. Just think of the money we are saving ......


Tried renewing subs this morning as I was also on auto renew: Ive tried 3 different Credit Cards + Switch/Solo Cards to pay all I get is "Transaction Refused Contact Your Bank" like wtf is my bank going to do....

On the upside if this stays like this and less cash is being paid they may finally realise they SUCK as a company & maybe they get around to employing some folks that actually know what there doing with secure servers.


Seems so be down every weekend. If they are doing this on purpose it is potentially illegal as they are stopping us from seeing our information that they are storing about us. European law on data protection and storage of data or something


My friend has had her account closed because she can't change to a different card or renew her account : / Let's hope they read this thread and do something about it.


My sub has run out aswell a little while ago. So far we tested five different credit cards..guess what: Everytime we got the "transaction refused" message.
I wonder if those guys at GOA are incompetent by nature of if they had to endure some hard training in order to suck that badly.

See..this sort of thing happens when you let the french win a war ;) (disclaimer: this is not meant to be a racist comment and by no means to be taken seriously)


When have the french ever won a war? :)

Infact the last war the french were 'involved' in they let the Germans right in :).

The french moto isnt 'No retreat, no surrender'


'Surrender, Surrender, Surrender' :)

Btw Im not being racist, my best friend is french, we routinely take the piss out of each other. Though he tends to 'surrender' straight away :)


hmm, my credit card expired, and so my daoc account did too at the end of the month. Had some trouble logging onto the sub page, but once I was in I had no trouble renewing my account with my new CC.... Mastercard btw.


Originally posted by rose
Infact the last war the french were 'involved' in they let the Germans right in :).

Off the top of my head: Korea, Indochina, Suez, Algeria, Irak, Ivory Coast, Chad, Somalia, Afghanistan and probably many more little civil wars that keep popping up all over the place.

and as for "Surrender, surrender, surrender" that's not quite correct. Dien Bien Phu they didn't surrender, infact the paras volunteered to get dropped in, knowing full well they wouldn't make it out alive. Of course they all got slaughtered, and the ones that survived got captured and sent to prison camps where the vast majority died too. Pretty sad part of History for France, pity the US thought they could do better...


Dien Bien Phu's main garrison would be supported by a series of firebases -- strongpoints on nearby hills that could bring down fire on an attacker. The strongpoints were given women's names, supposedly after the mistresses of the French commander, Gen. Christian de Castries. The French assumed any assaults on their heavily fortified positions would fail or be broken up by their artillery.

The size of the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu swelled to somewhere between 13,000 and 16,000 troops by March 1954. About 70 percent of that force was made up of members of the French Foreign Legion, soldiers from French colonies in North Africa, and loyal Vietnamese.

Viet Minh guerrillas and troops from the People's Army of Vietnam surrounded Dien Bien Phu during the buildup within the French garrison. Their assault on March 13 proved almost immediately how vulnerable and flawed the French defenses were.

The French artillery commander, distraught at his inability to bring counterfire on the well-defended and well-camouflaged Viet Minh batteries, went into his dugout and killed himself.

The heavy Viet Minh bombardment also closed Dien Bien Phu's airstrip. French attempts to resupply and reinforce the garrison via parachute were frustrated -- as pilots attempting to fly over the region found themselves facing a barrage from anti-aircraft guns. It was during the resupply effort that two civilian pilots, James McGovern and Wallace Buford, became the first Americans killed in Vietnam combat.

The supply planes were forced to fly higher, and their parachute drops became less accurate. Much of what was intended for the French forces -- including food, ammunition and, in one case, essential intelligence information -- landed instead in Viet Minh territory. Meanwhile, the Viet Minh steadily reduced the French-held area -- using what their commander, Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, called "a tactic of combined nibbling and full-scale attack."

Closed off from the outside world, under constant fire, and flooded by monsoon rains, conditions inside Dien Bien Phu became inhuman. Casualties piled up inside the garrison's hospital.

Dien Bien Phu fell to the Viet Minh on May 7. At least 2,200 members of the French forces died during the siege -- with thousands more taken prisoner. Of the 50,000 or so Vietnamese who besieged the garrison, there were about 23,000 casualties -- including an estimated 8,000 killed.

The fall of Dien Bien Phu shocked France and brought an end to French Indochina.

Next Time Send GOAs Employees, they at least would have driven them Insane.


Anglo-French Wars: a chronological listing

Norman Invasion of England, (1066) -William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and a vassal of the French king, conquered the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of England, and made himself King of England. Resulting from this, the English and French royal families would fight many bloody wars trying to settle who was supposed to rule what. William's family acquired lands throughout France and ruled them as Englishmen, which really upset the French kings. This is a pretty watered-down, basic description of this rivalry, but these two nations have fought many, many wars, and William's conquest of England was the starting point for many of the earlier ones.

Anglo-French War, (1109-1113)

Anglo-French War, (1116-1119)

Anglo-French War, (1123-1135)

Anglo-French War, (1159-1189)

Anglo-French War, (1202-1204)

Anglo-French War, (1213-1214)

Anglo-French War, (1242-1243)

Anglo-French War, (1294-1298)

Anglo-French War, (1300-1303)

The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)-The Hundred Years' War was actually a series of wars between England and France which lasted 116 years. Most historians break this conflict into four distinct wars.

Anglo-French War, (1337-1360)

Anglo-French War, (1369-1373)

Anglo-French War, (1412-1420)

Anglo-French War, (1423-1453)

Anglo-French War, (1475)

Anglo-French War, (1488) -Also known as Henry VII's Invasion of Brittany (a region in NW France).

Anglo-French War, (1489-1492) -Also known as Henry VII's Second Invasion of Brittany.

Anglo-French War, (1510-1513)-Also known as the War of the Holy League, England joined with the Pope, several Italian states, Swiss cantons and Spain against France. King Henry VIII of England won a favorable peace from France after winning the Battle of the Spurs on August 16, 1513. The rest of the Holy League continued fighting France until the Pope Julius II's death, which helped cause the dissolution of the League.

Anglo-French War, (1521-1526)-Henry VIII joined the Hapsburg Empire in a war against France. The war proved unpopular in England and expensive financially, and the King had difficulty raising money from Parliament. After 1523, England did not participate much in the war.

Anglo-French War, (1542-1546)-Henry VIII again joined the Hapsburg Empire in a war against France. The English captured the port of Boulogne and the French had to accept that seizure when the peace treaty was signed. The war cost England two million English pounds.

Anglo-French War, (1549-1550)-French King Henry II declared war with the intention of retaking Boulogne, which fell to him in 1550. This war was preceded by years of border combat short of all-out war.

Anglo-French War, (1557-1560)-England's Queen Mary drew her country into war allied to Spain , whose king was her husband. A very unpopular war with the English people. England lost possession of Calais on the French mainland. When Queen Elizabeth later took the throne, religious and political differences would make England and Spain bitter enemies.

Anglo-French War, (1589-1593)-England was caught up in the great Protestant-Catholic wars sweeping Europe. England sided with Protestant Dutch rebels against Catholic Spain and with the Protestant (Huguenot) French against the Catholic French in the Wars of Religion, a series of French religious civil wars. In 1589, while still fighting Spain after defeating the famous Spanish Armada, Elizabeth sent troops to aid the French Protestants.

Anglo-French War, (1627-1628)-Also known in France as the Third Bearnese Revolt, England came to the aid of Huguenot rebels fighting the French government.

Anglo-French War, (1666-1667)

Anglo-French War, (1689-1697)-Known in Europe as the War of the League of Augsburg AND as the War of the Grand Alliance. In North America the colonial aspect of the conflict was known as King William's War.

Anglo-French War, (1702-1712)-Known in Europe as the War of the Spanish Succession, in North America as Queen Anne's War and in India as the First Carnatic War. This conflict also included the Second Abnaki War. The Abnaki Indian tribe allied itself with the French against the English colonists in North America.

Anglo-French War, (1744-1748)-Known in Europe as the War of the Austrian Succession and in North America as King George's War.

Anglo-French War, (1749-1754)-Known in India as the Second Carnatic War. The British East India Company and its Indian allies battled the French East India Company and its Indian allies.

Anglo-French War, (1755-1763)-Known in Europe as the Seven Years' War and in North America as the French and Indian War. France forever lost possession of Quebec/Canada. In many ways, England's victory set the stage for the American Revolution.

Anglo-French War, (1779-1783)-Also known as the American Revolution. Also involved Spain, the United States and the Netherlands against Britain. Can also be considered as an Anglo-French War, an Anglo-Spanish War and an Anglo-Dutch War.

Wars of the French Revolution, (1792-1802)-The Wars of the French Revolution spanned a decade of great political, social and military change throughout the European continent. After the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, the conservative, monarchical powers of Europe attempted to extinguish the new French Republic and restore the Bourbon Royal Family. When several nations combined against France, the alliances were known as "Coalitions". Thus, this series of wars are known as the Wars of the Coalitions.

Austro-Prussian Invasion of France, (1792)-In support of the deposed, but still living French King Louis XVI, Austria and Prussia invaded France. French Revolutionary armies defeated the Allies at Valmy and Jemappes and conquered Austrian-ruled Belgium. France also defeated Austrian forces in northern Italy, seizing Savoy and Nice. Can also be considered as a Franco-Austrian War and a Franco-Prussian War.

War of the First Coalition, (1792-1798)-Britain, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Russia, Sardinia and Holland combined to fight Revolutionary France. Can also be considered as a Franco-Austrian War , a Franco-Prussian War, a Franco-Dutch War , a Franco-Russian War, Anglo-French War, and a Franco-Sardinian War. Russia left the Coalition in 1794 to deal with troubles in Poland. French victories forced Holland, also known then as the Batavian Republic, to leave the Coalition in 1795. Prussia and Spain made peace with France in 1795 and Austria signed the Treaty of Campo-Formio in 1798, surrendering the Austrian Netherlands (now Belgium) to France.

This war included the battles of Neerwinden, Mainz, Kaiserlautern (early Allied victories). Later, as the Revolutionary government organized the populace and fielded huge "citizen armies" commanded by brilliant young generals like Napoleon Bonaparte, the French won many battlefield victories.

War of the Second Coalition, (1798-1801)-Britain, Austria, Russia, Portugal, Naples and the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) combined to fight Revolutionary France. Spain later joined France against Portugal. Can also be considered as a Franco-Austrian War , a Franco-Russian War, a Anglo-French War, a Franco-Turkish War, a Franco-Neapolitian War , a Franco-Portuguese War and a Franco-Russian War. This alliance against France formed to counter French moves in Italy; formation of the Roman, Ligurian, Cisalpine and Helvetic Republics in Switzerland and Italy, and the deposition of Papal rule in Rome. Naples was conquered by the French in early 1799 and declared to be the new Parthenopean Republic. After the Coalition war began, France intervened in an internal revolt in the Swiss Confederation. The Swiss Revolt of 1798, (1798) ended with the Swiss Confederation dissolved and the Helvetic Republic in its place. Throughout the rest of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, the Swiss were effectively under French rule with an army of occupation in place. Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Turkish Egypt and won the Battle of the Pyramids, continuing his march into what is now Israel and Lebanon. British Admiral Horatio Nelson wiped out the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. Due to French victories on land against both Turkish and British troops, the Ottoman Empire made peace with France at the Convention of El-Arish in 1800. Part of this Coalition war is the so-called War of the Oranges (1801), in which France and Spain invaded Portugal. France sought to end Portugal's trade with Britain, and Spain sought Portuguese territory. In the Peace of Badajoz, Portugal promised to end trade with Britain, give land to Spain, and part of Brazil to France. This "Brazilian" land is the modern-day French Guiana.

This war included the battles of Cassano, Tribbia River and Novi (early Allied victories). Following Russian withdrawal from the war due to quarrels with Austria, the French under First Consul Bonaparte won the Battle of Marengo in 1800. The Coalition collapsed after Austria lost the Battle of Hohenlinden in December, 1800 and signed the Peace of Luneville in February, 1801.

Now we know why the French have unleashed GOA on us, there still pissed at us but then again when were they not.

Disclaimer: Not meant to offend anyone nore am I a Xenophobe, but history is fact so if thats offensive, tough: o_O


If I remember correctly, many Visa cards (and Amex) now insist on the quoting of a security number printed on the back of the card. Since the GOA webby doesn't request, not have a space for, that info, thats probably why the cards are failing?

Not sure, I tend to use my Mastercard for game subscriptions, or my Cahoot visa which doesn't seem to require this info (good job really since the number has been indelible for some time now!)


French prieure de sion only sensible thing they thought of since 1099


I renewed my subscription the 3 or 4th, just a few days ago, without any problems.


yep same here did it on the third of october with my mastercard no probs what so ever.


the only thing the french are good for is showing the enemy how to surrender! muahahahahah!


Originally posted by drevner
the only thing the french are good for is showing the enemy how to surrender! muahahahahah!

yeah, say "thank you" to the americans for stopping germany invading England. Without the USA and the Russia, you would be a german island today.

England wins all the wars but lose its oversea territories (India, Africa counrties, North America) ? Find the mistake ... ;)


Originally posted by vulcan1
Now we know why the French have unleashed GOA on us, there still pissed at us but then again when were they not.

Do you read what you copy/paste ?


ning bush might here you and think he's big and tuff..and he'll send in arny and the nra to deal with us...<gulps>


Originally posted by ning
Do you read what you copy/paste ?

Well considering I was making a toungue in cheek generalisation theres always someone who wants to take it further Soooo to answer your question fully.............

ofc I do its also what I do I studied history in all forms & and make a dam good living from Antiquities shipped to the US/Japan & Australia.

Now heres one that isnt copy/paste but is as the others above FACT:

Marshal Petain:
In June 1940, after France surrendered to Germany the French General (Petain) predicted "In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken"

Britain carried on fighting alone, liberated France & defeated the Nazi's. In December 1941 Winston Churchill remarked
"Some Chicken Some Neck"

As for the US getting involved they didnt come into it untill 1941 Britain had been at it for 2 years previous to that: The US or Russia didn stop Germany, Germany beat herself not the US not Russia.

Russians had been funded by the US to the tune of Billions of $$$ to power there war effort, had germany not been so focused on the eastern front and russia, they could hev commited more military power towards britain, and africa. had we not been fighting in africa, and britain been able to hold off the germans for so long, hitler could have focused his entire military machine on russia and likely overrun them eventually. and germany's defeat in russia seemed to be a combination of things: first: weather. the winter in that part of the globe is horrendous and a logistical nightmare. second: treating the people of eastern europe and russia (esp. slavs) as subhuman and killing them on sight likely turned many against germany that may not have liked russia. third: other fronts. because hitler was in a multi front war, he couldn't focus all his might in one place. had hitler only focused on russia, he may have been able to defeat them eventually.

So in effect Hitler beat himself, not the US not Russsia but simple truth is Britain would never & will never be an Island belonging to anyone else, history has proved that time and time again.

Losing territories?? naw bud we gave em back there Independance like France we found they were too much hassle :p


I'd have to agree with Vulcan on his above post in regards to Hitler destroying Germany himself. For example, at the start of the Battle of Britain, he concentrated his attacks on British military targets (mainly airfields) and was very successful. The RAF was on the brink of total anhilation at this point. Then the allies decided to bomb Berlin (I think it was Berlin, but anyway it was a big city) and Hitler in revenge, decided to bomb London. The problem (for him) is that he continued to bomb cities and gave time for the RAF to reform, fix their destroyed airbases etc and in the end defeate the Germans.

As for saying "who would have won if the US/Russia/some other country hasdn't joined - well it's impossible to say. It's like saying "What would have happened if the Nazi's had developed nukes first?" - We don't know, and can't know for sure as it didn't happen. We can make educated guesses but that's it.


Having the "opposite" experience myself.

Terminated my account and recieved a confirmation letter from goa 22.09.03.

However they have just withdrawn 12 euros from my bank account for next month subscription :(

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