my mate is saying you can get new sub passes.. true? cba to check myself :P
G Galiryn Guest Nov 19, 2003 #1 my mate is saying you can get new sub passes.. true? cba to check myself
D Draylor Guest Nov 19, 2003 Thread starter #2 You can have the old password sent to the email address your account is registered to incase you forgot the password. Still cant be changed AFAIK
You can have the old password sent to the email address your account is registered to incase you forgot the password. Still cant be changed AFAIK
D Draylor Guest Nov 19, 2003 Thread starter #4 No doubt being able to change those will cause as many problems as it solves
T Telamon Guest Nov 20, 2003 Thread starter #6 LOL GOA made the impossible possible. Now you can change PWD's .. oooooooooooooooooooooh.. guess that's why they had to take the english servers down for a couple of days. .. Major hardware emergency thing I smell here. Prolly too many peepz changed their subs at the *SAME* time .. practically OUGHT to grill the system. Poor chaps.
LOL GOA made the impossible possible. Now you can change PWD's .. oooooooooooooooooooooh.. guess that's why they had to take the english servers down for a couple of days. .. Major hardware emergency thing I smell here. Prolly too many peepz changed their subs at the *SAME* time .. practically OUGHT to grill the system. Poor chaps.
S soullessminion Guest Nov 20, 2003 Thread starter #7 how you change sub pass? i see the get new game pass part but not change sub ? Nm just changed game pass, seems it auto changes subs pass too now
how you change sub pass? i see the get new game pass part but not change sub ? Nm just changed game pass, seems it auto changes subs pass too now
A aucard Guest Nov 20, 2003 Thread starter #8 Got new Gamepassword AND subpassword when i clicked on "get new game password" on all my 3 acc's
P PJS Guest Nov 21, 2003 Thread starter #9 So they are making account trading safer? Must be worried about falling playerbase or something. What happened to the "it will be a cold day in hell before anyone gets a subs password changed" stance?
So they are making account trading safer? Must be worried about falling playerbase or something. What happened to the "it will be a cold day in hell before anyone gets a subs password changed" stance?