Sub, Faded, you make me laugh ;)



Just a lil thing that made me laugh earlier :) Came back from wandering around in emain, went to look for albs, checked in the MFG room, and Sub was sat there, he saw me, hit me once, i tried to jump out of a window, but he killed me and i fell down (Sub killed me, the fall from a milegate never hurts me). About 1 minute later i heard a whack, another whack, and I saw Fadeds body falling :) He did EXACTLY the same thing that I did, what are they chances eh? ;) :) Thanks guys for the laugh, even if I had to die hehe ;) Sub, do you get many rp's doing that ;)


hehe sometimes I do Aeiedil, but it ususally ends up with I kill a few, 2-6 ppl, then they call for backup and 4-6 ppl come to whack me ;>

A little later on after I did that, I destealthed some bluecon lurikeen ranger just outside, 1 whack, then he speedbursted out of the edge, and died like a bullet falling to the ground, I think he came pretty far away from the mfg before he hit the ground tho ;>

I had a pretty damn good laugh a few days ago too, I was sitting in there, wasnt paying attention to the doors, first Mad(I think it was mallus playing Mad at that time being) came and tried to kill me, and he died, around 30 sec later, an infil did the same attempt, cant remember if it was faded, I think it was.. I had my share of fun there ;)

Just like yesterday when a greycon came and tried to backstab a healer who had just rezzed me, I 1shotted him with res illness and no endurance, so that means he was ultra low lvl (around 300 dmg was enough), I couldnt stop laugh it was so great ;) I love those ^^


hehe know what ya mean sub, it's cool to just hit autoattack and oneshot greys trying to keel our healers and watch'em fly away (dead of course). ^^



Good to see someone not taking RvR so serious

:clap: :clap: :clap:


All i can say to sub is ouch :)

lol, i seen u Aeiedil, wasnt sure if you did the same thing as me or not, it looked like you did :p Oh well, not so great minds think alike :cool:


hehe sub i was the one flying of the mfg. Not the smartest move ive made :)


some deaths annoy me, but some make me laugh :) like when greens gank me and laugh like they think they could have done it if i hadnt wanted to die ;) (uppland yesterday, got bored so tried to take the whole group in general melee hehe)

ah well :) pointless deaths annoy me, but a death like that was a nice change ;)


Hehe…I know pointless…like seeing a tiny Lurk stealthing around in Hibvalley after some Mids just bashed the shit out of some Hibs there. Then I decide to attack the little bugger with my big 2H sword thinking that he will be unstealthed and I would get some help, but no. That little Lurk cut me to pieces and I’m thinking God I can’t wait to get my l.axe to 34 and no Lurk will ever do that. That was you Aeiedil.

I regret failing to kill Faded inside alb mg some time ago too. I got in my perf for some 384, but did he stay to fight…you guessed right…no he didn’t. Then he used a green caster for bait. I knew that, but I just had to go in…just had to. Later that same evening I kill a yellow warrior type alb on the same spot twice ( in shiny armour ), and I see Faded again. What do I do…you guessed it…I just had to go in to find him…just had to, but I he killed me again. Well not entirely true Suka blew me to bits, but Faded would have beat me to the ground without help.

Only wish I could get in my perf on you guys and nail you…


glad to be of service Runolas

something you should know about me and shadowblades, ive been 1-shotted twice by them (Creep in 'fair game', Anubis when i was resting after res)

from then in i havent been pa'd yet ;) id rather not take the risk :) plus i rip many assasains to shreds heh :D

assasain killing is my main reason of being an assasain ;)


Runolas, that green caster "bait" was my brother lol :p

At last a use for him.

Ya very nice pa you had on me while i was running, it was class, pitty i was to close to pk.


All assassins are RP cows anyways , until See Hidden realm ability :)

Aint that right faded? :)
I aquire ur 500 or s RP quite alot ;P~~


Originally posted by trip
hehe sub i was the one flying of the mfg. Not the smartest move ive made :)

haha ok mate ;) It sure looked cool from my pow =P
U would've gotten away if it wasnt because I was upstairs at the mfg, one of the main reasons why I go there when solo.. so the damn stealthers cant run :p


Originally posted by Faded
Runolas, that green caster "bait" was my brother lol :p

At last a use for him.

Ya very nice pa you had on me while i was running, it was class, pitty i was to close to pk.

Well it was not perfect, because I should have used snare not dot, and had I known that your brother was coning green (didn’t have the time to look…hehe) I might have followed you…

There was a lvl 40 Hunter hiding in the woods that saw our encounter so he would have stepped in…I think…hehe

Btw I think it was Baker that I killed twice after a running PA…:p


I aquire ur 500 or s RP quite alot ;P~~

Noblypride, leave me alone you basterd :(

Wait about 2 years, when ive lvled, and you dont con red and we will see who owns who (probally still you but :p ).


Faded, i propose a temporary alliance between shades and infs to kill Xana a few times ;) heh :D

but anyway, Faded, when i find you im coming for you :)

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